Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya

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07-03-2025 Result Notification :- LLM 3rd Sem. Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
06-03-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 3rd Sem. Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
05-03-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., LLB 1st Sem., LLM 1st Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
28-02-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.2019/2020/2024):- B.A. Part-01, 03, M.A. Sociology (Final), B.Sc. Part-01, 02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga Education & Philosophy 2nd Sem., B.C.A. Part-01 Examinations
04-03-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi 1st Sem., LLM 2nd Sem. ATKT Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
25-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany 1st Sem., M.Com. 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
22-02-2025 Admit Card :- Annual Exam 2025
21-02-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Supple.-2024) :-B.A. Part-01, 02 Examinations
21-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
20-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.Com. 1st Sem., BBA 5th Sem., LLb 2nd and 4th Sem. (ATKT) Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
18-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Zoology 1st and 3rd Sem., M.A. Political Science 1st Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
17-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. History 1st and 3rd Sem., M.A. Geography 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
14-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. I.T. 1st Sem., M.A. Political Science 3rd Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem., M.A. Economics 1st and 3rd Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
14-02-2025 Result Notification (Annual/Supple.-2021/2022/2024) :- B.Sc. Part-01, 03, B.A. Part-01, B.C.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03 Examinations
14-02-2025 Merit List :- Session 2023-24
12-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. English 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. I.T. 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
10-02-2025 Result Notification :-LLB 6th Sem. (ATKT) Examination Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
10-02-2025 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025 प्रायोगिक एवं आंतरिक परीक्षा के संदर्भ में आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश विषयक
07-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
07-02-2025 Time Table :- Semester Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25 (Sports Students)
05-02-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supp-2018/2022/2023/2024):- B.Com. Part-02, 03, B.Sc. Part-01, M.A. Home Science 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, Examinations
04-02-2025 Time Table :- Annual Examination 2025
04-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography 1st Sem., M.Lib. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 1st and 3rd Sem., M.A. Psychology 1st and 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
03-02-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st Sem., M.S.W. 1st and 3rd Sem., B.P.Ed. 1st and 3rd Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
31-01-2025 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
31-01-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2018/2022/2024):- BBA 6th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-02, 03 Examinations
30-01-2025 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science - Food Science and Nutrition 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
30-01-2025 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science - Human Development 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science - Textile and Clothing 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
28-01-2025 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy 1st Semester and PGDCA 1st Semester Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Assistant Professors) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Sports Officers) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Librarian) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Associate Professors) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Assistant Professors-Education) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Professors) as on 01-01-2025
28-01-2025 Final Seniority List (Principals) as on 01-01-2025
27-01-2025 Result Notification :- D.C.A. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
24-01-2025 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
23-01-2025 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
23-01-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem/ATKT/Supple.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- B.Ed. 1st/2nd/4th Sem., B.A. Part-01/02/03, B.Sc. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, 02, M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.C.A. Part-01, Examinations
22-01-2025 Time Table :- B.Ed. 1st Sem. Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
17-01-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Revaluation/Supple.-2023/2024):-B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03, M.A. Sociology (Previous and Final), M.A. History (Final) M.A. Geography (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) Examinations
10-01-2025 Enrollment Form :- B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Ed./UG-2nd and 3rd Year Students (Session 2024-25)
09-01-2025 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./ATKT-2020,2023,2024) :- B.A. Part-03, M.A. Economics 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem., B.B.A. 2nd and 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem.,, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. CS 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., LLB 4th and 6th Sem., BBA 5th Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Biotech 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 3rd Sem., M.a. Sociology 1st , M.A. Geography 3rd Sem., Examinations
08-01-2025 Admit Card :- Semester Examination (NEP) 2025
08-01-2025 संग्रहण केंद्र निर्धारण विषयक (NEP semester Exam.) 2025
03-01-2025 अधिसूचना :- स्वाध्यायी (Private) विद्यार्थी हेतु स्वशासी महाविद्यालय (शास.वि.या.ताम.स्व. स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, दुर्ग तथा शास.दिग्विजय महाविद्यालय राजनांदगाँव) के पोर्टल प्रारंभ किये जाने विषयक |)
03-01-2025 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम निरस्त करने विषयक |
03-01-2025 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.एससी. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (NEP) के अंतर्गत (Industrial Chemistry) की परीक्षा तिथि में परिवर्तन विषयक |
02-01-2025 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem./Suppl.-2020-2021-2023):- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01, B.Ed. 4th Sem. M.A. Sociology Previous, M.A. Sanskrit Final, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., Examinations
31-12-2024 Time Table :- NEP (B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.Sc. Home Science/B.C.A./B.B.A.) 1st Semester Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
24-12-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Revaluation-2018/2022/2023/2024):- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. B.Ed. Part-03, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, LLB 5th Sem., B.Sc. Part-02, B.A. Part-01, 02 Examinations
24-12-2024 Notification :- B.Ed. 1st Sem. (Regular/Ex./ATKT) Exam. Form (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
23-12-2024 NEP के अंतर्गत (स्नातक प्रथम सेमेस्टर ) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म एक दिवस हेतु पुनः खोले जाने विषयक
23-12-2024 Notification :- Annual Examination (March-April) Form-2025
23-12-2024 Centre List :- Annual Examination 2025
20-12-2024 Notification :- Grade Point Correction (PGDCA 2nd Semester Exam. 2018)
16-12-2024 Admit Card :- Semester Exam. (Non NEP) Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
09-12-2024 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा सञ्चालन हेतु निर्देश (सत्र 2024-25) वार्षिक/सेमेस्टर/पूरक परीक्षा
11-12-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023):- M.com. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology (Final) M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., B.C.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-02, B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 Examinations
10-12-2024 Revised Time Table :- LLM 2nd Sem. (ATKT) Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
09-12-2024 Revised Time Table :- LLB 2nd Sem. (ATKT) Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
09-12-2024 Exam Centre (Revised) :- NEP Semester Exam 2024-25
09-12-2024 Syllabus :- LLB (Semester Pattern From 2024-25)
07-12-2024 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part-01, M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. English (Final) M.A. Sociology (Previous) Examinations Annual Exam 2024
05-12-2024 नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक (NEP) 2024-25
03-12-2024 Time Table :- Semester Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2024-25
03-12-2024 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए.बी.एड. हेतु नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
02-12-2024 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (2024-25) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन पोर्टल पुनः 02 दिवस के लिए खोले जाने विषयक |
28-11-2024 अधिसूचना :- राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति के अंतर्गत शामिल पाठ्यक्रमो (बी.ए./बी.कॉम./बी.एससी./बी.एससी.गृहविज्ञान/बी.सी.ए./बी.बी.ए. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (2024-25) नियमित/प्राइवेट) परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भराए जाने विषयक |
28-11-2024 Exam Centre :- NEP 1st Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2024-25)
27-11-2024 Result Notification (Re-total) :- BA Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Com. Part-01, 02, 03, BCA Part-01, 02 Supplementary Exam-2024
22-11-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) M.Com. Final, Annual Exam-2024
22-11-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- BBA 4th and 6th Sem. Examination May-June 2024
20-11-2024 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- MA Hindi (Final) MA History 4th Sem., BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, 01, MA Hindi 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Home Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. Examinations
19-11-2024 Result Notification :- B.B.A. 2nd Sem. (Re-Revaluation) May-June 2024
13-11-2024 Result Notification :- M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Part-01, Supplementary Exam-2024
11-11-2024 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.एस.सी भाग -02, देवी प्रसाद चौबे महाविद्यालय, साजा जिला बेमेतरा (खुशी)
08-11-2024 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2024-25)
08-11-2024 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (प्रथम/तृतीय/पंचम) एवं एलएलबी/एलएलएम (द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम-ATKT) सत्र 2024-25 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भराए जाने विषयक |
08-11-2024 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए.बी.एड. में नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक |
05-11-2024 अधिसूचना :- प्राइवेट/स्वाध्यायी छात्रों हेतु पंजीयन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
05-11-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.C.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, 03, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, Supplementary Exam.-2024
04-11-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01, Supplementary Exam.-2024
30-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part 01, Supplementary Exam 2024
29-10-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Sem.-2020/2021/2022/2023) :- M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. Examinations
28-10-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- LLB 2nd/4th/6th Sem., Exam. May-June 2024
28-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02, Supplementary Exam.-2024
26-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-01, Supplementary Exam.-2024
25-10-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Ex./Revaluation-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022)- LLB 5th/6th Sem., PGDCA, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-03, M.Lib. 2nd Sem., Examinations
18-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, Supplementary Exam 2024
17-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-02 and B.Sc. Home Science Part-02, Supplementary Exam.-2024
16-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01, Supplementary Exam. 2024
16-10-2024 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक (सत्र 2024-25)
15-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.com. Part-02, Supplementary Exam 2024
15-10-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. English (Final) Annual Exam-2024
11-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-03 (Supplementary Exam. 2024)
10-10-2024 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem./Supple./ATKT-2018/2019/2020/2021/2023):-B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.A. Economics Final, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Ed. 2nd/3rd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology/Maths 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. Examinations
10-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-01, Supplementary Exam.-2024
10-10-2024 महाराजा सुहेल देव राज्य विश्वविद्यालय, आजमगढ़ (उ.प्र.), मां शाकुम्भरी विश्वविद्यालय सहारनपुर (उ.प्र.), चौधरी चरण सिंह विश्वविद्यालय मेरठ (उ.प्र.) एवं बुंदेलखंड विश्वविद्यालय झांसी (उ.प्र.) में कुलपति पद पर नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन |
09-10-2024 Result Notification :-B. Com. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam.-2024)
08-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03, B.A. B.Ed. Part-03 and 04, Supplementary Exam. 2024
08-10-2024 संशोधित अध्यादेश क्रमांक 45 (Doctor of Philosophy)
07-10-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-03, Supplementary Exam 2024
07-10-2024 अधिसूचना :- "स्वाध्यायी विद्यार्थी नीति 2024" के अंतर्गत बी.ए./बी.एससी./बी.कॉम. (Private) प्रथम सेमेस्टर हेतु पंजीयन फॉर्म (सत्र 2024-25)
04-10-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :-M.A. English (Previous and Final) M.A. Hindi Final, Examination 2024
04-10-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.B.A. 2nd/4th/6th Sem. Exam.- May-June 2024
04-10-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Sociology/Political Science (Previous/Final) M.Com. Previous, M.A. Geography Final, Examination 2024
04-10-2024 संशोधित परीक्षा परिणाम :- बी.ए. भाग 03, (प्रभा साहू) वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023
04-10-2024 पी -एच.डी. प्रवेश सत्र 2023 -24 के अंतर्गत प्रवेशित शोद्यार्थियों के नामांकन पत्र वितरण सम्बंधित सूचना।
30-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-Total) :- M.A. Hindi/English/Political Science/Economics/Geography/Sociology/History (Previous and Final) M.Sc. Mathematics Previous and Final, M.A. Sanskrit Final, M. Com. Previous and Final Annual Examinations 2024
27-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Hindi/Sociology Previous, M.A. Sanskrit/Political Final, M.Sc. Mathematics Previous and Final, Annual Exam.-2024
27-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part-03, Annual Exam-2024
27-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Exam.-2024
26-09-2024 Result Notification (Division Improvement) :- M. Com. (Previous and Final) Annual Exam 2024
26-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.A. Part-01, Annual Exam 2024
25-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Economics/History/Geography/ Previous and Final, M.A. Political Science (Previous) M.A. Sociology (Final) (Annual Examination 2024)
25-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 2nd/4th/6th Sem. May-June 2024
25-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam.-2024
24-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M. Com. Previous and Final (Annual Exam 2024)
24-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-Total) :- LLB 2nd/4th/6th, LLM 2nd Sem., LLB 1st/3rd/5th ATKT, BBA 2nd/4th/6th Sem., M.Com. 2nd/4th Sem., M.Lib./B.P.Ed./PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi/English/History/Sociology 2nd/4th M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. Psychology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Physics/Botany/Computer Science 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology/Microbiology/Biotechnology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics/Chemistry 2nd/4th Sem., Examinations May-June 2024
24-09-2024 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक (सत्र 2024-25)
24-09-2024 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2024 की समय सारणी में संशोधन करने विषयक (बी.ए./बी.ए.बी.एड. भाग 02)
20-09-2024 प्रायोगिक पूरक परीक्षा - 2023-24 के संबंध मे दिशा निर्देश
09-09-2024 पूरक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण केंद्र का निर्धारण
20-09-2024 Time Table :- Supplementary Examination 2024 (B.Sc./B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Sc. Home Science Part-01, B.A./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, 02, M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Part-01))
20-09-2024 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक (B.Sc./B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Sc. Home Science Part-01, B.A./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, 02))
20-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Exam.-2024
19-09-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./ATKT-2019/2020/2021/2023):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.A. English 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-01 Examinations
18-09-2024 अधिसूचना :- एक सत्र में दो पाठ्यक्रम करने वाले परीक्षार्थियों के परीक्षा परिणाम निरस्त करने विषयक |
20-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-total) :- B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Exam. 2024
17-09-2024 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि (दिनांक 30-09-24 तक) किये जाने विषयक |
17-09-2024 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- B.A. Part-01, B.A. Additional Part-01, 02, Annual Exam.-2024
14-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.A. Part-02, Annual Exam. 2024
14-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A. Part-01, Annual Exam.-2024
12-09-2024 हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग में कुलपति पद पर नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन |
12-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- LLB 2nd/4th/6th Sem. May-June 2024
12-09-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2019/2021/2022/2023):- M.A. Sociology Final, M.com. Final, B.Ed. 4th Sem., LLB. 3rd Sem., B.A. Part-02, LLb 4th & 5th Sem., B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, M.Com. 4th Sem., Examination
11-09-2024 पी.एच.डी. नामांकन संबंधित जानकारी विषयक।
10-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Sc. Part-02, Annual Exam 2024
09-09-2024 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.A. Part-02, Annual Exam 2024
09-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam. 2024
06-09-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.A. Part 02, Annual Exam. 2024
28-08-2024 Admit Card :- Supplementary Exam 2024
31-08-2024 सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश लिए जाने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
29-08-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Sc. Part-03, annual Exam 2024
29-08-2024 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- B.Sc. Part-02 and B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam 2024
29-08-2024 बी.एससी./बी.एससी. गृह विज्ञान/बी.एससी.बी.एड. भाग-02/03/04 तथा बी.ए./ बी.ए. बी.एड. भाग 03, 04 की पूरक परीक्षा - 2024 हेतु समय सारणी।
28-08-2024 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
28-08-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LLB 2nd/4th/6th Sem. May-June 2024
27-08-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem/Supple. 2018/2019/2020/2022/2023) :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-02, DCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem. PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem. M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science 4th Sem., Examinations
24-08-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part-02, B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam 2024
24-08-2024 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.com. Part-01, 02, 03 Annual Exam 2024
23-08-2024 Result Notification (Re-total) :- B.Sc. part 03, B.Sc. B. Ed. Part 01, 02 Annual Exam 2024
23-08-2024 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन आवेदन फॉर्म (सत्र 2024-25)
22-08-2024 समय सारणी :- पूरक परीक्षा 2024 (बी.कॉम. एवं बी.सी.ए.)
16-08-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple. 2018/2019/2020/2022/2023) :- M.Com. Final, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.com. Part-01, B.C.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examinations
14-08-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part 03, Annual Exam 2024
10-08-2024 Centre List :- Supplementary Examination 2024
08-08-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- M.A. Sociology Final, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. Examinations
08-08-2024 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक।
07-08-2024 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु आवेदन फॉर्म
02-08-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2021/2023)-M.A. Hindi Final, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. CS 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.A. History Final, M.A. Geography Final Examinations
01-08-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02, 03, Annual Exam 2024
01-08-2024 Notification :- Ph.D. Enrollment Form (Session 2023-24)
01-08-2024 सत्र 2024-25 में प्रवेशित विद्यार्थियों के GE एवं VAC के चयन एवं प्रवेश आवेदन ऑनलाइन माध्यम से वेरीफाई करने विषयक |
30-07-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.com. 2nd and 4th Sem., BBA 2nd/4th/6th Sem., M.A. History 2nd, M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., LLB 2nd/6th Sem., DCA/PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. PG Diploma in Yoga 2nd Sem. Examinations
29-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
26-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th sem. Exam may June 2024
26-07-2024 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत स्नातक (प्रथम सेमेस्टर) में प्रवेश हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.P.Ed. (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- D.C.A. (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Sociology (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Sanskrit (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Psychology (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Political Science (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Public Administration (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. History (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Hindi (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Geography (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. English (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. A. Economics (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M. Com. (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Zoology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Sociology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.S.W. (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Psychology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Political Science (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Physics (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Microbiology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc./M.A. Mathematics (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Home Science (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Home Science (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. History (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Hindi (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. English (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.A. Economics (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- PGDCA (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Information Technology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Computer Science (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Com. (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Chemistry (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Botany (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
26-07-2024 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Biotechnology (Semester Pattern) From Session 2024-25
23-07-2024 Result Notification (Retotaling) :-B.Ed. 2nd and 4th Sem., M.Ed. 2nd and 4th Sem., Exam. May-June 2024
22-07-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2022/2023):-B.A. Part-03, B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science, M.A. Geography (Final), B.Sc. Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, M.Com. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. Exam.
22-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
22-07-2024 बाँदा कृषि एवं प्रोद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय, बाँदा (उ.प्र.) के कुलपति के पद पर नियुक्ति हेतु आवेदन |
20-07-2024 Result Notification :- D.C.A. 2nd Sem. Exam May-June 2024
20-07-2024 Result Notification :-LLB 2nd Sem., LLb 4th Sem., LLB 1st, 3rd, 5th (ATKT) Exam. May-June 2024
19-07-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01, 02, 03 Annual Exam. 2024
19-07-2024 Result Notification :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., May-June 2024
18-07-2024 अधिसूचना :- एल.एल.एम. प्रथम सेमेस्टर में प्रवेश (सत्र 2024-25) लिए जाने विषयक |
18-07-2024 Result Notification :- LLB 6th Sem., LLM 1st and 3rd Sem. (ATKT), B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
16-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.A Economics, Hindi, Sociology 2nd and 4th sem., M.A. Geography and Psychology 2nd sem. Exam. may June 2024
16-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd and 4th Sem. M.Sc. Zoology 2nd and 4th Sem., PG dioloma in yoga 2nd sem. Exam May June 2024
15-07-2024 Result Notification :- LLM 2nd and 4th Sem., M.A. English 2nd and 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
13-07-2024 Structure of Four Year UG Program - NEP 2020 "Bachelor of Commerce"
13-07-2024 NEP 2020 :- Pool of Generic Elective (GE) and Value Addition Course (VAC) List
13-07-2024 Ordinance 205 :- Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUP) For All Colleges affiliated to University as per NEP 2020.
12-07-2024 Ordinance 144 :- Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUP) For Autonomous Colleges affiliated to University.
12-07-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B. Com. Part-03, Annual Exam.-2024
12-07-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.A. Additional Part-02, Annual Exam. 2024
11-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. History 2nd and 4th sem. M.Com. 2nd Sem. M.Lib. 2nd Sem. M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
11-07-2024 Result Notification (Retotal) :- B.Com. Part -01, 02, 03, Annual Exam. 2024
11-07-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part 02, annual exam 2024
08-07-2024 "मुख्यमंत्री निर्माण श्रमिकों के बच्चों हेतु निःशुल्क कोचिंग सहायता योजना विषयक"
09-07-2024 Result Notification :- BBA 2nd and 4th sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd and 4th sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd and 4th Sem., Exam May-June 2024
08-07-2024 Result Notification :- B.B.A. 6th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd and 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
06-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Political Science 2nd and 4th sem. Exam. May-June 2024
05-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography 4th sem. And M.Sc. IT 2nd sem. Exam. May June 2024
03-07-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) B.com. Part-03, Annual Exam.-2024
03-07-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Psychology (Final) Annual Exam 2024
03-07-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd sem., M.A. Psychology 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
03-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
03-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.C.A. Part-02 (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
03-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02 (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
03-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
03-07-2024 Syllabus :- B.A. Part-02 (Annual Pattern) From Session 2024-25
29-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 2nd and 4th sem. Exam may-June 2024
27-06-2024 सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश लिए जाने की तिथि में संशोधन किये जाने विषयक |
26-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2024)
25-06-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- B.Lib., Annual exam. 2024
25-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Part 01, Annual Exam. 2024
24-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., Examination (May-June 2024)
21-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Additional Part 01, 02, 03, Annual Exam. 2024
20-06-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.):-B.Sc. Part-02, 03 Annual Exam. 2024
19-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 and 03, Annual Exam.-2024
18-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (HD, FN, TC) 2nd and 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science 2nd and 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2024
18-06-2024 Admission Form Session 2024-25
17-06-2024 सत्र 2024-25 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश हेतु अकादमिक कैलेंडर एवं प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका विषयक |
15-06-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Sc. Home Science part 02, M.A. History previous, M.A. Political Science previous, M.A. Sociology Previous and Final, M.A. Hindi previous and final, M.A. English previous and final, M.A. Economics Previous and final, M.Com. previous, M.Sc. Mathematics Final, Annual Exam. 2024
15-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 2nd Sem. Exam May-June 2024
14-06-2024 Result Notification (withheld Annual/Sem./Supple. 2018/2019/2020/2022/2023) :-M.Lib., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Ed., B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., M.Com. M.Phil., Examinations
14-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part 02 and 03, Annual Exam. 2024
12-06-2024 अधिसूचना :- राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित खेल प्रतियोगिता 2024 में विश्वविद्यालय का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की पुनर्परीक्षा (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2024) हेतु समय सारणी
11-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.C.A. Part-01 and 02, Annual Exam 2024
11-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Psychology (Previous and Final) Annual Exam.-2024
11-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. English (Final), M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) Annual Exam.-2024
11-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 4th Semester (May-June 2024)
11-06-2024 शोध केंद्रों, शोध निर्देशकों और अभ्यर्थियों हेतु दिशा निर्देश
08-06-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01, 02, 03, Annual Exam.-2024
07-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.Sc. Home Science Part 01, Annual Exam 2024
07-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Previous and Final), M.A. English (Previous), M.A. Sanskrit (Final), M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam. 2024
07-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%):- B.C.A. Part 03, annual Exam. 2024
06-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part 01 and 02 Annual Examination 2024
06-06-2024 Result Notification :-M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) and M.A. Political Science (Previous) Annual Examination 2024
05-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography (Previous and Final) M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous and Final) M.A. History (Final) Annual Examinations 2024
04-06-2024 Result Notification (Witheld- Semester-2022/2023) :- M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc. Mathematics, B.Ed., M.Ed., B.P.Ed. Examinations
04-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics (Previous) Annual Exam.-2024
03-06-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part-03, Annual Exam.- 2024
03-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination (May-June 2024)
01-06-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Exam.- 2024
01-06-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Com. Part 01, Annual Exam.- 2024
31-05-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2017/2018/2019/2020/2023) :-B.Com./B.A./LLB/M.A. Hindi (Final)/DCA/B.Sc./M.A. English/B.Ed./BBA/PG Diploma in Yoga/M.Sc. Botany Examinations
31-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2024)
30-05-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, 03, 04, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-04, B.Sc. Home Science Part-02, Annual Examination 2024
30-05-2024 Result Notification (Re-total) :- B.C.A. Part-01, 02, 03 & M.Phil Psychiatric Social Work, Annual Exam 2024
30-05-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B. Lib. (Annual Exam 2024)
29-05-2024 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 4th Semester Examination (May-June 2024)
29-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-02 and M.A. History (Previous) Annual Examination 2024
28-05-2024 Result Notification :- M. Com. (Previous and Final) Annual Examination 2024
27-05-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Sem.-2020/2023) :- B.Ed. 2nd/4th Sem., LLB 2nd/4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Lib. 2nd Sem., M.S.W. 2nd Sem., D.C.A. 2nd Sem., Examinations
27-05-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam. 2024)
22-05-2024 सूचना - सत्र 2023-24 में Ph. D. पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेशित शोधार्थियों के नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि के संबंध में
22-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-03, Annual Exam. 2024
20-05-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Philosophy (Previous & Final) Annual Exam. 2024
20-05-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.Lib. Annual Examination 2024
20-05-2024 Result Notification (Re-total):- M.A. English (3rd Sem.) Dec.-Jan. 2023-24 Examination
17-05-2024 Result Notification (Witheld Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-02, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Geography (Final) B.Com. Part-02 (Supple.) B.com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics (Final) M.A. Psychology (Final) B.A. Part-03, 01, 02, B.Sc. Part-01, 03, LLB 6th Sem., LLM 2nd Sem., LLB 1st Sem. (ATKT) LLB 3rd Sem., (ATKT) LLB 5th Sem. (ATKT) M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., Examinations
17-05-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Public Administration (Previous & Final) M.A. Psychology (Previous & Final) Annual Examinations 2024
17-05-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.C.A. Part-01, 02, 03 (Annual Exam. 2024)
16-05-2024 Result Notificatin (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 2nd (2019) and 4th Sem. (2018) Examinations
16-05-2024 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- LL.B. 1st and 5th Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
16-05-2024 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- LL.B. 3rd Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
13-05-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology Part-01, M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work Part-01 Exam 2024
10-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02, 03 (Annual Exam 2024)
09-05-2024 Result Notification :-B.Sc. B.Ed. Part 04, Annual Exam 2024
09-05-2024 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation):- B.B.A. 1st and 5th Sem. Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
08-05-2024 अधिसूचना :- राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित खेल प्रतियोगिता/युवा उत्सव 2024 में विश्वविद्यालय का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की पुनर्परीक्षा हेतु समय सारणी
06-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, 02, 03, 04 (Annual Exam 2024)
03-05-2024 छत्तीसगढ़ी कहानी,कविता लेखन और चित्रकला स्पर्धा
03-05-2024 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021/2022/2023):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.B.A. 6th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.Sc. (Microbiology) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.A. Final English, B.Com. Part-01, 03, B.A. Part-03, B.B.A. 6th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.S.W. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. Examinations
03-05-2024 Admit Card :- Semester Examination (May-June) 2024
02-05-2024 अधिसूचना :- उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण केंद्र विषयक (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2024)
02-05-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-02 (Annual Examination 2024)
30-04-2024 Time Table :- Semester Examination (May-June 2024)
30-04-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam. 2024)
30-04-2024 सूचना - सत्र 2023-24 में Ph. D. पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेशित शोधार्थियों के नामांकन फॉर्म के संबंध में
26-04-2024 Result Notification :- B.Lib. (Annual Examination 2024)
23-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- LL.B. 3rd Sem. Exam. (De.-Jan.) 2023-24
22-04-2024 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam. 2024)
19-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- LL.B. 5th Semester Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
18-04-2024 Result Notification (Withheld semester Exam 2020, 2022, 2023) :- B.Ed. And M.Sc. Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Examinations
18-04-2024 अधिसूचना :- संशोधित समय सारणी :- (बी.एससी. /बी.एससी. बी.एड. भाग 01-नवीन पाठ्यक्रम ) प्रश्नपत्र - गणित - द्वितीय - अलजेब्रा
17-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LL.B. 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
16-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- LL.B. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
16-04-2024 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Psychological Guidance and Counselling (Annual Exam. 2024)
15-04-2024 Result Notification :- M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology & M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work Part 01 and 02 (Annual Exam. 2024)
13-04-2024 बी.एससी./बीएससी.बीएड. भाग 01 (केवल नवीन पाठ्यक्रम ) की 13-04-2024 (दिन -शनिवार) को आयोजित होने वाली परीक्षा (गणित - द्वितीय प्रश्नपत्र - Algebra) को स्थगित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
12-04-2024 Result Notification (Retotaling Dec.-Jan. 2023-24) :-B.P.Ed. 1st Sem., B.P.Ed. 3rd Sem., DCA 1st Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem., LLM 1st Sem., LLM 2nd Sem., (ATKT) LLB 1st Sem., LLB 3rd Sem., LLB 5th Sem. Examinations
12-04-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Sem.-2023) :- M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., Examinations
10-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LL.B. 5th Sem. Exam Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
09-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LL.B. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
09-04-2024 सत्र 2022 में प्रवेशित शोधाथियो के पंजीयन आदेश एवं छ:माही प्रगति प्रतिवेदन के संबंधन में।
08-04-2024 Six Monthly Progress Report Format
05-04-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.B.A. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
02-04-2024 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु जारी समय सारणी (Time-Table) में आंशिक संशोधन किये जाने विषयक |
01-04-2024 उपाधि हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप (सत्र 2022-23)
30-03-2024 Result Notification (Revaluation):- BBA 1st Sem., 3rd Sem., 5th Sem., (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
26-03-2024 Examination Centre :- 2nd/4th/6th Semester Exam. May-June 2024
28-03-2024 Notification :- Semester Examination Form (May-June) 2024
22-03-2024 Result Notification :- LLM 1st Sem., (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
22-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld Semester-2023):- M.Sc. (Physics) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., Examinations
22-03-2024 RAC (DRC) बैठक की संशोधित सूचना |
21-03-2024 सूचना - RAC (DRC) की बैठक की तिथि एवं Ph. D. पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश प्रक्रिया का आगामी आदेश तक स्थगन
21-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.2020/2022/2023) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., Examinations
20-03-2024 Registration Form
20-03-2024 अंकसूची की द्वितीय प्रति प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप |
19-03-2024 Result Notification :- LLB 3rd Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
16-03-2024 अधिसूचना- सह शोध निर्देशक के सम्बन्ध में
16-03-2024 पीएचडी पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों के लिए दिशा निर्देश
15-03-2024 सत्र 2023 में पीएचडी पाठयक्रम में प्रवेश हेतु पात्रता प्रमाण पत्र के वितरण के समबन्ध में |
15-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- B.Ed. 3rd, 4th (ATKT), LLB 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem., BBA 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology (Final) M.Com. final, M.Sc. Mathematics(Final), M.A. Sanskrit (Final) M.A. Political Science (Final) Examinations
15-03-2024 Result Notification :- LLB 1st Sem., LLM 3rd Sem., LLM 2nd Sem. (ATKT) Examinations
13-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Annual Exam 2023
11-03-2024 महात्मा गांधी काशी विद्यापीठ, वाराणसी में कुलपति नियुक्ति हेतु विज्ञापन।
12-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Annual Examination 2023
12-03-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple. 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023) :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Com. Part-03, B.A.Part-01 B.C.A. Part-01 B.A. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.Sc. Mathematics (Final) B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.A. Part-03, M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., B.Sc.B.Ed. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, 02 Examinations
12-03-2024 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
11-03-2024 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- Semester Examination Dec.-Jan.- 2023-24
07-03-2024 Result Notification :- LLB 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem. (ATKT) Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
07-03-2024 Result Notification :- LLB 5th Sem., Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
28-02-2024 अधिसूचना- साक्षात्कार एवं दस्तावेज परिक्षण उपरांत पी-एच. डी पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की सूची
29-02-2024 Result Notification :- D.C.A. 1st Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
28-02-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/sem.-2018/2019/2020/2022/2023):- B.A. Part-02, BBA 6th Sem., M.Sc. (C.S.) B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) M.Sc. (C.S.) B.Com. Part-01, M.Com. 1st Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., Examinations
23-02-2024 Time Table :- Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2023-24 ( For Sports Students)
22-02-2024 Result Notification :- PGDCA 1st Sem. Exam Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
23-02-2024 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 1st Sem. Exam Dec-Jan. 2023-24
23-02-2024 Notification :- Gold Medal List (Final) 2023
23-02-2024 Revised Merit List :- M.Sc. Home Science - Human Development 4th Semester 2023
21-02-2024 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
21-02-2024 उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण केंद्र विषयक :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024
20-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem. Exam. Dec.- Jan. 2023-24
17-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
16-02-2024 सूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 के प्रवेश पत्र जारी करने विषयक ।
15-02-2024 Result Notification (Witheld - Annual/Sem.,/ATKT 2017/2018/2021/2022) :- B.A. Part-01, B.Ed. 1st Sem. B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Home Science Part 02, B.Sc. Part 01, B.Com. Part-01 (Supple) B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-01 Examinations
15-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
15-02-2024 TIME TABLE (FINAL) :- ANNUAL EXAM 2024
14-02-2024 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Lib. 1st Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
13-02-2024 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु उपकेन्द्र निर्धारण विषयक |
13-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics 1st and 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
12-02-2024 Merit List 2023
12-02-2024 सूचना - पी-एच डी प्रवेश परीक्षा सत्र 2023 में उत्तीर्ण (पात्र) अभ्यर्थियों के साक्षात्कार हेतु दिशा निर्देश
10-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
09-02-2024 प्रायोगिक परीक्षा में अनुपस्थित छात्रों हेतु पुनः प्रायोगिक परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होने हेतु आवेदन प्रारूप (प्रपत्र)
08-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science - Textile and Clothing, Human Development, Food Science and Nutrition 1st Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
07-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Political Science 1st and 3rd Sem., M.A. Psychology 1st and 3rd Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
06-02-2024 सूचना - पी-एच डी प्रवेश परीक्षा सत्र 2023 में उत्तीर्ण (पात्र) अभ्यर्थियों के साक्षात्कार की निर्धारित तिथि की सूचना
05-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 1st Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
01-02-2024 Result Notification :- M.com. 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 1st Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
03-02-2024 Result Notification :- B.B.A. 1st, 3rd, 5th Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
01-02-2024 सूचना - पी-एच डी प्रवेश परीक्षा सत्र 2023 में उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों हेतु सूचना
01-02-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023 Annual/Sem.,):- M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) B.A. Part-03, M.Ed. 1st Sem., B.com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.S.W. 4th Sem., Examinations
31-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. History 1st and 3rd sem., Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
31-01-2024 सूचना - पी एच डी प्रवेश परीक्षा सत्र 2023 से छूट प्राप्त अभ्यर्थियों के साक्षात्कार के लिए दिशा निर्देश
31-01-2024 अधिसूचना - नवीन शोध निर्देशक (अर्थशास्त्र ) सत्र - 2023
30-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 1st and 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
29-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 1st Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Food and Nutrition) & (Human Development) 3rd Sem., M.A. Geography 1st & 3rd Sem., M.S.W. 3rd Sem., Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
25-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 3rd Sem., M.Sc. (Home Science-Textile and Clothing) 3rd Sem., Examinations Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
24-01-2024 Regarding APEB Notification 24-01-2024
24-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 1st & 3rd Sem. And M.Sc. (I.T.) 1st Sem. Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
23-01-2024 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st and 3rd sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 1st and 3rd Sem. Examinations (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
23-01-2024 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 हेतु आवेदन पत्र भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक |
19-01-2024 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education 1st Sem. and B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2023-24
19-01-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2017/2018/2019/2020/2022) :- B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Psychology (Final) BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-04, B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examinations
18-01-2024 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2023-24 हेतु जारी समय सारणी (Time Table) में आंशिक संशोधन किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
18-01-2024 अधिसूचना - नवीन शोध निर्देशक (हिंदी) सत्र - 2023
16-01-2024 Result Notification (Wtiheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) B.A. Part-03 (SE) M.A. English 1st Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.com. Part-03 Examinations
11-01-2024 गुरु घासीदास जयंती 18 दिसम्बर 2023 के अवसर में "बाबा गुरु घासीदास का जीवन दर्शन " विषय पर वीडिओ प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम विषयक I
12-01-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2018/2020/2022):- B.Sc. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-02, 03, B.com. Part-02 Examinations
10-01-2024 शोध निर्देशकों के रिक्त सीटों की जानकारी विषयक
11-01-2024 शोध निर्देशक या सह शोध निर्देशक के रूप में अधीनस्थ छात्रों की संख्या विषयक
11-01-2024 नवीन शोध केंद्र सत्र 2023-24
10-01-2024 Result Notification (Re-Total):- B.Sc. Part 02 and 03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
10-01-2024 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, 02 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
10-01-2024 शोध केंद्रों की सूची 2023
05-01-2024 शोध केंद्रों की सूची
05-01-2024 अधिसूचना - नवीन शोध निर्देशक सत्र - 2023
04-01-2024 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01, B.A. Part-03 Supplementary Examinations 2023
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Sports Officers) as on 01-01-2024
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Librarian) as on 01-01-2024
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Associate Professors) as on 01-01-2024
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Assistant Professors) as on 01-01-2024
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Professors) as on 01-01-2024
04-01-2024 Final Seniority List (Principals) as on 01-01-2024
03-01-2024 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (दिस.-जन.) 2023-24 हेतु जारी समय सारणी (Time-Table) में संशोधन करने विषयक |
03-01-2024 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (दिस.-जन.) 2023-24 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक |
03-01-2024 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem. 2018/2019/2020/2022):- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-02, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 Examinations
02-01-2024 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए. बी.एड.) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक।
01-01-2024 छत्रपति शाहूजी महाराज विश्वविद्यालय, कानपुर में कुलपति नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन विषयक
29-12-2023 Notification :- List of Candidates Eligible to be called for Interview (Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2023)
29-12-2023 पी.एच डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा से छूट प्राप्त परीक्षार्थी की सूची क्रमांक 04
27-12-2023 अधिसूचना :- उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण केंद्र विषयक (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2023-24)
27-12-2023 Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem. (Supriya Rani) Examination May-june 2020
26-12-2023 Notification :- Annual Examination Form 2023-24
26-12-2023 Notification :- Examination Form - B.Ed. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
22-12-2023 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.A. , B.Sc., B.Com., M.Sc. , BBA M.A. Examinations
22-12-2023 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. प्रवेश परीक्षा से छूट प्राप्त परीक्षार्थियों की सूची क्रमांक 03
22-12-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए. बी.एड.) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक।
20-12-2023 Admit Card :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
19-12-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, 02 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
16-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. part 01, B.Sc. Part 01 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
16-12-2023 सूची :- पी.एच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2023 की परीक्षा से छुट प्राप्त परीक्षार्थियों की सूची |
16-12-2023 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जन.) 2023-24 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची में संशोधन विषयक |
15-12-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Supplementary Exam.- 2023)
15-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
14-12-2023 सूचना :- पी.एच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2023 हेतु प्रवेश पत्र जारी करने विषयक
14-12-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2022):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, D.C.A. 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03 Examinations
13-12-2023 Result Notification (Re-totaling):- B. Com. Part-03, B.C.A. Part-01, 02 03 (Supplementary Exam.-2023)
12-12-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
12-12-2023 Result Notification (Re-revaluation):- B.Com. Part-02, BBA 2nd/4th/6th Semester Examinations
12-12-2023 प्रो. राजेन्द्र सिंह (रज्जू भैय्या ) विश्वविद्यालय, प्रयागराज (उ.प्र.) में कुलपति नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन |
11-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam - 2023)
09-12-2023 संशोधन :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जन.) 2023-24 की समय सारणी में आंशिक संशोधन (बी.एड. तृतीय सेमेस्टर) विषयक |
08-12-2023 Result Notification (UFM):- B.Com. Part-01, 03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
08-12-2023 Result Notification (UFM) :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
08-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
07-12-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.):- B.com. Part-01, 03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
07-12-2023 Time Table :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2023-24)
02-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
01-12-2023 advertisement regarding appointment of Vice Chancellor in Dr. Shakuntala Mishra, National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh)
01-12-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
01-12-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक ( स्नातक/स्नातकोत्तर/बी.ए.बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.एड. कक्षाओं हेतु) सत्र 2023-24
30-11-2023 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- LLB 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester (ATKT) (May-June 2023)
29-11-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem. 2018/2019/2020) :- M.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi Final, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) Examination
29-11-2023 सूचना - एथिकल समिति की बैठक द्वारा दिए गए सुझाव के अनुरूप संशोधित शोध रुपरेखा की ३ प्रतियां जमा करने के सम्बन्ध में
28-11-2023 सूचना - नवीन शोध निर्देशक के रूप में पंजीयन हेतु प्राप्त आवेदन में शोध पत्र की संख्या के सम्बन्ध में
24-11-2023 सेमेस्टर दिस.- जन. 2023-24 1st, 3rd & 5th प्रायोगिक एवं आंतरिक परीक्षा के संदर्भ में आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश
23-11-2023 Notice Regarding Pre-Ph.D. Examination for Teaching Staff
23-11-2023 Result Notification :- B.A.B.Ed. Part 03, B.Com. Part 03, B.Sc. Home Science part 03 (Supplementary Exam 2023)
23-11-2023 गुरु घासीदास जयंती 18 दिसम्बर 2023 के अवसर में "बाबा गुरु घासीदास का जीवन दर्शन " विषय पर वीडिओ बनाओ प्रतियोगिता विषयक I
22-11-2023 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-01 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
21-11-2023 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-04, B.A. B.Ed. Part-04 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
20-11-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक ( बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए.बी.एड. कक्षाओं हेतु) सत्र 2023-24
20-11-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक ( स्नातक/स्नातकोत्तर/सेमेस्टर कक्षाओं हेतु) सत्र 2023-24
20-11-2023 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
20-11-2023 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2023-24 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक।
16-11-2023 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-01, 02, 03 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
14-11-2023 Notification :- Ph.D. Entrance Examination 2023 Online Application Form
10-11-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.,ATKT/Supple.):- B.Sc. Part-01, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem ATKT, M.A. Hindi Final, B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01 Supple., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.com. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-02 Examination
10-11-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- M.Com. Final, B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., LLb 3rd Sem (ATKT) Examination 2023
06-11-2023 Result Notification :- M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Part-01, B.A. B.Ed. Part-02 (Supplementary Examination 2023)
03-11-2023 Notification :- Supplementary Examination (Practical) 2023
03-11-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए. बी.एड.) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक।
27-10-2023 Notification :- Semester Examination Form (Session 2023-24)
27-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Psychology (Final) BBA 2nd Sem., LLB 2nd Sem. Examination 2023
27-10-2023 Result Notification (With-held-Annual/Sem. 2018/2020) :- M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., and B.A. Part-03 Examination
26-10-2023 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
23-10-2023 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- B.Lib. and B.A. B.Ed. Part 04 (Annual Exam 2023)
21-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Lib. (Annual Exam 2023)
20-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.B.A. 2nd Sem. And LLB 2nd Sem. Exam. (May-June 2023)
20-10-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple. 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Com. Part-02,M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, BBA 6th Sem.,PGDCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) BCA Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-02 Examination
19-10-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling-Sem.-may-june2023) :- LLB 2nd/4th/6th Sem., LLM 2nd Sem., BBA 2nd/4th/6th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd/4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd/4th Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd/4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., DCA 2nd sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem., M.A. Psychology 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. History 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 2nd/4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd/4th Sem., M.Com. 2nd/4th Sem., Examinations
17-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part 01 and B.C.A. Part 02 Exam 2023
16-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation and Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Philosophy (Final) B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02, BBA 6th Sem. Examination 2023
16-10-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Com. part-01, B.Sc. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Home science Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) B.Sc. part-03, M.A. Psychology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final) B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 Examination
14-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु प्रवेश पत्र (Admit Card) डाउनलोड किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
12-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु परीक्षा केन्द्रों की संशोधित सूची |
12-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation and Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. English (Final) LLb 4th Sem Exam. (Annaul/Sem. Exam 2023)
12-10-2023 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- M.A. Hindi (Previous) Annual Examination 2023
12-10-2023 Time Table :- Supplementary Examination 2023 (पूरक परीक्षा की समय सारणी 2023)
11-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 6th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2023)
10-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (Enrollment) आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्दि विषयक (बी.एड./बी.ए.बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड. हेतु )
10-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation and Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. English (Final) and LLB 6th Semester Exam 2023
10-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Political Science (Previous and Final) M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous) B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
09-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- पुनर्मूल्यांकन पश्चात उत्तीर्ण विद्यार्थियों को स्नातक भाग 02 एवं 03 में प्रवेश दिये जाने विषयक |
07-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2023)
07-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation and Reval 20%) :- B.Com. Part-01, 02 and Part 03 (Revised 20%) B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03, B.A. Part-02, LLB 4th Sem., BBA 4th Sem. Exam (Annual/Sem. Exam 2023)
07-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation/Reval-20%) :- B.A. Part-01, M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) M.A. Hindi (Previous) M.A. Sociology (Final) (Annual Examination 2023)
07-10-2023 Result Notification (Re totaling) :- B.Lib., B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01, 02, B.A. B.Ed. Part-02, M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous and Final), M.A. Sociology (Previous and Final), M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Political Science (Previous and Final) M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) M.A. Psychology (Previous) M.A. Geography (Previous) B.Sc. Home Science Part-01, M.A. English (Previous and Final) M.Com. Final Examination
07-10-2023 Result Notification (Re totaling):- B.A. Part-01, 02, 03 (Annual Exam.-2023)
06-10-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LLB 6th Semester Examination (May-June 2023)
05-10-2023 शोध सारांश की प्रतिओं की संख्या से सम्बन्धित सूचना
04-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म पुनः प्रारभ किये जाने विषयक |
03-10-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन आवेदन (सत्र 2023-24) करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
30-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Com. Part-03, Annual Examination 2023
30-09-2023 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- B.Sc. Part-01, 02 and B.Com. Part-01, 02 Annual Examination 2023
29-09-2023 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Semester/Supple.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01 (Supple.) B.Sc. Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.A. Part-03 (SE) M.Ed. 4th Sem., Examination
27-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Political Science (Previous), M.A. Hindi (Previous), M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous) Annual Examination 2023
26-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%):- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2023)
25-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- M.A. English (Previous) Annual Examination 2023
21-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Sociology (Final) M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Examination 2023
20-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A.B.Ed. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
16-09-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.B.A. 2nd/4th/6th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd/4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., LLB 4th/6th Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd/4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem. Examinations
16-09-2023 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2023-24 हेतु महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश लिए जाने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
15-09-2023 Result Notification (With-held-Annual/Sem./Suppl./ATKT-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022) :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-02, LLB 5th Sem., 6th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03(SE), B.Com. Part-01,B.Sc. Part-01, M.A. English 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem.,M.A. English 3rd Sem. (ATKT) B.A. Part-01, 03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
15-09-2023 Enrollment Application Form for - B.Ed./B.Sc.B.Ed./B.A.B.Ed. Part/Sem.-First (Session 2023-24)
14-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
11-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-03 (Annual Exam-2023)
11-09-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- M.A. Sociology (Previous) M.A. History (Previous) M.A. Geography (Final) M.Com. (Final) (Annual Examination 2023)
11-09-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (सत्र 2023-24) हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
06-09-2023 Syllabus-PG-Semester-LLM (From Session 2023-24)
06-09-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.A. Part-02, M.A. Hindi (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem. (ATKT), B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-03(SE), B.Sc. Part-03, BBA 5th Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, 02, B.A. B.Ed. Part-02, B.A. Part-03, M.Com. (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
05-09-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Sc. Part-03, B.C.A. Part-01, 02, M.Com. (Previous), B.Sc. Home Science Part-01 (Annual Examination 2023)
04-09-2023 Regarding meeting of Ethical Committee held on 11/09/2023
01-09-2023 एथिकल समिति की बैठक ११ सितम्बर 2023
29-08-2023 14 सितंबर हिंदी दिवस के उप्लक्षय में छत्तीसगढ़ के राज्यगीत "अरपा पैरी के धार के विश्लेषण एवं महत्व" विषय पर केंद्रित वीडियो बनाओ प्रतियोगिता विषयक I
28-08-2023 स्वशासी महाविद्यालयों के नियमित छात्रों हेतु नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
26-08-2023 सूचना :- सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स "छत्तीसगढ़ की जनजातियाँ" हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि विषयक |
26-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam. 2023)
25-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 2nd Semester Examination (May-June 2023)
25-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 and 02, B.C.A. Part-02, Examination (Annual Exam.-2023)
24-08-2023 सत्र 2023-24 हेतु प्रवेश की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
24-08-2023 Result Notification :- LLB 1st, 3rd, 5th Sem. (ATKT) and LLM 1st Sem. (ATKT) Examination (May-June 2023)
23-08-2023 नामांकन आवेदन फॉर्म (सत्र 2023-24) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन विषयक |
22-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- M.A. Psychology (Previous and Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Mathematics (Final) M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Part-01, PG Diploma in Psychological Guidance and Counselling Examination (Annual Exam 2023)
22-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd and 4th Sem., Exam. (May-June 2023)
21-08-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple. 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final) B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-02, DCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. Examination
21-08-2023 Result Notification :- LLB 2nd and 4th Semester Exam. (May-June 2023)
21-08-2023 सूचना :-इथीकल कमेटी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने हेतु सम्बंधित दस्तावेज की तैयारी के लिए शोधार्थियों हेतु सूचना विषयक |
19-08-2023 Result Notification :- LLM 2nd Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., Examination (May-June 2023)
19-08-2023 अधिसूचना :-प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म (एलएलएम-प्रथम सेमेस्टर ) सत्र 2023-24
18-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd and 4th Sem., Exam. (May-June 2023)
17-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., BBA 2nd and 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2023)
11-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :-M.A. Sociology (Previous), M.com. (Previous) (Annual Examination 2023
10-08-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2018/2019/2020/2022):- M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. Economics (Final) B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem. Examination
10-08-2023 पंचतत्व एवं प्रकृति विषय पर आधारित अंतरमहाविद्यालयीन वीडियो बनाओ प्रतियोगिता का परिणाम |
16-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- M.Com. Final (Annual Exam. 2023)
16-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., Exam. (May-June 2023)
11-08-2023 सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स :- "छत्तीसगढ़ की जनजातियाँ" विषय पर 01 माह का कोर्स |
08-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Semester, M.com. 2nd and 4th Semester Examination (May-June 2023)
08-08-2023 अधिसूचना :- स्वशासी महाविद्यालयों के नियमित छात्रों हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन (Enrollment) फॉर्म भराए जाने विषयक |
05-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination (May-June 2023)
05-08-2023 Syllabus-PG-Annual-M.A. Public Administration (For Session 2023-24)
05-08-2023 Syllabus-PG-Semester-M.A. Political Science (From Session 2023-24)
05-08-2023 Syllabus-PG-Annual-M.A. Political Science (For Session 2023-24)
05-08-2023 Syllabus-PG-Annual-M.A. Sanskrit (For Session 2023-24)
04-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
04-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development and Textile and Clothing) 2nd Semester Exam. (May-June 2023)
03-08-2023 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.B.A. 5th Semester (Dec.-jan. 2022-23)
03-08-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Economics Previous and Final (Annual Examination 2023)
02-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.Lib. 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd Sem., Examination (May-June 2023)
01-08-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem. Examination (May-June 2023)
01-08-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2019/2020/2022) :- B.Sc. part-01 (Supple.), M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. (Final) B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) Examination
31-07-2023 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 2nd and 4th Semester (May-June 2023)
02-08-2023 शोध रूप रेखा RDC के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने के सम्बन्ध में |
27-07-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.A. B.Ed. Part-04 (Annual Examination 2023)
26-07-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- M.A. Geography (Previous and Final) M.A. History (Previous) B.A.B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2023)
26-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.B.A. 6th Semester (May-June 2023)
25-07-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-2018/2019/2020/2022):- M.A. Hindi (Final), BCA Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 (SE), M.A. Psychology (Final) Examination
25-07-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology 2nd Sem. and 4th Sem., PG Diploma In Yoga Education and Philosophy 2nd Sem. (May-June 2023)
24-07-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2023)
24-07-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.A. Part-01 and Part- 02 (Annual Examination 2023)
22-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 2nd Semester (May-June 2023)
21-07-2023 Notification :- Online Exam Form (Supplementary Exam 2023)
21-07-2023 परीक्षा केंद्र :- पूरक परीक्षा 2023
01-08-2023 syllabus-pg-semester-M.Sc. Computer Science (From Session 2023-24)
22-07-2023 syllabus-pg-semester-M.Sc. Information Technology (From Session 2023-24)
22-07-2023 syllabus-pg-semester-M.A. Hindi (from session 2023-24)
21-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. Additional Part- 01, 02, 03 (Annual Examination 2023)
21-07-2023 Inclusion of Hemchand Yadav University Durg in the Equivalent list of state university of Odisha-Regarding
20-07-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 4th Semester, M.A. Home Science 2nd Sem. and 4th Sem. Examination (May-june 2023)
20-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2023)
22-07-2023 syllabus-ug-annual-B.A.B.Ed. Part-01 (From Session 2023-24)
22-07-2023 syllabus-ug-annual-B.Com. Part-01 (From Session 2023-24)
22-07-2023 syllabus-ug-annual-B.Sc.B.Ed. Part-01 (From Session 2023-24)
22-07-2023 syllabus-ug-annual-BCA Part-01 (From Session 2023-24)
19-07-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science and Nutrition) 2nd and 4th Semester, M.Sc. Home Science (Textile and Clothing) 4th Semester (May-june 2023)
02-02-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-Exam-2021):- B.Com. Part-01, 02, 03 (Aniruddha Krishna Bhatt)
01-02-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
31-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2022):- LLB 4th Sem., M.A. Public Administration (Final), B.Sc. Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-02, 01, B.A. Part-02 Examination
31-01-2023 Merit List :- B.Com. Final (Annual Exam-2022)
30-01-2023 Result Notification :- D.C.A. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science - 1st Sem. & 3rd Sem.,) (Textile & Clothing 3rd Sem.,) Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
30-01-2023 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2023 हेतु उपकेन्द्र निर्धारण विषयक
30-01-2023 Time Table :- B.Ed. 1st Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
27-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-2022):- B.A. Part-02 Examination
27-01-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 3rd Sem., M.A. Political Science 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
25-01-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology 1st & 3rd Sem., M.A. Home Science 1st & 3rd Sem., Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
25-01-2023 नामांकन आवेदन हेतु तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक (बी.एड./बी.एससी.बी.एड./बी.ए.बी.एड.)
24-01-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 3rd Sem., M.A. History 1st Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
23-01-2023 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy 1st Sem., M.A. History 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
23-01-2023 Notification :- Examination Form - B.Ed. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
23-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Supple.-2020/2022):- B.A. Part-03 (SE), B.A. Part-03(Supple.) B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, 02 Examination
20-01-2023 Result Notificaton (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-Supple.-2019/2020/2021/2022):- PGDCA (Ex.) M.A. Hindi (Final) B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-01 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, M.A. Hindi (Final) B.A. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final) B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final) B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-01, 02 Examination
19-01-2023 समय सारणी :- राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित खेल प्रतियोगिता में वि.वि. का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की सेमेस्टर परीक्षा का पुनः आयोजन करने विषयक | विषयक |
19-01-2023 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृध्दि करने विषयक (अंतिम बार )
19-01-2023 Result Notification :- Divisional Improvement - M.A. Economics 2021 (Annual)
17-01-2023 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 1st Sem., M.S.W. 1st Sem. and 3rd Sem. Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
16-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Supple.-2022):- M.Com. (Final) M.A./M.Sc. Maths (Final) M.A. History (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Economics (Final) B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final), B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-02 & 03 (Supple.), B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple.), B.Com. Part-01 (Supple.), B.A. Part-01 (Supple.) Examination
13-01-2023 अन्तर्महाविद्यालय युवा उत्सव 2022-23 के अंतर्गत आयोजित प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम विषयक |
13-01-2023 Result Notification :- Witheld-Annual/Supple.-2022)- B.A. Part 03 (Supple.) B.A. Part-03 Examination
12-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2020/2022):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-01(Supple.), B.Com. Part-01, M.A. English (Final) Examination
10-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual Exam 2022):- B.Sc. Part-02, B.A. part-02, B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01 Examination
09-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Supple. 2020/2022):- B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Sc. Part-01 and Part-03 (Suple.) B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03 Examination
05-01-2023 सूचना :- गृहविज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र, माइक्रोबायोलॉजी, बायोटेक्नोलॉजी, वनस्पतिशास्त्र, प्राणीशास्त्र, मनोविज्ञान, शिक्षा विषयो के शोधार्थियों के पंजीयन आदेश के संबंध में |
05-01-2023 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
03-01-2023 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन आवेदन फॉर्म (बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर, बी.ए.बीएड./बी.एससी. बी.एड. भाग 01) विषयक |
03-01-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2022):-B.A. Part-02 (Supple.) B.A. Part-03 Examination
30-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem.-2018/2022):- BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part03, B.Com. Part-01 Examination
29-12-2022 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
26-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. English (4th Sem.) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final), M.Sc. Physics (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Maths (4th Sem.) M.A. Public Administration (Final) B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 Examination
20-04-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.):- B.Ed. 1st Sem. Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
20-04-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%):- BBA 5th Sem., LLB 3rd Sem., LLB 5th Sem., & BBA 1st Sem. Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
17-04-2023 Notification :- Centre List (Semester Examination May-June 2023-2nd/4th/6th and 1st/3rd/5th ATKT)
17-04-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, BBA 6th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, Examination
11-04-2023 Notification ;- Semester Examination Form 2nd/4th/6th (May-June 2023)
10-04-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2020/2021/2022):- M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Sc. Part-03, BBA 6th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01, 03, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, M.A. Sociology (Final) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., Examination
10-04-2023 संशोधन :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 की समय सारणी में आंशिक संशोधन (बी.ए. भाग 02)
08-04-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- BBA 1st Sem., 3rd Sem., 5th Sem., and LLB 1st Sem., 3rd Sem., 5th Sem., Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
06-04-2023 Regulation No. DU-46 (Value Added Course)
05-04-2023 हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग के प्रथम दीक्षांत समारोह के सम्बन्ध में
05-04-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., B.com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, 03, LLB 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.com. 4th Sem.,
22-03-2023 शोध निर्देशक हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित
22-03-2023 Admit Card and Time Table :- Ph.D. Course Work Examination 2022-23
22-03-2023 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 1st Semester Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
16-03-2023 Tender :- Pre and Post Examination Work 2023-24
16-03-2023 संशोधन :- उपाधि हेतु आवेदन पत्र (सत्र 2021-22)
15-03-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling):- LLB 1st Sem., 3rd Sem., 5th Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
14-03-2023 उपाधि हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप (सत्र 2021-22)
14-03-2023 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem.,-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022)- B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, 02, B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-01, 02, DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
10-03-2023 पी -एच डी कोर्स वर्क परीक्षा 2023 मौखिक प्रस्तुतिकरण एवं पावरपॉइंट प्रस्तुतिकरण हेतु समय सारणी।
07-03-2023 Result Notification :- (witheld-Annual/Sem-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- BBA, M.Sc. Computer Science, B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BCA Part-03, M.A. Hindi 1st Sem., M.A. Hindi Final, B.Sc. Home Science, B.Com. Part-02, LLB 6th Sem. Examination
06-03-2023 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- नक़ल प्रकरण :- शिवम् कुमार शर्मा (एम.एससी. कंप्यूटर विज्ञान प्रथम सेमेस्टर ) परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2022-23
03-03-2023 Result Notification (UFM-Semester Exam.-2022-23):- M.A. Economics, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Zoology, B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.A. Geography, M.A. English, M.A. Sociology, M.A. Hindi, M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Chemistry, LLB, BBA, M.Ed. Examination
02-03-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling-Semester 2022-23):- M.Com. 1st Sem, BBA 1st & 3rd, 5th Sem., B.P.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Sc.-Botany, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Chemistry, Zoology, M.A. - English, Hindi, Economics, Political Science, LLM Examination
28-02-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./ATKT 2019/2020/2021/2022):- M.Com. Final, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem, M.Ed. 3rd Sem, LLB 3rd & 5th Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, 03, B.A. Part 02, M.A. Geography Final, BBA 6th Sem., M.A. English 2nd sem atkt, M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. Examination
24-02-2023 Admit Card :- Annual Examination March-April 2023
24-02-2023 Notification :- Ph.D. Coursework Exam Form Session 2022-23
22-02-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Supple. 2018/2020/2022):- B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final) B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01 Examination
21-02-2023 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.A. History 1st and 3rd Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga Education 1st sem., PGDCA 1st Sem., M.Com. 3rd Sem., M.Lib. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Physics 3rd Sem., M.A. Political Science 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., DCA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 1st Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
18-02-2023 Result Notification :- LLB 6th Sem. ATKT Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
15-02-2023 Result Notification :- LLB 2nd and 4th Sem (ATKT) Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
15-02-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem. and 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-02, 03 Examination
15-02-2023 संशोधन :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 की समय सारणी में संशोधन विषयक (बी.ए. भाग - 01, 02, 03)
14-02-2023 Result Notification :- LLB 1st and 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
13-02-2023 Admit Card:- B.Ed. 1st Semester Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
13-02-2023 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem., LLB 5th Sem., B.P.Ed. 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
10-02-2023 Result Notification:- M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 1st Sem., M.Sc. Home Science - Human Development 1st and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science-Textile and Clothing 1st Sem., BBA 5th Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
10-02-2023 Time Table :- Annual Examination 2023
09-02-2023 Result Notification:-M.Sc. Mathematics 1st Sem., BBA 3rd Sem., M.A. English 1st and 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
08-02-2023 Result Notification:- BBA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
07-02-2023 Result Notification:- M.A. Political Science 1st Sem., M.A. Geography 3rd Sem., M.Ed. 1st and 3rd Sem. Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
07-02-2023 प्रायोगिक परीक्षा में अनुपस्थित छात्रों हेतु पुनः प्रायोगिक परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होने हेतु आवेदन प्रारूप (प्रपत्र)
06-02-2023 Result Notification:- M.A. Hindi 1st Sem. and 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 1st and 3rd Sem., Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
06-02-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple.-2016/2018/2019/2021/2022):- BBA 3rd Sem., B.Com. Part-03(Supple.) M.A. English (Final) M.Sc. Biotech. 1st Sem., BCA Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Previous) B.Sc. Part-01, B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-01, M.A. Sociology (Previous), M.Com. (Previous) Examination
04-02-2023 निविदा :- उपाधि प्रारूप मुद्रण हेतु निविदा
03-02-2023 Result Notification :- LLM 1st Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Com. 1st Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan.2022-23)
02-02-2023 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics 1st and 3rd Sem., Exam. (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
18-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 2nd Semester (May-june 2023)
18-07-2023 Result Notification :-B.A. Part 02 (Annual Examination 2023)
07-07-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022):- B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final), B.A. Part-03, M.A. Economics (Final), m.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, M.Com. (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. History (Final) M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., Examination
13-07-2023 Result Notification (U.F.M.):- M.A. English (Final), B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Examination 2023
12-07-2023 result Notification (U.F.M.):- M.A. Political Science (Previous), B.Sc. Part-02, Annual Examination 2023
01-07-2023 Syllabus-UG-Semester-LLB (From Session 2023-24)
01-07-2023 Syllabus-UG-Annual-B.lib. and Information Science (For Session 2023-24)
13-07-2023 syllabus-pg-semester-M.Ed. (From Session 2023-24)
13-07-2023 syllabus-pg-semester-M.Sc. Biotechnology (From Session 2023-24)
13-07-2023 syllabus-pg-annual-M.A. English (For Session 2023-24)
10-07-2023 शोध निर्देशकों के रिक्त सीटों की जानकारी विषयक
15-07-2023 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.Lib. Annual Examination 2023
14-07-2023 पी-एच.डी. शोध उपाधि प्रवेश - 2023 केवल (यू.जी.सी ,सी.एस.आई.आर. नेट /सेट /जे.आर.एफ./सहायक प्राध्यपक (नियमित अथवा परिनियम -२८ के अंतर्गत)
14-07-2023 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2020/2021/2022):- M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Ed. 2nd Sem., (ATKT), B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, BBA 6th Semester Examination
14-07-2023 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 4th Semester (Semester Examination May-June 2023)
14-07-2023 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2023-24 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
26-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. English (4th Sem.) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final), M.Sc. Physics (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Maths (4th Sem.) M.A. Public Administration (Final) B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 Examination
23-12-2022 Notice :- Ph.D. Enrollment
22-12-2022 GOLD MEDAL List 2022
22-12-2022 MERIT LIST REVISED 2020
21-12-2022 One Month Certificate Course ''Yugpurush Swami Vivekanand ''
19-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2022):- BBA 4th and 6th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) B.A. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final) B.Sc. Part-03 Examination
15-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual-2022):- B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-02, B.Com. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Previous) M.A. English (Final), M.A. History (Previous), M.Com. (Final) Examination
13-12-2022 निविदा :- उपाधि प्रारूप मुद्रण हेतु निविदा
09-12-2022 Merit List :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem. and BBA 6th Sem. Exam.-2022
09-12-2022 एलएलबी तृतीय सेमेस्टर (दिस.-जन. 2022-23) परीक्षा के समय सारणी में संशोधन विषयक |
08-12-2022 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem/Suppl.-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022) :- B.A. Part-03 (Reval.) B.com. Part-02, B.A. Part-01 (Reval.) B.A. Part-03, M.A. English 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01 (Supple.) M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. English (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03(SE) B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga Education 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem. and 4th Sem., Examination
18-11-2022 जननायक चंद्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय, बलिया (उ.प्र.) के कुलपति पद पर नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन |
02-12-2022 आचार्य नरेन्द्र देव कृषि एवं प्रोद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय, अयोध्या (उ.प्र.) के कुलपति पद पर नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन |
02-12-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- M.A. sociology (Final), M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Com. 1st Sem.(ATKT) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final) B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem., BBA 1st Sem. (ATKT) PGDCA Examination
01-12-2022 Notification :- Admit Card (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan.-2022-23)
01-12-2022 इथिकल समिति हेतु आवश्यक दस्तावेजों संबंधित सूचना|
01-12-2022 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जन.-2022-23) के परीक्षा आयोजन के समय में परिवर्तन करने विषयक |
30-11-2022 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म (वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023)
30-11-2022 Notification :- Annual Examination 2023 Centers List (Revised)
28-11-2022 Merit list 2022
28-11-2022 "कबीर एक युग दृष्टा" विषय पर केंद्रित एक माह अवधि का सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स
28-11-2022 Result Notification (witheld-Annual/Sem.-2020/2022) :- B.A.B.Ed. Part-02 and Part-04, B.Sc. Home Science Part-03, M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem.Examination
26-11-2022 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (सत्र 2022-23) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्दि करने विषयक |
25-11-2022 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा केंद्र (दिस.-जन. 2022-23) में आंशिक संशोधन विषयक
22-11-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Supple./ATKT):- B.Com. Part 03 (Supple.) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.A. Economics (Final) M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. English (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
21-11-2022 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (सत्र 2022-23) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्दि (अंतिम बार ) करने विषयक |
18-11-2022 Notification :- Time Table Semester Examination (Revised) (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
18-11-2022 Notification :- M.Com. 1st and 3rd Semester Time Table (Revised) Dec.-Jan. 2022-23
14-11-2022 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (सत्र 2022-23) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्दि (अंतिम बार ) करने विषयक |
11-11-2022 Notification :- Gold Medal List (Final) 2021
11-11-2022 Notification :- Gold Medal List (Final) 2020
07-11-2022 नामांकन (सत्र 2022-23) हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक |
05-11-2022 GOLD MEDAL List 2021
05-11-2022 स्वर्ण पदक (संशोधित) 2020
04-11-2022 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा केंद्र (दिस.-जन. 2022-23) में आंशिक संशोधन किये जाने विषयक
04-11-2022 Sup co-sup research center change form
03-11-2022 सत्र 2021 -22 हेतु शासकीय महाविद्यालयों की जनभागीदारी समितियों की प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम
03-11-2022 आहार एवं पोषण सम्बन्धी गतिविधियों पर अन्तर्महाविद्यालयीन प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम विषयक
11-10-2022 Syllabus :- P.G. Diploma in psychological guidance & counselling (Annual Pettern)
02-11-2022 सूचना :- हिंदी, राजनीति विज्ञान एवं वाणिज्य विषयो के शोधार्थियों के पंजीयन आदेश के संबंध में |
31-10-2022 Notification :- Semester Examination Form (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
31-10-2022 Centre List For Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2022-23)
31-10-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020) :- MA Sociology 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (Suppl.) M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology (Final), M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics (ATKT) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.A. Sanskrit (Final), B.A. Part-03 Examination
28-10-2022 सत्र 2022-23 के अंतर्गत नामांकन आवेदन (Enrollment)करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
19-10-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2017/2019/2020):- B.A. Part-01 (Supple.), Part-03, DCA 1st Sem. (Ex.) B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final), B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, M.A. Hindi (Final)
17-10-2022 सत्र 2022-23 हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन (Enrollment) आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने एवं बी.एड./शेष समस्त कक्षाओं के नामांकन प्रारंभ करने विषयक |
12-10-2022 'हमर छत्तीसगढ़' विषय पर 01 माह का सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स हेतु आवेदन पत्र
07-10-2022 पी-एच.डी. पंजीयन सम्बंधित आदेश एवं छमाही प्रगति प्रतिवेदन सम्बंधित सूचना
05-10-2022 लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ में कुलपति नियुक्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन
29-09-2022 Online Enrollment Form For Session 2022-23
03-10-2022 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021/2022)
29-09-2022 Result Notification - Supplementary Examination Sep -2022
28-09-2022 पी-एच.डी. शोधार्थियों के नामांकन की तिथि में वृद्धि विषयक
23-09-2022 गांधी जी के विचारों पर केंद्रित 01 माह का सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स
22-09-2022 2021 Merit List
02-09-2022 Gold Medal List 2020
15-09-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:- Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) - B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03 (Suppl.), B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-02 & 03, M.A. English (Final), M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final), BBA 6th Sem., LLB 6th Sem. Examination
08-09-2022 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020):- B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-01 (Supple.), Part-02, B.Sc. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, BCA Part-03 (SE) Examination
03-09-2022 Notice - Enrollment of Ph. D. Scholars
03-09-2022 Notice - Course Work 2022
02-09-2022 Notification :- Admit Card :- Supplementary Examination 2022
02-09-2022 Result Notification Withheld - Annual/semester 2017 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 B.A ,M.A ,Eco,B.com,DCA,M.A Sociology,B.sc,B.A.B.E.d, B.ed, M.sc zoology, M.com.
02-09-2022 Notification - Practical supplementary exam 2022
24-08-2022 अधिसूचना - सत्र 2022-23 के अंतर्गत महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश की तिथि में पुनः वृध्दि करने विषयक
24-08-2022 Notification of Awarded Ph. D.- Sociology
24-08-2022 Time Table :- Supplementary Exam.- 2022 (Online/Blended Mode)
23-08-2022 Result notification - M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th sem. May June 2022
17-08-2022 Notification :- Supplementary Examination Form 2022 & Centre List
15-08-2022 Result Notification :- B.A. Part- 01, B.A. Additional Part-01, 02, 03, Annual Exam-2022
15-08-2022 Result Notification :- Withheld - Annual/Semester-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021
15-08-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 5th Sem (ATKT) May-June 2022 Date 10-08-2022
15-08-2022 Result Notification :- BA Part-02 (Annual Examination 2022)
10-08-2022 Result Notification :- DCA Part-02 (Semester Examination 2022)
01-08-2022 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Examination 2022
01-08-2022 Notice Inviting applications for appointment of vice chancellor for Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra (U.P.)
29-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd and 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th sem., LLB 6th Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., Exam. May June 2022
29-07-2022 निविदा :- विश्वविद्यालय की अनुपयोगी उत्तरपुस्तिकाएं एवं अन्य रद्दी पेपर विक्रय हेतु निविदा (2022) |
28-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd and 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem., M.A. History 2nd Sem. Exam. May-June 2022
27-07-2022 Result Notification - B.Sc. Part 02, Annual Exam. 2022
26-07-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics 4th Sem., & M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., Examination May-June 2022
26-07-2022 Result Notification - B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam 2022
26-07-2022 सूचना :- सत्र 2022-23 में नियमित प्रवेश हेतु मेरिट सूची जारी करने एवं प्रवेश प्रक्रिया पूर्ण किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
23-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Botany 2nd and 4th sem. Exam May June 2022
22-07-2022 Result Notification - M.A. Geography 2nd Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem. Exam May-June 2022
21-07-2022 Result Notification - M.A. Psychology 2nd and 4th sem., B.P.Ed. 2nd and 4th sem., B.Ed. 2nd sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem. Exam.- May June 2022
20-07-2022 विभागीय शोध समिति (DRC) की बैठक के अंतिम अवसर के संबंध में शोध केंद्रों/शोध निर्देशकों हेतु।
20-07-2022 पी-एच.डी. पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश के अंतिम अवसर हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों के लिए दिशा - निर्देश
20-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd and 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem., & PG Diploma in Yoga Education 2nd sem. Exam- May June 2022
19-07-2022 अधिसूचना - नवीन शोध निर्देशकों की सूची।
19-07-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- B.A. Part-02, DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.A. Economics (Final), B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., LLB 6th Sem., M.A. English (Final) Examination
18-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 2nd Sem., And B.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam. May-June 2022
18-07-2022 Result Notification - B.Sc. Home Science Part- 01, 02, 03, Annual Exam. 2022
15-07-2022 Result Notification - B.Com. part 01 & 02, B.A. B.Ed. Part 01, 02, 03 & M.Phil. In Psychatric Social Work Part 01, Annual Exam 2022
15-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development & Textile and Clothing) 4th Semester Exam May-June 2022
14-07-2022 Result Notification - M.Phil in Clinical Psychology Part 01, Annual Exam 2022
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Zoology (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Physics (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Microbiology (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Biotechnology (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.Sc. Chemistry (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Annual Pattern) (for Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.A./M.Sc. Geography (Semester Pattern) (From Session 2022-23)
14-07-2022 Syllabus :- M.A. Geography (Annual Pattern) (for Session 2022-23)
12-07-2022 Result Notification - B.Sc. Part 03, Annual Exam. 2022
12-07-2022 Result Notification :-M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition ) 2nd Sem., Semester Exam. May-June -2022
11-07-2022 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 2nd Sem., & M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition ) 4th Sem., Semester Exam. May-June -2022
11-07-2022 Result Notification :- Divisional Improvement (M.Com. Prev. & Final) Annual Exam.-2022
08-07-2022 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 4th Semester Exam (May-June 2022)
08-07-2022 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01, Annual Examination 2022
08-07-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- B.A. Part-02, 03, M.Sc. Home Science (TC) 4th Sem (ATKT), B.A. Part-01, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. (Final), M.A. Hindi (Final) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) B.A. Part-03 Examination
07-07-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 2nd & 4th Sem. & M.Lib. 2nd Semester Examination (May-June 2022)
05-07-2022 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2022)
01-07-2022 Result Notification - PG (Previous & Final) Divisional Improvement , Annual Exam 2022
30-06-2022 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part- 02 & 03 (Annual Exam-2022)
30-06-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022) :- B.Com. Part-01, 03, M.A. History 4th Sem., BBA 3rd Semester, 5th Semester, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem (ATKT) B.Sc. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-02 (Reval), M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem. PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) M.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) Examination
22-06-2022 Admit Card :- M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology part- 01 and M.Phil. in Psychiatric social work part 01 exam-2021-22
21-06-2022 Result Notification :- B.A. B.Ed. Part 04, Annual Examination 2022
21-06-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-2018/2020):- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final) Examination
20-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
18-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
17-06-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021)- B.A. Part-02, 03, B.Sc. Home Science Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. part-03, DCA 2nd sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examinations
16-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi (Final), Annual Examination 2022
15-06-2022 Guideline & User Manual for Admission Form 2022-23 (For Regular Students )
15-06-2022 Admission Form for Session 2022-23 (for Regular Students)
15-06-2022 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-03, Annual Examination (March-April)- 2022
14-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Final) & B.Sc. B.Ed. Part 04, Annual Examination 2022
13-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. English (Previous) & B.C.A. Part 01, Annual Examination 2022
09-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) & M.A. English (Final) Annual Examination 2022
09-06-2022 प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका एवं अकादमिक कैलेंडर (सत्र 2022-23)
07-06-2022 Result Notificaton (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021):- B.Sc. Home Science Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem. (ATKT), B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Economics (Final), M.A. Sociology (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (SE) B.A. Part-03 (SE), B.A. Part-02, 03, M.A. Political Science (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem. Examination
06-06-2022 Merit List :- (Annual/Semester Exam.-2020) - B.A. (Final), B.Sc.(Final), B.Lib., B.Com. (Final), B.Sc. Home Science (Final), B.C.A. (Final), M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem., M.Lib. 2nd Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem., M.A. Psychology 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.S.W. 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., Examination
03-06-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Sanskrit (Final), Annual Examination 2022
31-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.Com. (Final) Annual Examination 2022
30-05-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021):- B.Ed. 3rd Sem., BA Part-01, B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Com. Final, M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. English (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem. (Ex.), M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, 02, M.A. Political (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., Examination
25-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous) Annual Exam.- 2022
20-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Public Administration (Final) & M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam.-2022
19-05-2022 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part 02, Annual Examination 2022
19-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Public Administration (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
18-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. History (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
18-05-2022 Result Notification (Witheld :-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BCA PArt-01, M.Com. Final, M.A. English Final, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Political Science (Final), M.A. English (Final) B.A. Part-01, BCA Part-01 (SE), M.A. English 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem. Examination
17-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. History (Final) Annual Examination 2022
17-05-2022 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून 2022) :- उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण केंद्र हेतु दिशा निर्देश |
17-05-2022 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2022 (उत्तरपुस्तिका संग्रहण एवं वितरण सम्बन्धी निर्देश )
17-05-2022 Admit Card :- 2nd/4th/6th Semester & LLB 1st/3rd/5th ATKT Semester Examination May-June 2022
16-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics (Previous) & M.A. Political Science (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
14-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.Com. (Previous) & M.A. Geography (Previous & Final) Annual Examination 2022
13-05-2022 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management (Annual Examination 2022)
13-05-2022 Time Table :- 2nd/4th/6th and LLB 1st/3rd/5th Semester ATKT Examination (May-June 2022)
12-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Examination 2022
11-05-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics (Final) Annual Examination 2022
11-05-2022 सेमेस्टर मई/ जून 2022 2nd, 4th एवं 6th सेमे. आंतरिक एवं प्रायोगिक परीक्षा के संबंध में दिशा निर्देश|
10-05-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021):- B.Com. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03, M.A. English (Final) Revaluation, PGDCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. History (Final), M.A. Hindi (Final), PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.Sc. Part-3 (SE) B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, LLB 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
09-05-2022 शोध केंद्र / शोधार्थियों हेतु सूचना :- शोध रूप रेखा RDC के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने के सम्बन्ध में |
09-05-2022 अत्यावश्यक सूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 के परीक्षार्थियों (जिन्होंने पूर्व परीक्षा की अंकसूची की छायाप्रति जमा नही की है ) के दस्तावेजों विश्वविद्यालय में दिनांक 14-05-2022 तक जमा करने के सम्बन्ध में |
06-05-2022 Result Notification :- B.Lib., M.A. Philosophy (Previous & Final) Annual Examination 2022
05-05-2022 अधिसूचना :- पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा (द्वितीय अवसर ) 2022 के परीक्षा परिणाम जारी करने विषयक |
29-04-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology (Previous) Annual Examination 2022
29-04-2022 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2022 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक (अंतिम बार )
28-04-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology (Final) Annual Examination 2022
28-04-2022 परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची :- द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2022
25-04-2022 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021)- BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple.), B.Com. Part-02, DCA 2nd Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., BCA Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem.,M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE), B.Com. Part-01, 03, BA Part-02, M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
19-04-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.A. English (Final), M.A. Political Science (Final), M.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA (Ex.) 2nd Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.Com. (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, 02, M.A. Sociology (Final), M.Sc. Maths (Final) Examination
12-04-2022 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ, षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2022 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भराए जाने विषयक|
11-04-2022 RDC Meeting 22-04-2022 Geology, English, Geography
11-04-2022 सूचना :- विभागीय शोध समिति हेतु प्रवेश के लिए पात्र अभ्यर्थियों (पी-एच डी कोर्स वर्क करने हेतु ) की अतिरिक्त सूचि के सम्बन्ध में
08-04-2022 अधिसूचना :- पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 (द्वितीय अवसर ) की समय सारणी जारी करने विषयक |
05-04-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2019/2020/2021-Annual/Semester) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 3rd Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BA Part-03, MA History (Final) B.Ed. 2nd Sem. (ATKT), M.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem.,BCA Part-03(SE) BA Part-03 (SE) BA Part-03, BA Part-02 Examination
05-04-2022 सूचना :- बी.एससी.बी.एड. भाग 01,02,03,04, हेतु जारी समय सारणी (वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022) में आंशिक संशोधन |
04-04-2022 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 हेतु प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने तथा उत्तरपुस्तिका परीक्षा केन्द्रों से प्राप्त करने के सम्बन्ध में |
31-03-2022 Time Table:- Annual Examination 2022 (Online/Blended Mode)
30-03-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):-BCA Part-01, BA Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., BA Part-03(Supple.), M.Sc. Zoology 3rd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, MA Sociology (Final), PGDCA 2nd Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., BA Part-03, PGDTHM, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem. Examination
30-03-2022 शोध रूप रेखा (RDC) के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने के सम्बन्ध में |
29-03-2022 पी-एचडी पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों के लिए दिश-निर्देश
28-03-2022 अधिसूचना :- स्नातकोत्तर (स्वाध्यायी) एवं पीजी डिप्लोमा इन टूरिज्म एंड होटल मैनेजमेंट (नियमित) की 01 अप्रैल 2022 से होने वाली वार्षिक परीक्षा स्थगित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
25-03-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-01, 02, 03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., BA Part-03(Supple), BCA Part-01, B.Sc. Home Science Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final), MA Political Science (Final), M.Com. (Final), MA English 4th Sem., MA Economics 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 (SE), MA English 3rd Sem., BA Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. (Botany) 4th Sem., MA Economics 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., Examination
24-03-2022 सूचना :- विभागीय शोध समिति (DRC) की बैठक आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में |
24-03-2022 सूचना :- शोध निर्देशक मान्य किये जाने हेतु आवेदन विषयक
24-03-2022 Supervisor form
24-03-2022 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 में उत्तीर्ण शोधार्थियों के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक सूचना
23-03-2022 Time Table :- Annual Exam - 2022 (BA/B.Sc./B.Com./B.Lib./B.Sc.Home Science/B.Sc.B.Ed./B.A.B.Ed./BCA)
22-03-2022 अधिसूचना :- पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 में अनुत्तीर्ण हुए छात्रों की पुनः परीक्षा हेतु आवेदन फॉर्म आमंत्रित किये जाने विषयक |
16-03-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
16-03-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-03, MA Hindi (Final), M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Com. (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA Political Science 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) BA Part-01, 02, 03, MA English (Final) MA Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
15-03-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.2021-22) Examination
14-03-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 5th Semester & LLB 2nd Semester (ATKT) (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
14-03-2022 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 हेतु निर्धारित उपकेन्द्रों की सूची
11-03-2022 समय सारणी :-वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 के अंतर्गत स्नातकोत्तर (एम.ए./एमएससी/एम.कॉम. एवं पीजी डिप्लोमा इन होटल मैनेजमेंट) कक्षाओं की समय सारणी (Time Table)
10-03-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021):- B.Sc. Part-01, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., B.A Part-01, M.A. Sociology (Final) B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE), B.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03 (Ex.) B.A. PArt-03, M.Com. (Final) PGDCA 2nd Sem. Examination
08-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. History 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
07-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Semester, M.Sc. Botany 3rd Semester, B.Ed. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
05-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Political Science 1st & 3rd Semester, M.A. Economics 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
04-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.Com. 1st Semester, M.Sc. Botany 1st Semester, M.A. Sociology 3rd Semester, B.Ed. 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.- 2021-22) Examination
04-03-2022 प्रायोगिक परीक्षा में अनुपस्थित छात्रों हेतु केंद्र परिवर्तन फॉर्म
03-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. English 1st Semester, M.A. Hindi 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Zoology 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
03-03-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., BA Part-03, MA Hindi 4th Sem., BA Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, MA Sanskrit (Final) DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem. Examination
01-03-2022 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
28-02-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 4th Sem. (ATKT) & BBA 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
25-02-2022 Result Notification :- BBA 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
24-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 1st Semester & PGDCA 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
24-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem (ATKT), MA Geography 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-03, MA Sociology (Final) BA Part-03 (SE) B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03, MA Economics (Final) MA English (Final) MA Geography (Final) Examination
23-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics 1st Semester, M.A. English 3rd Semester, DCA 1st Semester, BBA 5th Semester, M.Com. 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
22-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
21-02-2022 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Zoology 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.- 2021-22) Examination
18-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 1st & 3rd Semester, M.A. Geography 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
14-02-2022 स्नातक/स्नातकोत्तर (वार्षिक) परीक्षा सत्र 2021-22 के आतंरिक एवं प्रायोगिक परीक्षा आयोजित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक निर्देश |
17-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021) :- DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., MA English (Final) M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
16-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
15-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Computer Science 3rd Semester, PG Diploma in Yoga Education 1st Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22)
15-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- BA Part-01, 03, BBA 6th Sem. (SE), B.Sc. Part-03, MA Economics (Final) MA Sociology (Final) M.Com. (Final) DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., BA Part-02, BA Part-03 (Supple) MA Hindi (Final) Examination
14-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 1st & 3rd Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
11-02-2022 Result Notification :- LLB 6th Semester ATKT (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
10-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition's) 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 1st & 3rd Sem., Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
10-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, MA Hindi 4th Sem., BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (SE) B.Sc. Part-02, BA Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
09-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
07-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-02, B.Com. Part-02, BBA 6th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., BA Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem.,BCA Part-03 (Supple.) BA Part-03, MA Hindi (Final) M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE), B.Sc. Part-01, BA Part-02, 03,MA Political Science (Previous) MA English (Final) B.Sc. Part-03 Examination
07-02-2022 Syllabus :- M.A. Public Administration (for Session 2021-22)
07-02-2022 Syllabus :- M.A. Political Science (from Session 2021-22)
07-02-2022 Syllabus :- M.A. Political Science (for Session 2021-22)
07-02-2022 Syllabus :- PG Diploma in Tourism & Hotel Management (session 2021-22)
04-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan.-2021-22) Examination
04-02-2022 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2021-22 मे अध्य़यनरत नियमित विद्यार्थियों हेतु (स्नातक स्तर) नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि (अंतिम बार) किये जाने विषयक
04-02-2022 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा सत्र 2021-22 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि मे पुन: वृद्धि (अंतिम बार) करने विषयक
02-02-2022 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2021-22) Examination
02-02-2022 अधिसूचना :- उपाधि (Degree) हेतु आवेदन प्रारूप एवं दिशा - निर्देश
02-02-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-01, B.Com. Part-02, BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-01, BA Part-01, BCA Part-03, MA Sociology (Final), BA Part-03, MA English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA Sociology, BA Part-03 (SE) LLb 1st Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. Part-02, BA Part-02, 03, M.Com. Previous, MA Sociology (Previous) B.Com. Part-02 (Supple.), B.Sc. Part-03 Examination
02-02-2022 Supervisors Vacant Seats Details :- Status of Research Scholar under Registered Supervisors as on January 2022
31-01-2022 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan.- 2021-22) Examination
28-01-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021):- BA Part-02, MA Hindi (Final), MA Sociology (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., BA Part-02 (Supple.) BA Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, BA Part-02, BA Part-03, MA Sociology (Final) MA Political Science (Final), B.Com. Part-03 (SE) BA Part-03 (SE) MA English 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, BA Part-02, BA Part-03, MA Political Science (Previous) MA English (Final) Examination
28-01-2022 Syllabus :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03 (from Session 2021-22)
28-01-2022 Syllabus :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-03 (from Session 2021-22)
22-01-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem., BA Part-01, M.Com. (Final) MA Hindi (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01, 02, BA Part-02, 03, MA Sociology (Previous & Final) M.Sc. Maths (Final) BA Part-01 & 02 (Supple.) B.Sc. Part-02 & 03 (Supple.), B.Com. Part-02 (Supple.) Examination
19-01-2022 सूचना :- Integrated approach in S & T for Sustainable Future विषय पर नियमित विद्धार्थियों हेतु पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता
18-01-2022 Notification :- Annual Exam Form - M.Phil Clinical Psychology Part-01 & M.Phil Psychiatric Social Work Part-01 (Session 2021-22)
18-01-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2019/2020/2021) :- B.Com. part-01, BA Part-01, MA Sociology 2nd sem., BA Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-03, MA Sociology (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th sem., M.Sc.Botany 4th Sem., MA Psychology 4th sem., BA Part-03 (SE) B.Com. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. Part-02, BA Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 (Ex) MA Economics (Previous) PGDCA 2nd Sem., Examination
14-01-2022 Time Table :- Semester Exam (Session 2021-22) Online/Blended Mode
13-01-2022 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (प्रथम, तृतीय एवं पंचम) एवं एलएलबी (द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम -ATKT) सत्र 2021-22 की परीक्षा आगामी आदेश तक स्थगित किये जाने के संबंध में |
12-01-2022 Notification :- Enrollment Form for M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology & M.Phil. in Social Work (Session 2021-22)
12-01-2022 M.Phil (Social Work)
12-01-2022 M.Phil (Clinical Psychology)
11-01-2022 Result Notification (witheld-annual/semester-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-02 & 03, MA Economics 4th sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., MA English 4th sem, M.Sc. Maths 4th sem., BBA 6th sem., B.Ed. 1st sem (ATKT) B.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, MA Psychology (Previous) MA English (Previous) M.Com. (Previous) MA Hindi (Final) M.Com. (final) M.Sc. Maths (Final) B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem (Ex.) M.Ed. 2nd Sem. MA Economics 2nd sem., MA Sociology 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem. Examination
10-01-2022 Result Notification (witheld Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-02, BA Part-03, MA (Hindi) Final, B.Ed. 1st Sem., MA Sociology (Final), M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem (ATKT) B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, MA Sociology (Final) MA Hindi (Final) MA Political Science (Final) DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) BA Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple.) Examination
06-01-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-02, M.Sc. Maths 3rd sem, BA Part-02, BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, MA Hindi (Final), DCA 2nd Sem., MA Hindi (4th sem.) BA 2nd Year (Suppl.) BA Part-03 (Suppl.) BA Part-01 (Suppl.) MA Sociology (Final) BBA 2nd Sem (ATKT) MA Economics (4th Sem.) BBA 6th Sem., BCA Part-03 (Suppl.) B.Com. Part-02 B.Com. Part-03, BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, MA Political Science (Final) MA Hindi (Final) MA English (Final) M.Com. 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem (ATKT) M.Sc. Maths (Final) Examination
04-01-2022 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-03, BCA Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 (Ex.) BA Part-03, MA Sociology (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (SE) BA Part-03 (SE) DCA 2nd Sem. (SE) Examination
30-12-2021 संशोधन:- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 (परीक्षा केंद्र) शासकीय नवीन महाविद्यालय, रिसाली, भिलाई के परीक्षा केंद्र में परिवर्तन करने विषयक |
28-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2022 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भरे जाने विषयक |
22-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा (वार्षिक) 2022 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची|
22-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (सत्र 2021-22) हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः (अंतिम बार) वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
22-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (सत्र 2021-22) हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः (अंतिम बार) वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
17-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (प्रथम, तृतीय, पंचम सेमेस्टर) एवं एलएलबी द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा सत्र 2021-22 हेतु ऑनलाइन माध्यम से परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि (अंतिम बार ) किये जाने विषयक |
17-12-2021 सेमेस्टर कक्षाओं के प्रायोगिक/आतंरिक परीक्षा (सत्र 2021-22) आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में |
15-12-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/semester-2017/2018/2019/2020/2021) :- BA Part-02, BA Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., BA Part-01, MA Hindi 4th Sem., MA Geography 4th Sem., MA Hindi (Final) MA English (Final) MA Sociology (Final) MSc Mathematics 4th Sem. (ATKT) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem (Ex.) M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry, BBA, LLB, B.Com. Part-03, BA Part-03 (SE) BCA Part-03 (SE) MA Psychology (Prev.) M.Sc. Maths, MA English (Pre. & Final) MA Political Science (Prev. & final) MA sociology, M.Sc. 4th Sem Maths, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03, BA Additional Part-01, B.Sc. Part-01 Examination
15-12-2021 राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस 2021 के उपलक्ष्य पर आयोजित प्रतियोगिता
10-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक /सेमेस्टर परीक्षा प्रणाली के सम्बन्ध में |
10-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (प्रथम, तृतीय, पंचम सेमेस्टर) एवं एलएलबी द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा सत्र 2021-22 हेतु ऑनलाइन माध्यम से परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने विषयक |
06-12-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-02 & 03, M.A. Political Science, B.Com. Part-01 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01 (Supple.), PGDCA 2nd Sem. & 2nd Sem (Ex.) DCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) M.A. English (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.Sc. maths 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.A. Part-03 Examination
02-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- प्रथम/तृतीय/पंचम सेमस्टर एवं एलएलबी द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा हेतु परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
01-12-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में केवल 02 दिवस के लिए पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
01-12-2021 "श्री हेमचंद जी के जीवन से जुड़े अनछुए पहलू/स्मृतियाँ" विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रतियोगिता
30-11-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-2018/2020/2021) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. (Additional) Part-01 & Part-03 Examination
30-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (प्रथम, तृतीय, पंचम सेमेस्टर) एवं एलएलबी द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा सत्र 2021-22 हेतु ऑनलाइन माध्यम से परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने विषयक |
30-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Zoology के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
30-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Commerce के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
26-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Political Science के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
26-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Economics के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
25-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Physics के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
25-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Mathematics के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
25-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Chemistry के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
25-11-2021 Result Notification (Witheld):- B.Sc. Part-01 (Suppl.) B.A. Part-02, BBA 2nd Sem (Reval) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem. (ATKT), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) B.A. Part-03 (Ex.), BBA 1st Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-03 (SE), M.A. Geography 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem. (ATKT) Examination
24-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Microbiology के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
24-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - English के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
24-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Education के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
24-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Botany के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
24-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - Biotechnology के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
23-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - समाजशास्त्र के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
23-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - मनोविज्ञान के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
22-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन (सत्र 2021-22) करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
22-11-2021 Result Notification (Witheld- 2018/2019/2020) :- M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Com 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. English (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01 (Suppl.) B.Com. Part-01 (Ex.) M.A. English (Final) M.A. Economics (Final) M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) Examination
18-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - इतिहास के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
18-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - भू- विज्ञान के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
18-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - भूगोल के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
17-11-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - गृह विज्ञान के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
17-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 हेतु गठित समिति के पुनरावलोकन पश्चात विषय - हिंदी के पुनः संशोधित परिणाम/प्रश्नपत्र/आंसर-की घोषित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
15-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन (सत्र 2021-22) करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
12-11-2021 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Sem-2018/2019):- B.A. Part-03, M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01 (Suppl.) B.Ed. 1st Sem. Exam
11-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- पूर्व में नामांकित विद्यार्थियों के प्राइवेट विद्यार्थियों के रूप में शामिल होने के पश्चात पुनः नियमित प्रवेश पर पूर्व नामांकन अंक को नवीनीकरण कराए जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
11-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- एम्.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर में प्रवेश आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
09-11-2021 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part 03 (Suppl.) B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem. Examination
03-11-2021 Result Notification :- Ph.D. Coursework Exam-2021
02-11-2021 अधिसूचना :- एम्.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (सत्र 2021-22) हेतु प्रवेश आवेदन करने विषयक
30-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 & B.Sc. Part-02 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
30-10-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.):- B.A. Part-02 (Supple.) B.A. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final) B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Com. (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) , M.A. History (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem. Examination
29-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01 & Part-03 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
29-10-2021 Result Notification :- BCA Part-02 & B.Sc. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
28-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem. (Exam-May-June 2021)
26-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
25-10-2021 Result Notification :- LLB 1st, 3rd, 5th Sem. Exam. (ATKT) 2021
25-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-01 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
25-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-02 & 03 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
23-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-02 (Supplementary Exam-2021)
23-10-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020) :- B.Sc. Part-01, BCA Part-01 (Suppl.) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-02 (Suppl.), B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Economics (Final), M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., BCA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01, M.A. Economics 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01, BBA 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem., M.A. English (Final) PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. B.Ed. Part-02, M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final) B.Sc. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01 & Part-03, M.A. Geography (Final) M.A. History (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. Examination
22-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem. & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
21-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics 2nd Sem., M.A. Geography 2nd Sem., M.A. Psychology 2nd Sem. & 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
21-10-2021 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन (सत्र 2021-22) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में संशोधन करने विषयक
20-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem. & M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
19-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem., LLB 2nd Sem., BBA 2nd Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
19-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. History 2nd Sem. & M.A. Economics 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
16-10-2021 Result Notification :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., & M.A. English 2nd Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
13-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
13-10-2021 Result Notification :- LLB 4th Sem & BBA 4th Sem. (May-June 2021)
12-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., Exam. (May-June 2021)
11-10-2021 अधिसूचना :- पी-एचडी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2021 की समय सारणी
11-10-2021 अधिसूचना : - ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन (सत्र 2021-22)
11-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem. Exam.-(May-June 2021)
09-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science - (Human Development, Food Science & Nutrition, Textile & Clothing) 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science 2nd & 4th Sem (May-June 2021)
09-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem. (May-June 2021)
08-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
07-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science (2nd Sem.), M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem.), & M.A. English (4th Sem.) Examination (May-June 2021)
05-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. & M.A. History 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
05-10-2021 Result Notification (withheld Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020) :- BA Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., m.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., B.Com. Part-01, BA Part-01, BA Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-01 (Reval) B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) PGDCA 2nd Sem. MA Hindi 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-02 & 03, B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
04-10-2021 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 2nd Semester & LLB 6th Semester Exam. (May-June 2021)
04-10-2021 प्रायोगिक विषयों की पूरक परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 आयोजन किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
04-10-2021 पूरक परीक्षा 2021 की उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं को जमा करने के सम्बन्ध में
04-10-2021 सत्र 2021-22 हेतु रिक्त सीटो पर प्रवेश तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
01-10-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Political science 4th Semester Exam (May-June-2021)
30-09-2021 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 2nd & 4th Sem. Exam. (May-June 2021)
29-09-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. & DCA 2nd Sem. Exam (May-June-2021)
28-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2020/2021) :- BA Part-02 (Ex.) MA Sociology (Final) MA Hindi (Final) MA English (Final) MA Political Science (Final) DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) MA Economics 1st Sem., BCA Part-01, 02, 03 BA Additional Part-03, M.Sc. Maths (Previous) MA English (Pre.) MA Economics (Pre.) MA Hindi (Pre.) MA Sanskrit (Previous) MA Political Science (Pre) M.Com. Previous MA Geography (Pre) MA Political Science (Final) MA English (Final) MA Economics (Final) MA Sociology (Final) M.Com. (Final) MA Geography (Final) Examination
28-09-2021 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 2nd Semester (May-June-2021)
28-09-2021 पी-एच.डी. कोर्सवर्क (मौखिक प्रस्तुतीकरण ) परीक्षा 2021 हेतु समय सारणी एवं शोधार्थियों की सूची
27-09-2021 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education & Philosophy - 2nd Semester Examination (May-June 2021)
27-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld - Sem./Annual-2019/2020/2021) :- B.A. Part-01, MA Hindi 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Com. Final, DCA 2nd Sem., DCA 2nd Sem (Ex) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Lib. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem., BA Part-03 (SE) MA Political Science (Final) MA English (Final) Examination
23-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2021 हेतु समय सारणी (Time Table) (ऑनलाइन/ब्लेंडेड मोड)
25-09-2021 Result Notification :- BBA 6th Semester Examination (May-June 2021)
01-01-1970 शोध केंद्र /पी-एच-डी. शोधार्थियों को सूचना :- शोध प्रबंध (Ph.D.Thesis) जमा करने के संबंध में
25-09-2021 Annual Practical Offline foil Counter format
25-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld- Annual/Sem.-2020/2021):- PGDCA 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem. & ATKT, B.Ed. 1st Sem (Ex) BBA 1st Sem., BBA 1st Sem (ATKT), M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem., M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem. & Ex, M.Sc. Biotech 1st Sem. (EX) M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem. (Ex) MA Geography 1st Sem., MA Economics 1st Sem., MA English, MA Sociology, MA Pol. Science, MA Hindi, M.Com., B.Ed., LLB, BBA 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Microbiology, M.Sc. Maths, M.Ed. 3rd Sem., MA Hindi, M.A. Geography, M.Com., B.Com., MA Public Administration (Final), MA Pol. Science (Final) MA History (Final) Examination
25-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020) :- B.Sc. Part-01, BA Part-03 (Suppl), MA Hindi (Final) MA Sociology (Final) B.Com. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, BCA Part-03, BA Part-03 Examination
23-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- प्रवेश हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में अंतिम बार वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
23-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld:-Annual/Semester-2019/2020):- BBA 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., MA Economics 1st Sem (ATKT) DCA 2nd Sem., B.Sc. Part-02, MA Pol. Science (Final) MA Sociology (Final) MA History (Final) MA Hindi (Final) B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem (ATKT) MA Sociology 2nd Sem. (ATKT) PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 4th Sem (ATKT) MA Hindi 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., MA History 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., MA Economics 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem.,M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Human Dev.) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem Examination
21-09-2021 शुद्धि पत्र :- पुस्तकों के क्रय हेतु निविदा दिनांक 17-09-21
20-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 (Annual Examination - 2021)
20-09-2021 निविदा :- पुस्तकों के क्रय हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र एवं शर्तें (अंतिम तिथि :- 20/10/2021)
17-09-2021 Challan for Ph.D. Related Fee
17-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2021 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
17-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- प्रवेश की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
15-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. (Additional) Part-01, Annual Exam-2021
14-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02, Annual Examination-2021
13-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. (Additional) Part-02, Annual Examination 2021
13-09-2021 Online Exam Form :- Ph.D. Course Work Examination Session 2020-21
13-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld:- Annual/Semester-2019/2020/2021) :- B.P.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Pol. Science (Final) MA English (Final) MA History (Final) M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 (SE) B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) B.Ed. 1st Sem. (Ex.) M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem., MA English 1st Sem. MA Sociology 1st Sem., MA Pol. Science 1st Sem., MA Economics 1st Sem., MA Hindi 1st Sem., MA Hindi 1st Sem (ATKT) M.Com., BBA 1st Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem (Ex.) LLB 1st Sem.(Ex) B.Ed. 3rd Sem (Ex) M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., MA English, Hindi, Economics, Sociology-3rd Sem., M.Com. 3rd Sem., BBA 5th Sem., BCA Part-03, M.Sc. Maths (Previous) (MA History, Sanskrit, Economics, Geography- Previous), M.Com. Previous, M.Sc. Maths (Final), M.A Economics (Final), M.Com. (Final) Examination
09-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 & Part-02, Annual Examination-2021
08-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2019/2020/2021) :- MA Economics 4th Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., MA Pol. Science (Final), MA Economics (Final), M.Com. (Final), MA Sociology (Final), M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., MA Hindi (Final), DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., MA Sociology 4th Sem., MA Hindi 4th Sem., MA English 4th Sem., MA Hindi 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem., LLB 3rd Sem. (Ex.), B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem. (Ex.& ATKT), MA Sociology 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., LLB 1st Sem. (Ex.) MA English 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem. (Ex.), LLB 5th Sem. Examination
08-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Examination 2021
08-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2021 हेतु ऑनलाइन पद्धति से परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भराए जाने विषयक |
06-09-2021 M.Com. (Previous & Final) Session 2021-22
07-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-02, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 & Part-02, Annual Examination 2021
06-09-2021 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2021-22 हेतु समस्त कक्षाओं में प्रवेश की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
06-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.- 2018/2019/2020) :- MA Pol. Science 3rd Sem (ATKT) LLB 4th Sem, M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., MA Pol. Science 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-01, MA English 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BCA Part-03, MA English (Final) PGDCA 2nd Sem., MA English 4th Sem., BA Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
04-09-2021 Result Notification (Witheld- Semester-Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) :- MA English 1st Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem. (ATKT) MA English 1st Sem. (Ex.) M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st sem. ATKT & Ex., PGDCA 1st Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem. (Ex) DCA 1st Sem., DCA 1st Sem. (Ex.), MA Economics 1st Sem., B.P.Ed. 1st Sem., LLB 1st Sem., LLB 1st Sem. (Ex), M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany 1st Sem., MA Sociology 1st Sem. & ATKT, B.Ed. 1st Sem./ATKT/Ex., BBA 3rd Sem./Ex., MA Economics 3rd Sem., MA English 3rd Sem., M.Ed. 3rd sem., MA Sociology 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem ATKT, LLB 3rd Sem. Ex., M.Com. 3rd Sem. Examination
03-09-2021 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Examination 2021
01-09-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Previous), Annual Examination 2021
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.Sc. Chemistry (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.Sc. Microbiology (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.Sc. Zoology (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Philosophy (Annual) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : LLB (Semester) From Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : B.B.A. (Semester) From Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.S.W. (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Sociology (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Sociology (Annual) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Annual) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Home Science (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.Sc. Home Science (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. History (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. History (Annual) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Geography (Semester) For Session 2021-22
01-09-2021 Syllabus : M.A. Geography (Annual) For Session 2021-22
31-08-2021 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2021-22 हेतु स्नातकोत्तर/एलएलबी/PGDCA/PG डिप्लोमा/बीपीएड/बी.लिब./ प्रथम सेमे./वर्ष में प्रवेश आवेदन भरे जाने विषयक |
31-08-2021 प्रवेश :- सत्र 2021-22 में स्नातक प्रथम वर्ष के रिक्त सीटों पर पुनः प्रवेश पोर्टल खोले जाने के सम्बन्ध में
28-08-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-02, B.Ed. 4th Sem., LLB 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. English (Final) M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem. (ATKT) M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE) Examination
28-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Final) & B.A. Part-03 Annual Examination-2021
27-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. English (Previous & Final) & B.A. Additional Part-03, Annual Examination 2021
26-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Political Science (Previous) Annual Examination - 2021
25-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-03, B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03 & M.A. Hindi (Previous) Annual Examination-2021
24-08-2021 प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका सत्र (2021-22)
24-08-2021 Result Notification (Witheld Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020) :- B.Sc. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.A. Part-01, DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem (Ex.) M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final) BBA 6th Sem. Examination
24-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-01 & Part-02 Annual Examination - 2021
23-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-04 Annual Examination 2021
20-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-03, Annual Examination 2021
19-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology (Previous) & M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Examination 2021
18-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Economics (Previous) Annual Examination 2021
17-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) M.A. Public Administration (Final) M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Examination-2021
17-08-2021 Online Admission Form For M.Com. 1st Semester (Regular) Session 2021-22
17-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-01 & 02, M.A. Sanskrit (Final) Annual Examination 2021
13-08-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Economics (Final), B.Sc. Part-02 (Reval) B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Com. 3rd Sem. (ATKT) M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-02 (Supple.) B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.A. (Additional) Part-03, M.A. Hindi 4th sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
13-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Public Administration (Previous) M.A. Psychology (Final) & B.A. B.Ed. Part-03 Annual Examination 2021
13-08-2021 Result Notification (Witheld 2018/2020) :- BCA Part-01 Annual 2018, BCA Part-01 (Supple) Dec.-2018, BCA Part-03 Annual 2020 Examination
13-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous) Annual Examination 2021
12-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography (Final) Annual Examination 2021
11-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. History (Previous) Annual Examination 2021
10-08-2021 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Examination 2021)
07-08-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020/2021):- BCA Part-01, B.Ed. 1st Sem (ATKT) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Com. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-02, M.A. Hindi Final, DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem (ATKT), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) B.Sc. Part-02, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Geography Final, M.Com. Final, M.A. English Final, B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem. (ATKT) B.A. Part-03 (SE) B.Sc. Part-03 (SE) B.P.Ed. 1st Sem. Examination
07-08-2021 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा -द्वितीय/चतुर्थ/षष्टम एवं एलएलबी प्रथम/तृतीय/पंचम (ATKT) परीक्षा मई-जून 2021 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन पोर्टल केवल दो दिवस (11-08-21 एवं 12-08-21) हेतु पुनः खोलने विषयक
07-08-2021 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (द्वितीय,चतुर्थ, षष्टम सेमे.) मई-जून 2021 की उत्तरपुस्तिकाएं महाविद्यालयों में जमा करने के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक निर्देश
06-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.Com. Previous & Final (Annual Examination 2021)
06-08-2021 Time Table :- Semester Exam-2nd/4th/6th & LLB 1st/3rd/5th (ATKT) May-June 2021
06-08-2021 M.A. Sanskrit for Session 2021-22 (Annual Examination)
06-08-2021 M.Sc. Computer Science for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.Sc.Botany for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.Sc. Biotechnology for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.Sc. Physics for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.Ed. for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 B.P.Ed. for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 B.Ed. for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Psychology for Session 2021-22 (Annual Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Psychology for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Hindi for Session 2021-22 (Annual Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Hindi for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. English for Session 2021-22 (Annual Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. English for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Economics for Session 2021-22 (Annual Examination)
06-08-2021 M.A. Economics for Session 2021-22 (Semester Examination)
05-08-2021 अकादमिक कैलेण्डर सत्र 2021-22
03-08-2021 ऑनलाइन वीडियो प्रतियोगिता :- "भारतीय स्वतंत्रता आन्दोलन में महिलाओं की भूमिका - किसी एक महिला के विशेष संदर्भ में"
03-08-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography (Previous) & M.A. History (Final) Annual Examination 2021
02-08-2021 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (द्वितीय,चतुर्थ, षष्टम सेमे.) हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
31-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics (Final) Annual Examination 2021
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- B.A. Part-03 from Session 2021-22
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- B.Sc. Part-03 from Session 2021-22
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-03 from Session 2021-22
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- BCA Part-03 from Session 2021-22
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- PGDCA from Session 2021-22
31-07-2021 Syllabus :- DCA from Session 2021-22
29-07-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem.-2018/2019/2020):- B.Sc. Part-02, BBA 2nd Sem., DCA 1st Sem., BCA Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. Examination
28-07-2021 Online Admission Form For Session 2021-22
27-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Philosophy (Previous & Final) & B.Sc.B.Ed. Part-04 Annual Examination 2021
23-07-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Sem./Suppl.-2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.A. part-02, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-02, M.Com. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.Com. Final, M.A. Sociology Final, M.A. Political Science Final, M.A. Economics Final, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem., LLB 1st Sem. (Ex.) Examination
22-07-2021 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ, षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2021 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भराए जाने विषयक
19-07-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual/Semester 2018/2019/2020/2021) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-01, 03 BCA Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Economics Final, M.A. Hindi Final, M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (SE), M.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem., M.A. Political 1st Sem., M.A. Geography 3rd Sem., M.Com., 1st Sem. & 3rd Sem., LLB 5th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem. Examination
16-07-2021 Result Notification :- B.Lib. & Information Science (Annual Examination 2021)
15-07-2021 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Tourism & Hotel Management (Annual Examination 2021)
14-07-2021 Result Notification :- PGDCA 1st Semester & DCA 1st Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
13-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology 1st Semester, M.A. Hindi 3rd Semester, M.A. Economics 1st Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
13-07-2021 सूचना :- पी.एच.डी छमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट जमा करें की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
10-07-2021 Result Notification:-M.A. Sociology 3rd Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
09-07-2021 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 1st Semester, B.Ed. 3rd Semester, M. A. English 3rd Semester Exam. (session dec.-jan. 2020-21)
09-07-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-annual/semester 2018/2020) :- B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. English Final, M.A. Hindi Final, B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Semester, B.A. Part-03 (SE) Examination
08-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Com. 1st Semester, M.Ed. 1st Semester, M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
08-07-2021 "जल संरक्षण " पर हुई ऑनलाइन स्पर्धा के परिणाम विषयक
06-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 1st Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan.2020-21)
05-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Semester & M.Sc. Zoology 1st Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21)
03-07-2021 Result Notification (Witheld 2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-02, B.Com. Part-01, B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, MA English Final, MA Hindi Final, MA Sociology Final, M.Com. Final, MA History Final, BA Part-03 (SE), M.Sc. Mathematics 3rd Semester Examination
02-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Zoology 3rd Semester, BBA 5th Semester, M.Ed. 3rd Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21)
01-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 3rd Semester & BBA 3rd Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21)
01-07-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 3rd Semester & M.Sc. Mathematics 1st Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
29-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Semester, BBA 1st Semester, M.Sc. Mathematics 3rd Semester, M.A. Economics 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
29-06-2021 Notice:-RDC Registration for Ph.D. Students (Session 2019-20)
28-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21) Examination
26-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. English 1st Semester, M.Sc. Botany 1st Semester, M.A. Hindi 1st Semester, M.Com. 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan.- 2020-21)
25-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. History 1st Semester & M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21)
24-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. History 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
23-06-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Semester-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-02, M.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final), B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.A. Pat-01 (Suppl.) B.A. Part-03, M.Com. (Final), M.A. English Final, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. English (Final) M.A. Sanskrit (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) B.A. Part-03 (Special Exam) Examination
23-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Physics 3rd Semester & LLB Part-02 2nd Semester(ATKT) (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
21-06-2021 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
19-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Political Science 1st & 3rd Semester, B.P.Ed. 3rd Semester, LLB 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
19-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography 1st Semester & M.Sc. Computer Science 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
18-06-2021 Result Notification (Wtihheld-Annual/Semester-2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-01, M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., B.A. Part-02, 03, BCA Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03 (Ex.), M.A. Hindi (Final) M.A. Sociology (Final), M.A. Political Science (Final) M.Com., Final, B.A. Part-03 (SE) Examination
17-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Geography 3rd Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
16-06-2021 Result Notification :- LLB 1st Semester, M.A. Psychology 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
15-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21) Examination
15-06-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual-Semester-2018/2019/2020) :- B.A. Part-01, 03, M.A. Sanskrit (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., Examination
12-06-2021 Result Notification :- LLB 5th Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
10-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
10-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology 3rd Sem., M.A. Home Science 1st Semester, M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) 3rd Sem., (Session Dec.-Jan. 2020-21)
09-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.A. Home Science 1st Semester (Session Dec.-Jan.-2020-21)
09-06-2021 Result Notification :- M.S.W. 1st & 3rd Semester Examination (Session Dec.-Jan.2020-21)
08-06-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Semester-2020) :- B.A. Part-01, 01(Add.), 02, 03, B.Com. Part-01, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. Part-03 (Special Exam), BCA Part-02, M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) M.A. Sociology (Final) M.A. History (Final), M.A. English (Final), M.A. History 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.Ed.4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem. Examination
07-06-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Semester-2020) :- B.Com. Part-01, 02, 03, B.Sc. Part-01,02 (Special), 03, B.A. Part-01, 02, 03, BCA Part-02, B.A Part-01, 02, 03 (special), B.com. Part-02, 03 (Special), M.A. Hindi Previous, MA English Previous, MA Sociology Final, MA Economics Final, M.Com. Final, MA Political Science Final, B.Ed 4th Sem., MA Hindi 4th sem Examination
04-06-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-Annual/Sem.-2020) :- B.Sc. Part-01, 03, B.A. Additional Part-01, B.A. Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-01, 02, 03, M.A. English Previous, M.A. Sociology Previous, M.A. Political Science Final, M.A. English Final, M.A. Hindi Final, M.A. Economics Final, M.A. Sociology Final, M.Com. Final, LLB 1st Sem. (ATKT), M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem ATKT, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem, MSc. Home Science 2nd Sem (ATKT), M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem, M.A. History 4th Sem, M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem, M.Ed. 4th Sem, B.Ed. 4th Sem. Examination
03-06-2021 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy-1st Semester Examination (May-2021)
01-06-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Sc. Part-03 Annual-2020, M.Com. Final Annual-2018, M.A. Hindi Final Annual-2018, B.Com. Part-03 (Supply) Oct.-2019, B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) Annual-2019, B.Com. Part-03 Annual-2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018 Examination
31-05-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची :- गणित, इतिहास
31-05-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची :- प्राणिशास्त्र
31-05-2021 Result Notification (Withheld-2019, 20) :- B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 B.Sc. Part-01 & 03, M.A. Geography Final, MA. English Final, BCA part-01, MA Economics Final, B.Com. Part-01 B.Sc. Part-02, B.Com Part-03, M.A. Sociology Final, M.Com. Previous, M.A. Hindi Final, B.A. Additional Part-01, DCA 2nd Sem., LLB 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem Examination
31-05-2021 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 1st Semester (Session 2020-21) Examination May-2021
27-05-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-2020) :- B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.A. History (Previous & Final), M.A. Sociology (Previous & Final), M.A. Political Science (Final), M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. English (Final), M.Sc. Mathematics (Final), M.Com. Final, B.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Ex.) May-2020, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., May-june-2020, M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2020, B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2020, BBA 6th Sem May-june 2020, LLB 6th Sem May-2020
25-05-2021 Time Table :- Online Annual Exam-2021 (Notice-03)
22-05-2021 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों की सूची - शिक्षा
22-05-2021 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों की सूची - हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, भौतिक शास्त्र , अर्थशास्त्र
22-05-2021 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों की सूची - रसायनशास्त्र, गृहविज्ञान
21-05-2021 सूचना :- कोरोना संक्रमण से रोकथाम एवं जल संरक्षण से संबंधित जागरूकता कार्यक्रम विषयक
19-05-2021 Time Table :- Online Annual Exam-2021 (Notice-02)
18-05-2021 सूचना:- वार्षिक परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने हेतु ऑनलाइन पोर्टल दिनांक 19-05-21 (केवल 01 दिवस ) के लिए खोले जाने विषयक
12-05-2021 Time Table :- Online Annual Exam-2021 (Notice-01)
27-04-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन सेमेस्टर परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु समय सारणी एवं आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश
24-04-2021 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा (सत्र 2020-21) हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
03-04-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 - Annual 2018, B.Com. Part-03 B.A. Part-02 (Reval) B.A. Part-03 (Supple), DCA 2nd Sem., LLB 2nd Sem (Reval), PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. English 3rd Sem (ATKT) M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany 3rd Sem, M.A. History (Final) B.A. Part-01, Part-01 (Supple), Part-01 (Ex.) B.Sc. Part-02 (Supple) B.A. Part-03 (Supple) BCA Part-03, M.A. English (Final-Reval) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., B.A. Part-01 (Supple), BCA Part-03 (Supple) Annual/Semester Examination 2018, 2019
03-04-2021 उपाधि हेतु ऑफलाइन आवेदन पत्र एवं आवश्यक निर्देश
26-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2020-21 हेतु समस्त कक्षाओं के ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
26-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर सत्र 2020-21 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
26-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2021 के आयोजन के संबंध में
25-03-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-02 (Suppl) B.A. Part-01, B.Com. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-1, M.Com. 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., LLB part-01-1st Sem.ATKT, B.Sc. Part-01 (Ex), B.Sc. Part-3(reval) B.A. Part-03, M.Ed. 4th Sem Exam 2018/2019
25-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- कोविड -19 की परिस्थितियों को ध्यान में रखते हुए मुख्य परीक्षा 2021 के परीक्षा आवेदन जमा किये जाने के संबंध में आवश्यक निर्देश
25-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर सत्र 2020-21 में नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
23-03-2021 शोध केन्द्रों में प्रवेश की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
19-03-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-01 & 03, B.Sc. (Supple) Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem (ATKT), B.A. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.) DCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., DCA 1st Sem (Ex), B.A. Part-03 (Supple), BCA Part-03 (Supple), B.Ed. 3rd Sem., Exam-2018/2019
19-03-2021 मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2021 के परीक्षा फॉर्म में त्रुटी सुधार किये जाने के संबंध में
19-03-2021 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2021 के परीक्षा फॉर्म के संबंध में
18-03-2021 सूचना:- पी-एच-डी. सत्र 2021 के छात्रों हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन
12-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन
12-03-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची :- वाणिज्य
12-03-2021 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.एड./एम्.एड. कक्षाओं हेतु सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2021 के परीक्षा केन्द्रों में आंशिक संशोधन विषयक
10-03-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. part-01 (reval 20%) B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem.Exam. 2018/2019
09-03-2021 शोध केन्द्र की सूची (शिक्षा)
09-03-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची (शिक्षा)
08-03-2021 समय सारणी :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21
08-03-2021 वार्षिक परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
06-03-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem (ATKT) B.A. Part-3, B.Com. Part-1, B.A. Part-3 (Suppl.) M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 1st Sem., BBA 1st Sem., M.Com. 1st Sem Exam Year/Sem. 2018/2019
06-03-2021 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
03-03-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Sc. Final Maths Annual-2018, M.A. Final English Annual-2018, M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-2018, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem (ATKT) Dec.-2018, B.A. Part-1 Annual-2019, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. May-2019, B.Ed. 1st Sem., Dec.-2019, DCA 1st Sem. Dec.-2019, LLB Part-03 (1st Sem.) Dec.-2019, M.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec-2019, LLB 2nd Sem (ATKT) May-2020, M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem (ATKT) Jan.2020 Examination
01-03-2021 पी-एचडी प्रवेश परीक्षा 2020-21 में छुट प्राप्त करने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की सूची
01-03-2021 सूचना:- शोध निर्देशक हेतु आवेदन करने के संबंध में
01-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों की सूची - रसायनशास्त्र, वनस्पतिशास्त्र
01-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन सेमेस्टर परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
01-03-2021 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
27-02-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Sc. part-03 annual-2018, B.A. part-02 annual-2018, M.Com. Final Annual-2018, M.A. Political Science 4th sem. may-2018, BBA 4th Sem. ATKT may-2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem. may-2019, M.Ed. 4th Sem. may-2019, M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. may-2019, B.Sc. Part-03 (Suppl.) 2019, DCA 1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-2019, B.Ed. 1st Sem., Dec.-2019, PGDCA 1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-2019, LLB 1st Sem. (Ex.) Dec.-2019, M.Ed 1st Sem. Dec.-2019, B.Sc. part-03 annual-2020, M.A. Political Science final annual-2020, M.A. English Final Annual-2020, B.Sc. part-03 annual-2020, B.Sc. Part-03 annual-2020, B.Ed. 2nd Sem (Ex.) may-2020, B.Ed. 4th Sem may-2020, BBA 4th Sem (ATKT) may-2020, LLB 6th sem may-2020 examination
24-02-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची - शिक्षा
24-02-2021 शोध केन्द्रों की सूची
23-02-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- BSc. Part-02, BA. Part-01, Supple.2017, B.Ed. 1st Sem/2nd Sem. ATKT dec-2017, M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual-2018, B.Com. part-02 reval 20% annual 2018, BCA part-01 annual-2018, M.A. Pol.Science (Final) Annual-2018, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem, M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem, M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 1st sem ATKT, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem May-2018, BBA 3rd sem ATKT Dec-2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem May-2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem ATKT Dec.-2019, B.A. part-03 Annual 2019, B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec.-2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem may-2020, B.Ed. 3rd sem (Ex.) dec.-2019, B.Ed. 1st Sem Dec.-2019, BCA part-03 Annual 2020 Exam
23-02-2021 शोध केन्द्रों को सुचना
22-02-2021 माननीय विद्यापरिषद् के सदस्यों के मनोनयन विषयक
22-02-2021 शोध केन्द्रों को सुचना
22-02-2021 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध केंद्र - मनोविज्ञान
22-02-2021 पी-एचडी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2020-21 में पात्र विद्यार्थियों के प्रवेश के संबंध में आवश्यक निर्देश
22-02-2021 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध केंद्र - अंग्रेजी, भूगोल, इतिहास,बायोटेक्नोलॉजी
22-02-2021 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध केंद्र - वाणिज्य, शिक्षा
22-02-2021 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध केंद्र - वाणिज्य
22-02-2021 सूचना:- पी-एचडी हेतु रिक्त सीटों की संख्या
22-02-2021 शोध निर्देशकों की सूची
22-02-2021 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2021 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि विषयक
18-02-2021 संशोधित शोध रूप रेखा जमा करने के सम्बन्ध में सूचना
17-02-2021 पी-एच.डी. सत्र 2018 में प्रवेश परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण शोधार्थियों हेतु सूचना
16-02-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., Exam Annual 2018/2019, Supple. 2018 Semester-May-2018 ATKT Exam May-2019
16-02-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Nov.-Dec.2020) :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-02
12-02-2021 Notification :- Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2020-21 Result
12-02-2021 Notification :- Online Semester Exam Form (1st, 3rd, 5th Semester) March-April 2021
04-02-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam 2020
10-02-2021 ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि के संबंध में
06-02-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- PGDCA 1st Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Sociology (Final), BBA 2nd Sem. (Reval), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., and 3rd Sem (ATKT) M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., M.Com. 1st Sem., (ATKT) DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.A. Economics 1st Sem., M.Com. 1st Sem exam. Annual 2018/2019 Supplementary 2018, sem may-2018-19/May-2019/Dec.-2019
06-02-2021 पी-एचडी प्रवेश परीक्षा 2020-21 हेतू आवेदन करने एवं हार्ड कॉपी जमा नही करने वालों की सूची
05-02-2021 दावा आपत्ति पश्चात् पी- एच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2020-21 हेतु परीक्षार्थियों की सूची
05-02-2021 Notification :- Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2020-21 - Admit Card
30-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld-Annual-2018, Sem.-2017/2018/2019 ATKT Jan. 2020) :- B.A. Part-1, B.Com. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.Sc.Chemistry 4th Sem. & ATKT, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. Exam
29-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam-2020) :- M.A. History (Final) Exam-Nov.-Dec.-2020
22-01-2021 Result Notification :- LLB part-03 (Second Semester) Special Exam- Nov.-Dec.-2020
20-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual 2020, M.A. English (Final) Annual 2020, M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual 2020, M.Sc. Mathematics (Final) Annual 2020, M.A. Sanskrit (Final) Annual 2020, M.A. Economics (Final) Annual 2020, M.Com. (Final) Annual 2020
20-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Com. Part-02 & 03, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) M.A. Psychology 2nd Sem., B.Com. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem. M.A. Psychology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. M.A. English 4th Sem. Exam Annual 2018, 2019/Sem. 2018, 2019
14-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.2020) :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02 Examination Nov.-Dec.-2020
14-01-2021 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2020-21 हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
13-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual 2018, B.Sc. Part-02 (Reval.) B.Com.Part-03, M.A. Economics (Final) Annual-2018, M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem. Dec.2018, DCA 2nd Sem. May-2019, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. May-2019, M.A. Economics 4th Sem. May-2019, M.Sc. 4th Sem. May-2019 Examination
12-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, LLB 6th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam Annual/Semester Exam. 2020
11-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020) :- B.A. Part-03 Exam Nov.-Dec. 2020
11-01-2021 स्वर्ण पदक (दान-दाता) पात्रता वाले छात्र/छात्राओं की सूची :- Major V.S. Rajput Memorial Gold Medal
09-01-2021 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2020-21 हेतु प्रवेश तिथि में अंतिम बार वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
08-01-2021 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Annual/Supplementary-2018/2019 & Semester-May-2018 :- B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-3, B.Sc. Part-03, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., BA Part-02 (Supple.) B.Com. Part-01 & 03, B.Sc. Part-03 & 02 (Reval) M.Sc. Home Science (F.&N.) 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03 (Supple.) Examination
08-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020):- B.A. Part-01 & B.Com. Part-02 Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
07-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020) :- B.Sc. Part-01 & 02, B.Com. Part-01 Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
06-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020) :- B.Com. Part-03 Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
06-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam) :- M.A. Sanskrit (Previous & Final), B.C.A. Part-01, 02 & 03, B.Sc. Part-03 Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
02-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam. Dec.-2020) :- M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) B.Lib. Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
01-01-2021 शोध रूप रेखा RDC के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने के संबंध में
01-01-2021 Result Notification (Special Exam.-2020) :- M.A. English (Previous & Final), M.A. Sociology (Previous & Final), M.A. Political Science (Previous & Final) Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
01-01-2021 अधिसूचना :- पी-एच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा सत्र 2020-21 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन विषयक
31-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Exam-2020) :- M.A. - Public Administration (Previous & Final), M.A. Economics (Previous & Final), M.A. History (Previous), Philosophy (Final), Psychology (Previous & Final), M.A. Geography (Previous & Final) Exam Nov.-Dec.-2020
31-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Exam-Dec.-2020) :- M.Com. 4th Sem., LLB 2nd Sem., Nov.-Dec.-2020
30-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020) :- M.A. (Geography) 2nd Sem., LLB 2nd Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
29-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Exam Dec.-2020) :- BBA 2nd & 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam. Nov.-Dec.-2020
29-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Exam.-Dec.-2020) :- M.A. Economics 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., Nov.-Dec.-2020
26-12-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- BCA Part-03, M.Sc. (Maths) 4th Sem (ATKT), M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. B.A. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-03, LLB 6th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam 2018/2019/2020
26-12-2020 Result Notification (Special Examination 2020) :- M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. Exam. Nov-Dec.-2020
23-12-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., BBA 2nd Sem (Reval) B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-03 Annual/Semester Exam 2018-19
21-12-2020 अधिसूचना :- नामांकन हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
21-12-2020 कुलगीत की रचना हेतु खुली स्पर्धा आयोजन विषयक
21-12-2020 अधिसूचना :- सत्र 2020-21 हेतु प्रवेश तिथि में अंतिम बार वृद्धि किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
21-12-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. Final (2019), B.A. Part-01 (Reval) Annual/Semester Exam-2019
17-12-2020 Result Notification :- Ph.D. Course Work Examination Session 2019-20
14-12-2020 Result Notification (Witheld-2018) :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018
14-12-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Com. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths-4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.S.W. 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., BBA 2nd Sem., (ATKT) M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-02, B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-02 Annual/Semester Exam-2020
10-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 (Private) Annual Exam-2020
09-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 (Private) Annual Exam-2020
09-12-2020 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Com, Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-02, 03 & B.Lib. Annual Exam-2020
09-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01 (Private) Annual Examination-2020
08-12-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- M.A. English 4th Sem (ATKT) M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths, B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem (ATKT) B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-03, BCA Part-03, B.Sc.-3 (Supple.) M.A. Political Science (Final & 4th Sem.) M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem.) M.Com. Final B.Sc. Part-03, B.Sc. (Home Science)-01, B.A. Part-01, B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) B.A. Part-02 (Supple.) Annual/Sem. Exam. 2018/2019/2020-20
08-12-2020 अधिसूचना :- आतंरिक परीक्षा (स्नातक ) में अनुत्तीर्ण /अनुपस्थित/असंतुष्ट परीक्षार्थियों हेतु प्रश्नपत्र के संबंध में
07-12-2020 अधिसूचना : एम.ए., एम्.एससी., एम्.कॉम., पीजीडीसीए, एवं एलएलबी प्रथम सेमेस्टर (नियमित) की प्रवेश तिथि में वृद्धि
05-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 (Private) & B.Sc. Part-02 (Private) Annual Examination-2020
03-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-03, B.A. B.Ed. Part-03 & B.Com. Part-02 (Private) Annual Examination-2020
02-12-2020 एम्.एससी. एवं एम्.कॉम. प्रथम सेमेस्टर में प्रवेश हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
01-12-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02, B.A. B.Ed. Part-02, B.A. (Additional) Part-01, B.A. (Additional) Part-02 & B.A. (Additional) Part-03, Annual Examination-2020
29-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Examination 2020)
28-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam.-2020)
28-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 & B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Exam.-2020)
27-11-2020 वार्षिक (विशेष) परीक्षा दिसम्बर 2020 की समय सारिणी एवं दिशा निर्देश जारी करने विषयक
28-11-2020 स्नातक भाग 02 एवं 03 में प्रवेश प्रक्रिया विषयक
27-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.A. Sociology (Annual Exam-2020)
26-11-2020 प्रवेश पत्र :- सेमेस्टर "विशेष परीक्षा" नवम्बर - 2020
26-11-2020 Result Notification :- DCA 2nd Sem., & B.Ed. 4th Sem. (Ex. ATKT) Semester Exam.-May-2020
26-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) & M.A. Political Science (Previous & Final) Annual Exam-2020
25-11-2020 Result Notification (Annual Exam-2020) :- M.A. English (Previous & Final), M.A. Geography (Previous & Final), M.A. Public Administration (Previous & Final), M.A. History (Previous & Final), M.A. Sanskrit (Previous & Final), M.A. Economics (Previous & Final), M.Com. (Previous & Final), M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous & Final) Examination - 2020
25-11-2020 Result Notification :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., LLB 1st Sem. (ATKT) & LLB 2nd Sem. (Ex. ATKT) Examination May-2020
25-11-2020 M.A. Economics (Session 2020-22)
25-11-2020 पी-एच.डी. शोध केंद्र को शुल्क के संबंध में दिशा-निर्देश
24-11-2020 ऑनलाइन प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म :- बी.पी.एड., एम्.लिब. के प्रथम सेमेस्टर एवं बी. लिब. (सत्र 2020-21)
24-11-2020 पी.एचडी. कोर्स वर्क परीक्षा 2020 हेतु समय सारणी एवं दिशा निर्देश
23-11-2020 "सेमेस्टर-विशेष परीक्षा" 2020 हेतु जारी समय सारणी एवं दिशा निर्देश
23-11-2020 Online Admission Form :- LLB, PG Diploma Courses, Certificate Courses, PGDCA and M.A. 1st Semester (Regular) For Session 2020-21
22-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-03, B.Lib., M.A. Psychology - Previous & Final, M.A. Philosophy - Previous & Final, Annual Examination - 2020
19-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-03, Annual Examination 2020
19-11-2020 Result Notification :- LLB 6th Sem., LLB 3rd Sem. (ATKT, Ex.) & LLB 5th Sem. (ATKT, Ex.) Examination May-2020
19-11-2020 Result Notification :- (Withheld) - B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018, B.Ed. 1st Sem., Dec.-2019, M.Sc. (Maths) 3rd Sem. (ATKT) May-2018, B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) Annual-2018, M.Com. 4th sem. May-2018
18-11-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.A. Part-01 & 02, B.Sc. Part-01& 02, B.Com. Part-02, M.A. (Hindi) 2nd Sem. (May-2020) M.A. (Political Science) 2nd Sem. (May-2020), M.A. (English) 2nd Sem. (May-2020), M.A. (Geography) 2nd Sem. (May-2020) Examination 2020
18-11-2020 Result Notification (Withheld):- B.Com. Part-01 & Part-02, B.A. Part-02 (Annual Examination 2020)
18-11-2020 अधिसूचना :- एम्.एससी. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ) सत्र 2020-21 हेतु प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म भरने विषयक
17-11-2020 अधिसूचना :- स्नातक प्रथम वर्ष के नियमित छात्रों हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन आवेदन (सत्र 2020-21) करने विषयक
17-11-2020 अधिसूचना :- एम्.एड. प्रथम सेमेस्टर (सत्र 2020-21) में प्रवेश आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
17-11-2020 अधिसूचना :- एम्.कॉम. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ) सत्र 2020-21 हेतु प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म भरने विषयक
17-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2020)
12-11-2020 सूचना:- पी.एचडी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा 2020 के संबंध में
12-11-2020 Result Notification (Withheld-Semester exam May-june 2018/2019/2019(ATKT) Annual-2018/2019,Supple. Dec.-2017/Oct.-2019) ) :-B.Sc. Part-01(Suppl.) DCA 2nd Sem. B.Ed. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-02 (Reval) B.A. Part-02 (Supple.) BBA 1st Sem. Dec.-2019, M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., M.A. hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.) M.Com., 1st Sem. (ATKT) B.A. Part-02, B.A. Part-01 (Supple.)
11-11-2020 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.कॉम. भाग - 03 (मुख्य परीक्षा 2020)
09-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., BBA 4th & 6th Sem., B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Ex.) Examination May-June 2020
06-11-2020 Result Notification (ATKT/Ex.) :- BBA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd Sem., M.A. English 2nd Sem., M.A. Geography 2nd Sem., M.A. History 2nd Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem., M.A. Psychology 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.S.W. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem., LLB 4th Sem. Examination May-June 2020
06-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Physics (4th Sem.) M.A. Economics (4th Sem.) M.A. Hindi (4th Sem.) M.A. History (4th Sem.) M.A. Sociology (4th Sem.) Examination May-June 2020
05-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Mathematics (4th Sem.) M.A. English (4th Sem.) M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem. Exam. May-June 2020
05-11-2020 Result Notification (withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-01 (Annual Exam-2017) B.C.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2018) M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018
04-11-2020 Result Notification (withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-02 (regular) B.Com. Part-02 (Regular) B.A. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Examination 2020
03-11-2020 Result Notification :- B.C.A. Part-02, Annual Examination 2020
03-11-2020 Result Notification :- M.Sc. - Computer Science (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Microbiology (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Zoology (4th Sem.) M.Sc. Home Science - (Human Development, Textile & Clothing, Food Science & Nutrition) 4th Sem., M.A. Home Science (4th Sem.) & M.S.W. (4th Sem.) Examination May-June 2020
02-11-2020 M.Ed. Online Admission for Session :- 2020-21
31-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Psychology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., (May-Jun. 2020)
28-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Regular) & B.Com. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Exam-2020
28-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval), B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-03, DCA 2nd Sem., BBA 6th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., Exam-2018-2019
26-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01 (Regular) Annual Exam-2020
23-10-2020 Result Notification :- LLB Part-01 (2nd Semester) & LLB Part-02 (2nd Semester) Exam- May-June 2020
22-10-2020 पीएच.डी. कोर्सवर्क परीक्षा हेतु आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि
21-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 (Regular) Annual Exam-2020
21-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem. (Semester Examination-May-june-2020)
21-10-2020 अधिसूचना :- प्रवेश तिथि में वृद्धि
20-10-2020 परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म :- वार्षिक/सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2020 के पूरक/अनुत्तीर्ण/परीक्षा से वंचित/परिणाम से असंतुष्ट परीक्षार्थियों की विशेष परीक्षा हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म
20-10-2020 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Computer Science (2nd Sem.) M.A. Sociology (2nd Sem.) M.A. English (2nd Sem.) Semester Exam-May-June 2020
19-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 (Regular) Annual Exam-2020
16-10-2020 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam. May-june 2020) - BBA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development, Textile and Clothing, Food Science and Nutrition) 2nd Sem., M.A. - Economics, Geography, History, Hindi, Home Science, Psychology, Political Science 2nd Sem., M.S.W. 2nd Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.Lib. 2nd Sem.
14-10-2020 EXAMINATION FORM :- Ph.D. Course Work Exam-Session 2019-20
14-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03, M.Com. 4th Sem (ATKT), DCA 1st Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) M.A. Hindi (Final) Exam 2018-19
14-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Regular), B.Com. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Exam 2020
12-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Exam-2020
12-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-02, BBA 6th Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., Dec.-2019
12-10-2020 सूचना:- शोध निदेशक हेतु आवेदन
06-10-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :-B.Ed.4th Sem., M.A. English 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem. ATKT, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany, M.A. Political Science (Final), B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-01 Annual 2019
06-10-2020 नेशनल एजुकेशनल पालिसी 2020 पर केन्द्रित ऑनलाइन विडिओ प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम
06-10-2020 B.C.A. Part-02 From Session 2020-21
05-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Exam 2020
03-10-2020 Result Notification (With held) :- B.A. Part-02, B.A. Part-03, M.A. Political Science Final, BBA 2nd Sem. (ATKT) DCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., June 2019
01-10-2020 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-02 (Regular) Annual Exam 2020
11-09-2020 B.Sc. Part-02 From Session 2020-21
11-09-2020 B.A. Part-02 From Session 2020-21
11-09-2020 B.Sc. Home Science Part-02 From Session 2020-21
14-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Sc. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.), M.Sc. Chemistry ATKT 4th Sem., BBA 1st Sem., Dec. 2019
27-09-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02 Annual Exam - 2020
23-09-2020 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-01 Annual Exam - 2020
16-09-2020 "शिक्षक दिवस 05 सितम्बर 2020" के उपलक्ष्य में आयोजित ऑनलाइन विडियो प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम
18-09-2020 Remuneration Bill Format
18-09-2020 Foil/Counter Foil for Marks Entry
17-09-2020 Time Table :- Semester Exam May-June-2020
10-09-2020 Online Annual Exam Time Table 2020
09-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., LLB 1st Sem. ATKT, B.Sc. Part-03, BBA 1st Sem Dec. 2019
08-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- BBA 1st Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc.Chemistry 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-1 Annual Exam 2019
08-09-2020 "पात्रता प्रमाण पत्र हेतु आवश्यक दिशा - निर्देश सत्र 2020-21"
07-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem. (ATKT) PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-03 Annual 2019
07-09-2020 गणेश मूर्ति निर्माण एवं गणेश पेंटिंग निर्माण प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम
03-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Ed., BBA, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem., M.Com. 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., LLB 4th Sem. (ATKT) PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. English 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 1st Sem. (ATKT) 2018-19
03-09-2020 आदेश :- योजना आयोग प्रकोष्ट का गठन
29-08-2020 EC Minutes 29-08-2020
31-08-2020 Board of Studies (Economics)
01-09-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- DCA 2nd Sem May-2019 & B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018
29-08-2020 सत्र 2020-21 हेतु ऑनलाइन प्रवेश आवेदन करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
29-08-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem.(ATKT), B.A. Part-03, M.A. Final Economics, M.A. Final Hindi Annual 2018
28-08-2020 नगद पुरुस्कार पात्रता वाले छात्रों की सूची वर्ष - 2018
28-08-2020 नगद पुरुस्कार पात्रता वाले छात्रों की सूची वर्ष - 2019
28-08-2020 स्वर्ण पदक पात्रता वाले छात्र/छात्राओं की सूची वर्ष - 2019
28-08-2020 स्वर्ण पदक पात्रता वाले छात्र/छात्राओं की सूची वर्ष - 2018
27-08-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. (ATKT) M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., LLB 5th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-2019
26-08-2020 ऑनलाइन बेस्ट प्रेक्टिसेस परिणाम जुलाई - 2020
26-08-2020 महाविद्यालयीन नियमित विद्यार्थियों के लिए हकीम अब्दुल हमीद स्कॉलरशीपसत्र 2020-21 सम्बन्धी जानकारी
24-08-2020 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा अगस्त 2020 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
24-08-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- BBA 1st Sem ATKT, B.Ed.1st Sem. (Ex), M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem., M.Sc. Botany (Ex.), PGDCA 1st Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem. ATKT, M.Com. 2nd Sem. ATKT May-2019
20-08-2020 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- M.Ed. 2nd Semester (ATKT) Jan. 2020
20-08-2020 Result Notification (Withheld) :- PGDCA, M.A. Geography 1st Sem. ATKT, M.A. English 4th Sem., B.Ed.2nd Sem., BBA 2nd Sem ATKT, BBA 4th Sem 2019
19-08-2020 Result Notification withheld):- PGDCA 1st Sem., DCA 2nd Sem, M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., B.A. Part-03 (2019)
17-08-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem.) (DCA 2nd Sem.,) (M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem.,) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem.,) May- 2019
14-08-2020 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा अगस्त 2020 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन में वृद्धि एवं एलएलबी प्रथम,तृतीय एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर एटीकेटी हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने विषयक
14-08-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Maths 3rd Sem. ATKT
14-08-2020 प्रवेश 2020-21 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि करने विषयक
11-08-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Com. Part-02 & 03 (Annual-2018) & BBA 2nd Sem. (ATKT) May-2019
11-08-2020 प्रवेश 2020-21 - मेरिट सूची जारी करने के संबंध में
06-08-2020 Online Examination Form for (2nd, 4th & 6th Semester) August - 2020
04-08-2020 EC Minutes (04-08-2020)
31-07-2020 Online Admission Form for Session 2020-21
31-07-2020 कार्यपरिषद में सदस्यों का मनोनयन
23-07-2020 10 Days Faculty Development Program (From 22nd July to 31st July 2020)
21-07-2020 Result Notification (witheld) :- M.A. Hindi, M.A. Economics, M.A. Geography, BBA 6th Sem., B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03
22-07-2020 Result Notification (witheld) :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual 2018), B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19, PGDCA 2nd Sem., May- 2018, B.Ed. 1st Sem (ATKT) May-2018
17-07-2020 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- BBA 3rd Sem. & LLB 1st Sem. Dec.- 2019
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Zoology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Sociology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Sanskrit)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Psychology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Political Science)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Physics)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Physical Education)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Philosophy)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Microbiology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Mathematics)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Library Science)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Law)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Home Science)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (History)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Hindi)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Geology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Geography)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (English)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Education)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Dance, Painting & Music)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Computer Science)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Commerce)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Chemistry & Bio-Chemistry)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Botany)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Biotechnology)
14-07-2020 Board of Studies (Anthropology)
13-07-2020 Result Notification (witheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem. and M.Lib (ATKT) Examination May-June 2018
10-07-2020 Result Notification (Re totaling) :- BBA 1st Semester December 2019
10-07-2020 Result Notification (witheld) :- (M.Com., M.Sc. Botany, B.Ed., M.Lib., M.Sc. Chemistry, B.Com., M.A. Hindi)
09-07-2020 हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा आयोजित ऑनलाइन वेबिनार का परिणाम घोषित
30-05-2020 हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय दुर्ग द्वारा आयोजित होने वाले ऑनलाइन वेबीनार के नियम
01-07-2020 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - B.Ed. 4th Semester (May-June 2018)
22-06-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- LLB 6th Semester (May-June 2019) PGDCA 1st Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) & BCA Part-03 (Annual 2018)
22-06-2020 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 1st Semester (Dec.-2019) LLB 1st & 3rd Semester (Dec.-2019)
16-06-2020 विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस (05 जून ) पर आयोजित ऑनलाइन मौखिक प्रस्तुतीकरण प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम
04-06-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018 & BBA 1st Sem. Dec.-Jan. (Ex.) 2019-20
01-06-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual 2019) (M.Sc. (Chemistry) 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
28-05-2020 ऑनलाइन निबंध प्रतियोगिता 2020 के परिणाम विषयक
28-05-2020 कार्यवृत्त :- कार्यपरिषद की बैठक दिनांक 26-02-2020
21-05-2020 आदेश :- COVID-19 से जुड़ी विद्यार्थियों, प्राध्यापकों, शिक्षण संस्थानों की समस्याओं एवं शिकायत के निवारण हेतु शिकायत निवारण प्रकोष्ट का गठन
21-05-2020 कोविड-19 के संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु छात्रों को स्वास्थ्य संबंधित समस्या, मानसिक तनाव से बचाने एवं मार्गदर्शन हेतु समिति का गठन
20-05-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2018
11-05-2020 Public Notice :- Redressal of Grievances related to COVID-19 pandemic
18-04-2020 Study material for pg students is also available in e-PGPathshala
07-04-2020 अपील :- परीक्षा आयोजन के संबंध में अपनी तैयारी रखने हेतु छात्रों से अपील एवं अद्यतन जानकारी हेतु विश्विद्यालय की वेबसाईट के निरंतर अवलोकन करने के संबंध में
06-04-2020 COVID-19 के संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु लॉकडाउन के दौरान छात्रों के मानसिक एवं शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के संबंध में
31-03-2020 अपील :- नोवेल कोरोना वायरस से बचाव हेतु महाविद्यालयों के छात्रों को जागरूक करने के संबंध में
25-03-2020 नोवेल कोरोना वायरस (COVID-19) से संक्रमण की रोकथाम एवं नियंत्रण हेतु वार्षिक परीक्षा 2020 को स्थगित करने विषयक
24-03-2020 परीक्षा केन्द्रों तथा परीक्षार्थियों हेतु निर्देश
19-03-2020 नोवल कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमण की रोकथाम एवं नियंत्रण हेतु वार्षिक परीक्षा 2020 के सम्बन्ध में निर्देश
19-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018 ) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018)
18-03-2020 Result Notification (Revaluation) Semester Exam Dec.-2019:-(LLB 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester) (BBA 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester Exam)
17-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-03 Annual 2018) (B.Sc.part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual 2018) (DCA 2nd Sem. May-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018)
14-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) Sem./ATKT Dec-2019/Jan.-2020, May-2019, Supple. 2019, Annual 2019 :- (M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Ed. 3rd Sem., PG Diploma in Yoga Education 1st Sem. ATKT, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem ATKT, M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem ATKT, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem., M.A. Economics, BBA 6th Sem., LLB 6th Sem., M.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Com. Part-02, B.A. Part-02 (Supple.)
14-03-2020 मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 के सम्बन्ध में अतिरिक्त निर्देश (अत्यावश्यक)
13-03-2020 मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक निर्देश (दिनांक 14-03-2020 से 31-03-2020 तक आयोजित होने वाली परीक्षाओ के स्थगन विषयक )
13-03-2020 Result Notification (Retotaling) Sem.-Dec.-2019/ATKT/Sem.-Jan-2020:- (M.Sc. Chemistry 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Mathematics 1st & 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem. & 3rd Sem.,, M.Sc. Microbiology 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Home Science (Textile, human development) 1st Sem., M.Com. 1st &3rd Sem., LLB 1st, 3rd & 5th Sem., BBA 1st, 3rd & 5th Sem., M.A. Political Science 1st Sem., M.A. English 1st Sem., M.A. Hindi 1st & 3rd Sem., M.A. Sociology 1st Sem., M.A. Economics 1st & 3rd Sem., BP.Ed. 1st Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem., DCA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem ATKT, LLB 2nd Sem ATKT, M.Com. 2nd Sem ATKT, M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd Sem., ATKT, M.Ed. 2nd Sem. ATKT, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., ATKT, B.Ed. 4th Sem. ATKT,
13-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) (Sem.-2017-18/May-2018/Annual 2018/Supplementary-2018):- (M.Com. 1st Sem., BBA 1st Sem., M.A. Hindi (Final), B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval), B.com., Part-03 (Re-revaluation) B.A. Part-03 (Suppl.), B.A. Part-03, B.A. Part-02 (Supple.)
07-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Annual 2018/Sem.-2018)-(M.Sc. zoology 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd SEM., B.A. Part-02, 03, B.Sc. Part-02)
07-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld)- (Sem./ATKT Dec.-2019-Jan-2020, Sem May-2019) :- (PGDCA 1st Sem, M.Com 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem./ATKT, B.Ed. 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.ED. 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem.,M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem., 2nd Sem., ATKT/Ex. & 4th Sem ATKT, M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem, BBA 1st Sem. M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., ATKT, M.Com 4th Sem)
04-03-2020 Result Notification (witheld) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem May- 2018) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. May-2018) (D.C.A. 2nd Sem. May-2018) (M.A. English 4th Sem. May-2018) (BBA 6th Sem. May-2018)
03-03-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-01 (Reval 20%) Annual 2018) (B.Com. Part-01 Annual 2018) (M.A. Economics 4th Sem. May-2018) (LLB 6th Sem. May-2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem May-2018) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT May-2018)
29-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) :- (LLB 1st Sem. (Ex.), M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem (ATKT) DCA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem., B.Ed. 1st Sem., B.Ed. 3rd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. ATKT, LLB 1st Sem., BBA 1st Sem., LLB 3rd Sem., PGDCA 1st Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 3rd & 4th Sem., M.Ed. 3rd Sem., M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 3rd Sem., BBA 2nd Sem.,
29-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-01 Annual 2018, B.Ed. 4th Sem May-2018, M.A. Political Science 4th Sem May-2018, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. May-2018
26-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May- 2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-2018) (B.A. Part-03 Annual 2018)
25-02-2020 अधिसूचना :- बीएससी. भाग 01, 02, 03 (ओद्योगिक रसायन ) के प्रश्नपत्रों की समय सारणी में हुए संशोधन (दिनांक 24-02-2020) को निरस्त करने के सम्बन्ध में
22-02-2020 सूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 में उपकेन्द्र से परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होने वाले परीक्षाथियों के अनुक्रमांक (Roll Numbers)
22-02-2020 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 के प्रवेश पत्र (Admit Card) डाउनलोड करने के सम्बन्ध में
20-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 2nd Sem ATKT May-2018, B.Ed. 4th Sem, M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.A. Part-02 (Suppl. 2018) B.A. Part-02, M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual 2018
18-02-2020 मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 में प्रायोगिक/आतंरिक परीक्षा के अंक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल में एंट्री करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
18-02-2020 अनुपस्थित छात्रों की प्रायोगिक परीक्षा आयोजित करने के सम्बन्ध में (मुख्य परीक्षा 2020)
18-02-2020 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem., Dec.-2019 & BBA 5th Sem., Dec.- 2019
17-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Annual Exam 2018 & Semester Exam May- 2018) - (B.Sc. Part- 02, B.A. Part-03, BBA 6th Sem, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 1st Sem ATKT, DCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 1st Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem.)
17-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Semester Exam. Dec. 2019 & ATKT Exam Jan. 2020)- (M.Sc. Maths 3rd Sem., M.Com 1st Sem., M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem., M.A. English 3rd Sem., M.A. Political Science 3rd Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem., M.A. economics 1st sem., M.Sc. Biotech 1st, PGDCA 1st Sem., DCA 1st Sem., BBA 1st, 3rd Sem., B.Ed. 1st & 3rd Sem., LLB 1st Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 1st & 3rd Sem., LLB 6th SEM ATKT, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem ATKT, M. A. Geography 4th Sem ATKT, M.Com. 1st Sem. ATKT, M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd SEM ATKT, M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. ATKT, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., M.Com., 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem)
14-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.A. English 4th Sem. May-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Suppl.) Dec.-2018) (B.A. Part-01 & 03 Annual 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual 2018)
14-02-2020 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- (M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem. Dec.-2019) (BBA 1st, 3rd & 5th Sem. Dec.-2019) (B.Ed. & M.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec.-2019) (LLB 1st & 5th Sem. Dec.-2019) (M.A. English 2nd Sem. ATKT Jan.-2020)
13-02-2020 पी-एचडी से संबंधित समस्त शुल्क हेतु नवीन बैंक खाता क्रमांक एवं चालान
13-02-2020 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- (M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem. ATKT Jan. 2020) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. ATKT Jan. 2020) (M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem. ATKT Jan. 2020) (M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem. ATKT Jan. 2020)
13-02-2020 Result Notification :- (Retotaling) - (M.Ed. 1st & 3rd Sem Dec. 2019) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.A. English 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.A. History 1st & 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.A. 1st Sem. & 3rd Psychology Dec. 2019) (M. A. Georapgy 1st & 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019)
13-02-2020 Merit List :- (M.A. Economics 4th Sem. 2019) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. 2019) (M.A. English 4th Sem. 2019) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem. 2019)
11-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT May-2019) (B.Ed. 1st Sem Dec. 2019) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Com. 1st Sem. ATKT May-2019) (M.Com. 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Sc. Biotech 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Sc. Zoology 1st Sem Dec. 2019) (M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.A. English 3ed Sem Dec. 2019) (BBA 4th Sem May-2019) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem May-2019)
11-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.Com. Part-03 Annual 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry May- 2018) (B.A. Part-03 Annual 2018) (M.Com. Final Annual 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (DCA 2nd Sem. May-2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem May-2018) (M.A. Hindi Annual 2018)
10-02-2020 Result Notification (Semester exam Dec.- 2019) :- (M.Sc. Computer Science 1st & 3rd Sem.) (PGDCA 1st Sem.,) (DCA 1st Sem.) (L.Lb. 1st, 3rd & 5th Sem.)
10-02-2020 Result Notification (ATKT Exam Jan.-2020) :- (B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT) & (M.Ed. 2nd Sem. ATKT)
06-02-2020 Result Notification (ATKT Exam January 2020) :- (M.A. History 4th Sem. ATKT) (M.A. Economics 2nd Sem. ATKT) (M.Sc. Mathematics 2nd Sem. ATKT) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. ATKT)
06-02-2020 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Microbiology 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019
05-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (BBA 6th Sem. May-2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem May- 2018) (B.A. Part-02 Annual 2018)
05-02-2020 Result Notification (Semester Exam Dec.-2020) :- (M.S.W. 1st & 3rd Sem.) (M.A. Sociology 1st & 3rd Sem.) (BBA 1st, 3rd, 5th Sem.) (M.A. Hindi 1st & 3rd Sem.) (M.Sc. Mathematics 1st & 3rd Sem.)
04-02-2020 Result Notification :- B.P.Ed. 1st & 3rd Semester Dec. 2019
04-02-2020 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- (B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (PG Diploma in Yoga Education & Philosophy 1st Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Lib. 1st Sem. Dec.-2019)
03-02-2020 Result Notification :- (M.A. Economics 1st & 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019) (M.Sc. Biotechnology 1st Sem. Dec. 2019)
01-02-2020 Result Notification :- (M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Sem. & 3rd Sem. Dec.2019), (M.Com. 1st & 3rd Sem. Dec. 2019)
01-02-2020 Result Notification :- (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem. ATKT Jan. 2020) (M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd Sem ATKT Jan. 2020) (M.Com. 2nd Sem. ATKT)
01-02-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Annual 2018, Sem.-may-2018, & Supply-dec.2018) – B.A. part-02, B.A. Part-01, B.Sc. Part-03, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem.,
01-02-2020 Merit List :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-2019) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2019)
01-02-2020 शोध केंद्र की मान्यता के लिए नवीन आवेदन पत्र
31-01-2020 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. छ:माही शोध शिक्षण शुल्क/ छ:माही प्रगति प्रतिवेदन शुल्क/विलम्ब शुल्क के सम्बन्ध में
31-01-2020 Result Notification (Semester Exam Dec.-2019) :- (M.Sc. Biotechnology 3rd Sem.) (M.A. English 1st Sem.) (M.Sc. Zoology 1st & 3rd Sem.) (M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 1st Sem.) (M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 1st Sem.) (M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) 1st Sem.) (M.Sc. Botany 1st & 3rd Sem.)
30-01-2020 Result Notification (ATKT Exams Jan. – 2020) :- (M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem ATKT) (M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. ATKT) (M.A. English 2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT) (LL.B. 2nd Sem ATKT)
30-01-2020 Result Notification :- (M.A. Political Science 1st & 3rd Sem. Dec.- 2019)
29-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. May-2018)
29-01-2020 Merit List :- (M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.Lib. 2nd Sem. May-2019) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. Hindi 4th Sem. May-2019)
29-01-2020 T.A./D.A. के सम्बन्ध में निर्देश
28-01-2020 Merit List :- (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem May- 2019) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem May- 2019) (M.Com. 4th Sem May- 2019) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem May- 2019) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem May- 2019)
28-01-2020 मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2020 के संचालन हेतु निर्देश
28-01-2020 मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2020 हेतु समय सारणी
27-01-2020 Result Notification :- M.A. History 1st Sem. Dec. 2019
27-01-2020 Merit List :- (M.A. Geography 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. Psychology 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. History 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. Economics 4th Sem. May-2019) (M.A. English 4th Sem. May-2019)
25-01-2020 सत्र 2019-20 की प्रायोगिक परीक्षा /आतंरिक मूल्याङ्कन (10%) के सम्बन्ध में
25-01-2020 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam ATKT Jan. 2020) :- M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. ATKT & M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem ATKT
25-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Annual 2018, Supply Dec. 2018 & Semester May-2018) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem.) (BBA 6th Sem (Special Exam Dec. 2018)) (B.A. Part-02) (B.A. Part-02 Annual 2018) (B.A. Part-03) (M.Com.) (M.A. Geography) (M.A. Sociology)
24-01-2020 Merit List :- (B.Lib. Annual 2019) (M.A. Home Science 4th Sem. 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem. 2019) (BBA 6th Sem 2019) (M.Sc. Home Science-Textile & Clothing 4th Sem. 2019) (M.Sc. Home Science-Food Science & Nutrition 4th Sem. 2019) (M.Sc. Home Science-Human Development 4th Sem. 2019) (M.S.W. 4th Sem.)
24-01-2020 Result Notification (2nd/4th/6th Sem. ATKT Exam Jan. 2020):- (LLB 4th Sem.) (B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem) (M.Lib. 2nd Sem.) (M.Com. 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Botany 2nd & 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem.) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem.) (M.A.-Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, History, Hindi 2nd Sem) (M.A. – Economics, Political Science, Geography 4th Sem.) (BBA 6th Sem)
24-01-2020 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- (BBA 1st Sem. Dec. 2018) & (BBA 2nd Sem. May-2019)
23-01-2020 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam Dec. 2019) – (M.A. English 3rd Sem.) (M.A. History 3rd Sem.) (M.Sc. Microbiology 1st Sem.)
23-01-2020 Merit List :- (M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-2018) (BBA 6th Sem. May-2018) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Lib. 2nd Sem. May-2018) (B.Sc. Home Science Part-03 Annual 2018) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Sc. Mathematics 4th Sem. May-2018)
22-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (BBA 6th Sem.) (B.Ed. 4th Sem.) (B.A. Part-01&03) (B.Sc. Part-03) (M.A. Economics )
22-01-2020 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam Dec. 2019) - (M.A. Psychology 1st & 03 Sem.) (M.A. Geography 1st & 3rd Sem.) (M.Ed. 1st & 3rd Sem.)
22-01-2020 Merit List :- (B.A. Part-03 Annual 2019) & (B.C.A. Part-03 Annual 2019)
20-12-2019 दिव्यांग परीक्षार्थियों हेतु आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश
20-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-01 Annual 2018) (B.A. Part-02 Annual 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May- 2018)
20-01-2020 Merit List :- (B.Lib. Annual 2017) (M.Lib. Semester Exam 2017) (B.Sc. Home Science Part-03 Annual 2019) (B.Com. Part-03 Annual 2019) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual 2019)
20-01-2020 अधिसूचना :- एलएलबी कोर्स पूरा करने की समय सीमा के सम्बन्ध में
20-01-2020 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 हेतु आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि (विलम्ब शुल्क के साथ)
18-01-2020 Result Notification :- (M.A. English 4th Sem. May-2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual 2018) (B.A. Part-01 & 03 Annual Exam 2018)
17-01-2020 Result Notification :- (M.Sc. Physics 1st & 3rd Sem Dec. 2019) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec. 2019)
16-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. & M.Ed. 4th Sem May-2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem May-2018) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 – Supple-Dec.-2018) (B.A. Part-2 Annual & Revaluation 2018) (B.Com. Part-01 – Supple-Dec.-2018) (M.Com. Final, Annual Exam 2018)
16-01-2020 पी-एच.डी. नामांकन हेतु अभ्यर्थी द्वारा भरे हुए फॉर्म में त्रुटि सुधार किये जाने सुचना
15-01-2020 Result Notification :- (M.A. Home Science 1st Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) (M.A. Home Science 3rd Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) (M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development) 3rd Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) (M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 3rd Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) (M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) 3rd Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2019-20)
15-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) (Annual Exam-2018):- B.Sc. Part-01, B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03, B.A. Part-01 (Suppl.), B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. English (Final), B.Ed. 4th Sem. (May-June 2018)
15-01-2020 Result Notification (Re-revaluation):- (B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02) (B.A. B.Ed. Part-02) Annual Exam 2019
15-01-2020 Merit List :- (LLB 6th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.Lib. 2nd Sem. May-June 2018) (M.A. History 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.A. Hindi 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
15-01-2020 अधिसूचना :- पी.एचडी./डी.लिट./डी.एससी. हेतु समेकित शुल्क संरचना
10-01-2020 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 1st Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2019-20)
09-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (Annual Exam 2018 & Semester May-june 2018) - B.Ed. 4th Sem, M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., BBA 6th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-01, 02, 03 (Suppl.), B.A. Part-01, 02, B.Sc. Part-02, 03, B.Com. Part-01 (Reval) B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Political Science (Final), M.A. Hindi (Final)
08-01-2020 Merit List :- (B.Lib. Annual 2018) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem, May-June 2018) (M.A. Psychology 4th Sem, May-June 2018) (M.A. Economics 4th Sem, May-June 2018) (M.A. English 4th Sem, May-June 2018) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem, May-June 2018) (M.S.W. 4th Sem, May-June 2018)
08-01-2020 Result Notification :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education & Philosophy (1st Semester Dec.-Jan. 2019-20) & B.Ed. 3rd Semester (Dec.-Jan. 2019-20)
07-01-2020 सूचना :- पी-एचडी. कोर्स-वर्क की परीक्षा प्रणाली के संबंध में
07-01-2020 Revised Regulation No. 107 (Recognition of the Research Centers)
07-01-2020 Merit List :- (B.B.A. 6th Sem. May-June 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
07-01-2020 अधिसूचना :- बी.ए. अंतिम वर्ष के रोके गए परिणाम के सम्बन्ध में (ज्योति/श्री रमाशंकर, अनुक्रमांक 7457050114)
06-01-2020 Merit List :- (DCA 2nd Sem. May-June 2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-June 2018) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
04-01-2020 Result Notification :- (Re-totaling) - B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02 (Supplementary Examination Dec.-2019)
04-01-2020 Merit List :- (Session 2017-18) :- M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development 4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition 4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing 4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Computer Science (4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Mathematics (4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Biotechnology (4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Sc. Microbiology (4th Sem. May-June 2018)
02-01-2020 CENTRE LIST :- ANNUAL EXAM 2020
02-01-2020 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2019-20 के लिए संशोधित परीक्षा केंद्र सूची
02-01-2020 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. आर.डी.सी. शोधार्थी के पंजीयन जारी करने विषयक
01-01-2020 Merit List (Session 2016-18) - (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. 2018) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. 2018) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. 2018)
01-01-2020 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- (B.C.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part- 02, B.A. Part-01 Supplementary Exam 2019)
01-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Supple. 2018) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual 2018) (M.A. Hindi Final Annual 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
01-01-2020 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 Supple. 2019) (B.Com. Part-01) (B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem.) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT)
30-12-2019 Merit List (Session 2017-18) - B.Sc. (Home Science) (Final) Annual - 2018
30-12-2019 Merit List (Session 2017-18) - B.C.A. (Final) Annual - 2018
30-12-2019 Merit List (Session 2016-18) - M.Com. 4th Sem. 2018
30-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02) (B.Com. Part-01) (B.Com. Part-01 Reval) (M.Ed. 2nd Sem.) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem ATKT) (B.Ed. 4th Sem ATKT) (B.Ed. 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem ATKT) (M.A. Pol.Science 1st Sem)
28-12-2019 पी.एचडी. में नामांकन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
27-12-2019 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- (B.Com. Part-01, 02) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03) (B.A. Part-01, 02, 03) Supplementary Exam Oct.-2019
27-12-2019 Merit List (Session 2017-18) - B.Sc. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03, B.A. Part-03
24-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-02 & 03, B.Com. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-02 (Supple.), M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science (Final)
20-12-2019 सूचना :- समस्त सम्बद्ध शासकीय महाविद्यालयों हेतु
20-12-2019 सूचना :- सम्बद्ध समस्त शोध केंद्र हेतु
20-12-2019 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. कोर्स वर्क उत्तीर्ण /कोर्स वर्क से छुट प्राप्त परीक्षार्थियों के सम्बन्ध में
20-12-2019 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- बी.एससी भाग 03 (पुनःपुनर्मूल्यांकन) मुख्य परीक्षा 2019
19-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., BBA 1st Sem., M.A. Political Science 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., B.Ed. 4th Sem. M.Ed. 3rd Sem.,, PGDCA 1st Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., B.A. Part-02, B.Sc. Part- 02 & 03, B.A. Part-02 (Supple) M.A. Hindi (Final), M.A. Sociology (Final)
19-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 1st Sem, PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., B.Sc.Part-01, B.Sc. Part-02 (Supple) (B.A. Part-01 & 02 (Supple.)
19-12-2019 Online Exam Form :- Annual Examination 2020
19-12-2019 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part- 01 & 03, B.Com. Part-02 & 03 (Annual Exam 2019)
19-12-2019 Time Table :- 2nd, 4th & 6th Sem (ATKT) Examination January - 2020
17-12-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Supplementary Exam Nov. Dec.- 2019)
17-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) (Annual Exam 2019, Supple. 2019, Semester May-June 2019) :- (B.A. Part-01) (B.Com. Part-01 & 02) (B.Com Part-01 (reval)) (M.A. Hindi (Final)) (B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple)) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple)) (DCA 2nd Sem.) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem.) (M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd Sem) (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem.) (M.Com. 4th Sem) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem) (M.A. English 4th Sem) (M.A. Hindi 4th Sem) (M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem) (LL.B. 6th Sem)
12-12-2019 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam Oct 2019) :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-02 & B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02
12-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd & 4th Sem) (M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd & 3rd Sem.) (B.Ed. 1st (Ex.)) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem) (M.Ed. 4th Sem) (M.Com. 4th Sem) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem) (BBA 6th Sem) ((B.A. Part-01 (Supple)) (B.A. Part-01& 03) (B.Sc. Part-03) (M.A. Hindi (Final))
11-12-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Sc. Part-01 & 02 Supple Exam Oct- 2019 & B.A. Part-02 Supple Exam Oct. 2019 (BBA 2nd Sem ATKT, May-June 2019)
11-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-02 Supple Exam Dec.-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem & M.Com. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
10-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-01 & 02, B.Sc. Part-03, Supple. Exam Oct- 2019) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem, LL.B. 2nd & 6th Sem., May-June 2019) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. & M.Sc. Microbiology 4th Sem and M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem., May-June 2019) (M.A. Hindi 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem., May-June 2019) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem. (ATKT) May-June 2019)
07-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Ed. 1st Sem (ATKT) May-june 2018 & B.Ed. 2nd Sem. May-June 2018
06-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) Dec. 2018) (LL.B. 6th Sem, May-June 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018)
05-12-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LLB 1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19
05-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. English 4th Sem.) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem.) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem) (LL.B. 6th Sem.) (BBA 4th Sem.) (B.A. Part-01 & 02 (Supple.) Oct. 2019)
27-11-2019 Result Notification (Re-totaling):- (B.Sc. Home Science Part-02 (Supple.) Oct. 2019) (BCA Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple.) Oct. 2019) (B.Com. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple.) Oct-2019) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple.) Oct-2019) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple.) Oct-2019)
04-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (PGDCA 2nd Sem.) (B.Ed. 4th Sem.) (M.Ed. 4th Sem.) (M.A. English 4th Sem) (M.A. Political Science 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem) (M.Sc. Home Science 4th Sem.) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Com. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018)
04-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 1st 2nd & 4th Sem.) (PGDCA 2nd Sem.) (BBA 4th Sem.) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem) (M.A. English 2nd Sem (ATKT)) (M.A. English 4th Sem.) (M.Com. 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem.) (M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem ATKT) (B.A. Part-01 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01 (Supple.) Oct. 2019) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supple.) Oct. 2019)
04-12-2019 परीक्षा हेतु उपयोग में लाये जाने वाले प्रपत्र (क्रमांक 01 से 07)
02-12-2019 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- (M.Sc. Mathematics 1st & 3rd Sem. ATKT May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Botany 1st Sem. ATKT May-june 2019) (LL.B. 1st & 3rd Sem. ATKT May-june 2019)
02-12-2019 Result Notification (Witheld/ATKT/Supple-2019) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (BCA part-01) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03) (B.Com. Part-01) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Botany & Physics 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Ed. 4th Sem.) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem.) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem.) (BBA 2nd & 4th Sem) (M.A. English & Economics 4th Sem.) (LL.B. 6th Sem.) (M.Com. 4th Sem.) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem) (PGDCA 2nd Sem.) (M.Com. 1st Sem ATKT) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT)
30-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem May-june 2018, B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018, M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Exam 2018, M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018, M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018, B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018, B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) Dec.-2018, B.Sc. Part-02 (Supple.) Dec. 2018, B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018
28-11-2019 संशोधित समय सारणी :- प्रथम,तृतीय, एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिसंबर 2019
27-11-2019 Result Notification (Re-Totaling) :- B.A. B.Ed. Part-02 & B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 & 02 (Annual Exam 2019)
27-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Com. 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), B.Ed. 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), LL.B. 6th Sem. (May-june 2019), M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), M.A. English 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), B.Com. Part-03 (Supple.) Oct.-2019, DCA 2nd Sem. (Ex.) May-june 2019, M.A. Public Administration (Final) Annual Exam 2019, M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2019, BCA Part-01 (Supple.) Oct. 2019, B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019, B.Com. Part-02 (Supple.) Oct. 2019, M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2019, M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. (May-june 2019), BBA 4th Sem. May-june 2019,
26-11-2019 Result Notification :- M.Lib. 1st Sem. (ATKT) Exam May-june 2019
26-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Sc. Maths (4th Sem., May-june 2018), B.Ed. (4th Sem., May-june 2018), M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018, B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018, M.Com. 2nd Sem., May-june 2017, B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) Dec. 2018, M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., May-june 2018, M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem may-june 2018
25-11-2019 B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 From Session 2019-20 (4 Year Course)
25-11-2019 Result Notification(Revaluation) :- LL.B. 2nd Sem. (Ex.) & 6th Sem. (May-june 2019) & BBA 2nd Sem (Ex.) (May-june 2019)
25-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- BBA, M.Sc. Chemistry, B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple.), B.Com Part-01 & 03 (Supple.),B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03(Supple.), B.A. Part-01 & 02 (Annual Exam 2019),, B.Sc. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019), B.Sc. Part-03 (Supple.), B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd Sem (ATKT) M.Sc. Maths 3rd Sem. (ATKT) M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem (Ex.), M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., B.A. B.Ed. Part-01, DCA 2nd Sem.
24-11-2019 Notification :- Exam Centers For 2nd, 4th & 6th Sem. (ATKT) Exam Jan. 2020
25-11-2019 Notification :- Online Exam Form (2nd, 4th & 6th Semester ATKT Exam Jan. 2020)
23-11-2019 Time Table :- B.Sc. B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 & 02 (Supplementary Exam. 2019)
19-11-2019 Ph.D. RDC Meeting Report Education
22-11-2019 Result Notification (witheld) :- (LL.B. 1st Sem ATKT, May-june 2019) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Suppl.) Oct. 2019) (B.Sc. Part- 03 (Suppl.) Oct. 2019) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part- 02 (Suppl.) Oct. 2019) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem May-june 2019) (M.A. Economics 1st Sem. ATKT May-june 2019) (BBA 2nd Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Com. 1st Sem ATKT May-june 2019) (M.Com. 4th Sem., May-june 2019) (M.A. Hindi 3rd Sem ATKT, May-june 2019)
22-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03, Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-03, Annual Exam 2018) (B.Com. Part-02, Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Sociology 1st Sem. Dec.-jan. 2017-18) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-june 2018)
22-11-2019 Admit Card :- Semester Examination Dec. 2019
19-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-03, Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-03, Supplementary Exam-2019) (B.Com. Part-01, 02 & 03 Supplementary Exam-2019) B.Sc. Part-02 & 03, B.Sc. Part-01 (Supple. 2019), M.Com. 4th Sem. June 2019, M.Com. 1st Sem. ATKT June 2019, PGDCA 2nd Sem. June 2019, LL.B., M.Sc. Maths, B.Ed., B.P.Ed., M.A. Economics, BBA, M.Ed., M.Sc. Chemistry,, M.Sc. Maths, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Physics, M.A. Hindi, M.A. Sociology, M.A. English, M.A. Political Science
19-11-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 & 02 (Annual Exam 2019)
18-11-2019 Time Table (Semester Exam Dec.-2019)
18-11-2019 B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 From Session 2019-20
13-11-2019 New Supervisor List
08-11-2019 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 & Part-02 & B.Sc. Part-02 (Supplementary Examination Oct.-2019)
08-11-2019 अधिसूचना :- ATKT परीक्षा के सम्बन्ध में (संशोधित विनियम क्रमांक 149 (Under the Ordinance 170)
08-11-2019 अधिसूचना :- स्नातक/स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रमों को पूरा करने की अधिकतम अवधि के सम्बन्ध में
06-11-2019 Online Exam Form :- B.Sc. B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed. Part- 01 & 02 (Supplementary Exam 2019) (Session 2018-19)
08-11-2019 Ph.D RDC Meeting Report
07-11-2019 Result Notification (Witheld):- (B.Ed. 4th Sem., May-june 2018), (B.Sc. Part-2 & Part-3, Annual Exam 2018) (DCA 2nd Sem., May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., may-june 2018) (M.A. Economics 1st Sem., Dec.-jan. 2017-18) (M.A. Economics 4th Sem., may-june 2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec. 2018) (DCA 2nd Sem., May-june 2017) (B.Com., Part-03, Supplementary Exam Dec. 2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem., May-june 2018)
06-11-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01 & Part-03, B.A. Part-03 & B.C.A. Part-01 (Supplementary Examination Oct.-2019)
04-11-2019 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध निर्देशकों की सूची
02-11-2019 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 & B.Com. Part-03 (Supplementary Examination Oct.-2019)
31-10-2019 Notification :- Online Exam Form (1st, 3rd & 5th Semester Examination, Dec.- 2019)
31-10-2019 Notification :- Exam Centres (1st, 3rd & 5th Semester Exam Dec.- 2019)
31-10-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-02 & B.A. B.Ed. Part-02 (Annual Exam Session 2018-19)
31-10-2019 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2019) :- B.C.A. Part-02 & Part-03 & B.Com. Part-02
30-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.Com. Final, Annual Exam 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (M.A. Final, Hindi Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 (Suppl.) Dec. 2018) M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., May-june 2018 (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., May-june 2018)
26-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Semester Exam May-june 2019:- B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., & 1st Sem. ATKT, PGDCA 2nd Sem., BBA 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.Ed. 2nd Sem., LL.B. 1st (ATKT) Sem., LL.B. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., BBA 2nd Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd Sem., LL.B. 1st Sem. (ATKT)
26-10-2019 Result Notification (Retotalling) :- Semester Exam May-june 2019- B.Ed. 2nd Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem., M.A. Sociology 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., DCA 2nd Sem., BBA 2nd Sem., M.Sc. (Home Science-Food Science & Nutrition & Human Development) M.Com. 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. English 2nd & 4th Sem., LL.B. 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Political Science 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Lib 2nd Sem., M.S.W. 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem.,
25-10-2019 अधिसूचना :- नवीन शोध केंद्र के सम्बन्ध में
25-10-2019 महात्मा गाँधी की 150 वीं जयंती पर राष्टीय स्तर पर निबंध प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन
25-10-2019 अंतर विश्वविद्यालयीन युवा उत्सव 2019-20 के आयोजन विषयक
24-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 2nd Sem. (May-june 2019)
24-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld):- (M.Com. 4th sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. Sociology 4th Sem., M.A. History 4th Sem., PGDCA 2nd Sem., M.A. Economics 1st Sem. (ATKT) & 4th Sem., BBA 2nd & 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.A. Hindi 2nd & 4th Sem., M.A. English 4th Sem., M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem., M.Ed. 4th Sem., B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem., B.P.Ed. 4th Sem., LL.B. 2nd & 6th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem., M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem., May-june 2019) (M.A. Sociology 2nd Sem., (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2019)
23-10-2019 कार्यवृत्त :- कार्यपरिषद की बैठक दिनांक 16-10-2019
23-10-2019 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों की सूची
21-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2019
18-10-2019 संशोधित सूचना:- पी-एचडी . प्रवेश परीक्षा 2019 में पात्र अभ्यर्थियों के प्रवेश के सम्बन्ध में दिशा-निर्देश
19-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- LL.B. (2nd & 4th Sem., May-june 2019) & BBA (4th Sem., May-june 2019)
18-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. Geography 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (M.Com. 1st Sem. ATKT, May-june 2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem., May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Hindi Final, Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Supple.) Annual Exam 2018)
18-10-2019 Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism & Hotel Management
18-10-2019 Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education & Philosophy
17-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA (3rd Sem Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
17-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) (Annual Exam 2019) :- (M.A. Political Science Previous & Final) (M.A. Public Administration, (Final)) (M.A. Hindi (Previous)) (M.A. Sociology (Previous & Final)) (M.A. History (Previous & Final)) (M.A. English (Previous & Final)) (M.Sc. Maths (Final))
16-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Com. (1st Sem Dec.-jan. 2018-19) & (2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) LL.B. 2nd 4th & 6th Sem. May-june 2019 (M.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd & 4th Sem.May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Zoology 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.A. Economics 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.C.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Geography 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (PGDCA 2nd Sem. May-june 2019) (M.A. English 4th Sem) (BBA 2nd, 4th & 6th Sem)
16-10-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-01, 02 & 03 (Supplementary Exam 2019)
14-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- Annual Exam 2019- (M.A. Geography (Previous & Final), (M.A. English (Previous & Final), (M.Com. (Previous & Final), (M.A. Economics (Final),
14-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 1st Sem. (Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
11-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.A. Political Science (4th Sem May-june 2018) PGDCA (2nd Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 1st Sem ATKT May-june 2018) M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2018, B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018, B.Com. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec.-2018
11-10-2019 Supervisor Seat Details for Ph.D
11-10-2019 पी-एचडी . प्रवेश परीक्षा 2019 में पात्र अभ्यर्थियों के प्रवेश के सम्बन्ध में दिशा-निर्देश
10-10-2019 Result Notification :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Exam Session 2018-19)
09-10-2019 ऑनलाइन नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
07-10-2019 Migration Application Form
05-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Lib., M.A. Hindi, B.A. Part-02, B.A. Part-03, B.Com. Part-03 (Supplementary Dec.-2018), B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd & 4th Sem.,M.Com. Final, M.A. English 4th Sem., M.A. Geography 4th Sem., B.Sc. Part-02, B.Sc. Part-02 (Supplementary Dec.-2018), M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem., M.A. Psychology 4th Sem., M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem., M.A. Economics 4th Sem., BBA 4th Sem., M.Com. 4th Sem. 2019, M.A. Political Science 4th Sem 2019, B.Ed. 4th Sem., M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem 2019, M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. 2019, M.Sc. Biotechnology 4th Sem. 2019, M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. 2019, M.Ed. 4th Sem. 2019, LL.B. 2nd & 4th Sem. 2019
05-10-2019 Result Notification (Semester Exam ATKT July-Aug. 2019) :- (M.A. Economics, M.A. History, M.A. Geography, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Maths, M.Com., B.P.Ed. LL.B., M.A. Hindi)
05-10-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
05-10-2019 Ph.d Entrence Exam Result - 2019
04-10-2019 Result Notification (1st & 3rd Sem ATKT Exam July-Aug. 2019) :- (M.Sc. Botany, B.P.Ed., M.Sc. Chemistry, M.A. English, M.A. Geography, M.Sc. Zoology, M.A. History, M.Sc. Home Science (Food & Nutrition), M.Sc. Maths, M.Ed., M.Sc. Physics, M.A. Sociology, M.A. Economics, M.A. Political Science, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Com.
04-10-2019 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- LL.B. 3rd & 5th Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
04-10-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
03-10-2019 Result Notification (Witheld):- (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Sociology (4th Sem.) May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-02 (Supplementary) Dec. 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. English (4th Sem.) May-june 2018) (M.A. Political Science (4th Sem.) May-june 2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.Sc. Maths (2nd Sem.) May-june 2019) (M.A. English (4th Sem.) May-june 2019) (M.A. Psychology (4th Sem.) ) (M.Sc. Microbiology (4th Sem.) ) (M.Sc. Zoology (4th Sem.) ) (M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem.) ) (M.A. Economics (4th Sem.) ) (B.Ed. (3rd Sem. ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. (4th Sem.) May-june 2018) (M.Ed. (4th Sem.) ) (M.Com. (4th Sem.) May-june 2018) (M.Com. (4th Sem.) ) (M.Com. (Final) Annual Exam. 2018) (BBA (6th Sem.) ) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (PGDCA (2nd Sem.
03-10-2019 Result Notification :- B.Ed. -2nd Sem. (May-june 2019)
02-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation-):- B.Sc. Part-02 & 03 (Ex.) (Annual Exam 2019), B.A. Part-02 & 03 (Ex.) (Annual Exam 2019) B.Com. Part-02 & 03 (Ex.) (Annual Exam 2019) B.C.A.. Part-01 & 03 (Ex.) (Annual Exam 2019)
02-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
02-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation):- B.Sc. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
01-10-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
30-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019) & B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2019)
30-09-2019 ऑनलाइन नामांकन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि
28-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2019) & B.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2019)
28-09-2019 Result Notification (UFM) -B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Annual Exam 2019)
27-09-2019 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Botany 2nd Sem. (May-june 2019) & BBA 2nd Sem (May-june 2019)
27-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- BCA Part-02 (Annual Exam 2017), B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2018), B.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2018), (B.A. Part-02(Suppl.) Dec. 2018) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Political Science 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Com. 4th SEm. May-june 2018) (LLB 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem (Correction) May-june 2019
27-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.C.A. part-02 (Annual Exam 2019)
26-09-2019 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Annual Exam 2019), B.Sc. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2019)
27-09-2019 Result Notification (Semester Exam May-june 2019:- M.A. Geography 2nd Semester, M.A. Sociology 2nd Semester, M.S.W. 4th Semester, PGDCA 2nd Semester, DCA 2nd Semester, M.Ed. 2nd Semester
25-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd Sem May-june 2019)(M.Sc. Zoology 4th May-june 2018) (M.Sc. chemistry 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.A. English 4th Sem (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2019)
25-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A. Part-03 & B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2019)
25-09-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
25-09-2019 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2019 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में वृद्धि
24-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2019)
24-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2019)
24-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Com. 2nd Sem May-june 2017) (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem May-june 2018) (BBA 6th Sem May-june 2018) (DCA 1st Sem Dec-jan 2017-18)
24-09-2019 Result Notification :- M.A. English (1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-jan. 2018-18)
23-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc.Part-01 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2019) (BBA 6th Sem May-june 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem May-june 2019)
23-09-2019 Result Notification :- (B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem May-june 2019) (BBA 4th Sem May-june 2019)
22-09-2019 Result Notification :- (M.Com. 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2019)
21-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) ::- (M.Sc. Maths (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sanskrit (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Psychology (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Philosophy (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Economics (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Public Administration (Previous) Annual Exam 2019)
21-09-2019 Result Notification :- (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Maths 2nd & 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Botany 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (M.A. Political Science 2nd & 4th Sem May-june 2019) (M.Lib. 2nd Semester May-june 2019)
21-09-2019 Result Notification :- LL.B. 2nd Semester (May-june 2019)
21-09-2019 Syllabus :- B.C.A. Part-01 From Session 2019-20
21-09-2019 अधिसूचना :- प्रायोगिक विषयों की पूरक परीक्षा आयोजित करने के सम्बन्ध में
21-09-2019 Time Table-Supplementary Examination 2019
20-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2019) (B.Com. Part-01 & 03) (M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam. 2019) (M.Sc. Maths (Previous) Annual Exam. 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.C.A. Part-03 Annual Exam. 2019)
20-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-02 & 03
20-09-2019 Result Notification (Semester Exam. May-june 2019) :- (M.A. Geography 4th Sem.) (M.A. History 4th Sem.) (M.S.W. 2nd Sem.) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem.) (M.A. Economics 2nd & 4th Sem.) (M.Sc. Microbiology 2nd & 4th sem.) (M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Sem.)
19-09-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling):- (B.Sc. Part-01, Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01, Annual Exam 2019)
19-09-2019 Result Notification (Semester Exam. May-june 2019) :- (M.Com. 2nd Sem.) (M.Sc. Home Science – Textile & Clothing 4th Sem., Human Development 4th Sem., Food Science & Nutrition’s 4th Sem.,) (M.A. Home Science 2nd Sem. & 4th Sem.) (M.A. History 2nd Sem.,) (M.A. Psychology 4th Sem.,) (LL.B. 4th Sem.,) (M.A. Hindi 2nd & 4th Sem.,) (M.A. English 2nd & 4th Sem.,)
19-09-2019 Notification :- Online Enrollment form (Session 2019-20)
18-09-2019 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Zoology 2nd Sem (May-june 2019 & M.Sc. Physics 2nd Sem (May-june 2019)
18-09-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) :- (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam. 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Com. Part-02 (Reval) Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part -03 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 (Reval) Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Reval) Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-01 (Suppl.) Dec.-2017) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam. 2018)
17-09-2019 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) – B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Annual Exam 2019)
17-09-2019 अधिसूचना :- शोध केन्द्रों की वार्षिक सम्बधता विषयक
17-09-2019 अधिसूचना :- पी.एचडी. शोध छात्रवृत्ति के सम्बन्ध में
16-09-2019 बी.कॉम. भाग 03 के "अंकेक्षण" विषय की समीक्षा उपरांत संशोधित परिणाम विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाईट पर देखे जाने विषयक
16-09-2019 अधिसूचना:- ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म :- "पूरक परीक्षा 2019"
14-09-2019 Result Notification :- (Retotaling)- (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019)
13-09-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) – (B.Ed. 1st Sem ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem ATKT May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.Com 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.A. Sanskrit (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (BBA 1st Sem. Ex Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 (Supp.) Exam Dec.- 2018)
13-09-2019 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) – B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019)
13-09-2019 Result Notification :- (Retotaling) – B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03 & B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2019)
13-09-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) – (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-02 (Additional) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01, 02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.C.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. History (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Economics (Previous) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (BBA 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (LL.B. 3rd Sem ATKT, Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (LL.B. 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018)
13-09-2019 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) (Human Development) (Food Science & Nutrition) 2nd Sem Exam. May-june 2019
13-09-2019 पात्रता प्रमाण पत्र हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप
12-09-2019 पूरक परीक्षा 2019 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
12-09-2019 Result Notification :- M.A. Psychology (2nd Sem.) May-june 2019
11-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem, May-june 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem.) May-june 2018)
11-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-02 (Supp.) Dec. 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.B.A. 1st Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (BBA 6th Sem. May-june 2018)
11-09-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 6th Sem (May-june 2019)
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "Combind List"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "HINDI"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "ENGLISH"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "ECONOMICS"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "SOCIOLOGY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "HISTORY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "POLITICAL SCIENCE"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "PHYSICS"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "CHEMISTRY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "MATHEMATICS"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "BOTANY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - " ZOOLOGY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "MICROBIOLOGY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "BIOTECHNOLOGY"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "COMMERCE"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "Education"
11-09-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Admit Card - Subject - "Home Science"
06-09-2019 Result Notification (witheld) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam-2018) (M.Com. 2nd Sem ATKT Exam Jan. 2019) (DCA 2nd Sem May-june 2018)
05-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan.2018-19) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem.May-june 2018) (M.A.Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (BBA 6th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Com. Part- 03 Annual Exam 2018) DCA 2nd Sem May-june 2018, PGDCA 2nd Sem May-june 2018
04-09-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (BBA 6th Sem May-june 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2019) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2019) (B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam. 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. History (Prev. & Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam. 2019)
31-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam. 2019) (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam. 2019) (BBA 6th Sem. Exam. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam. May-june 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2019)
30-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-03 Supplementary Exam Dec.-2018) (B.Sc. Part-01 Supplementary Exam Dec.-2017) (DCA 2nd Sem. May-june-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june-2018) (BBA 1st Sem. (Ex.) Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (BBA 1st Sem. Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (BBA 3rd Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem. (Ex.) Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (BBA 4th Sem. May-june-2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam. 2018) (M.A. English (Previous) Re-valuation Annual Exam. 2018) (M.A. History 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam. 2018) (M. Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M. Com. 4th Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
29-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.A. Part- 01, 02 & 03 (Additional Subject)
27-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (LL.B. 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam 2019)
27-08-2019 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- (नक़ल प्रकरण) बी.कॉम. भाग - 03 (मुख्य परीक्षा 2019)
27-08-2019 अधिसूचना :- विधानसभा के माननीय सदस्यों को विश्वविद्यालायीन कार्यपरिषद में मनोनीत करने के सम्बन्ध में
27-08-2019 Ordinance 107 (BCA Revised Ordinance)
23-08-2019 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- (M.A. English (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Political Science (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (M.Com. (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Economics (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Philosophy (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Home Science Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Ed. 1st & 3rd Sem. Exam Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.P.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (LL.B. 3rd Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.C.A. Part-01 Annual Exam-2019)
23-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (BBA 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem. May-june 2019) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2019)
21-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam-2019) (B.Sc. Part- 02 & 03 Annual Exam-2019) (B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam-2019) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2019) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam-2019) (BBA 6th Sem. Exam- may-june 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem. Exam- may-june 2019)
21-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (DCA 2nd Sem May-june 2018) (PGDCA 2nd Sem May-june 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem (Ex.) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (M.Sc. Zoology 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-june 2018)
21-08-2019 ऑनलाइन प्रवेश फॉर्म :- सत्र 2019-20 हेतु प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
21-08-2019 पीएच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2019 हेतु आवेदन जमा करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
20-08-2019 B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part- 02 (Session 2018-19)
20-08-2019 Result Notification (Re-revaluation):- BBA 5th Sem (Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
19-08-2019 Ph.D. Entrance Exam 2019 Syllabus :- Research Methodology
19-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part-01 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part- 01, 02 & 03 Annual Exam 2019) (LL.B. 6th Sem. May-june 2019)
14-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary) Annual Exam-2019) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam-2019) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam-2019) (B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam-2019) (B.Sc. Part- 01 & 02 Annual Exam-2019) (M.A. Sanskrit (Previous) Annual Exam-2019) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam-2019) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2019) (B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2019)
13-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. Exam May-june-2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd Sem (Ex.) Dec.jan.-2018-19) M.Sc.Physics 4th Sem. May-june 2018
13-08-2019 Result Notification (Re-revaluation) :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Exam Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
13-08-2019 Result Notification :- LL.B. 6th Semester Exam. (May-june 2019)
13-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.B.A. 6th Semester Exam. (May-june 2019)
11-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.Ed. 4th Semester Exam (May-june 2019)
10-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam-2019)
09-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Sc. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-01 & 02 Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.C.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (M.Com. (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. English (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2019)
09-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Supplementary Exam-2019)
08-08-2019 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- (LLB 1st, 2nd, 4th Sem (ATKT) Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (BBA 1st, 3rd Sem (ATKT) Dec.-jan.-2018-19)
08-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-01 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Com. Part-03 (Ex.) Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.C.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (M.Com. (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Political Science (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. History (Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. English (Previous) Annual Exam 2019) (M.A. Sociology (Previous & Final) Annual Exam 2019) (M.Sc. Maths (Final) Annual Exam 2019)
08-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 1st Sem Ex. (Old Syllabus) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 3rd Sem Ex. (Old Syllabus) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Com. 2nd (ATKT) & 4th Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (M.Ed. 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (BBA 6th Sem May-june 2018)
08-08-2019 Time Table for B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Session 2018-19)
07-08-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam. May-june 2019) - B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. 2019
07-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-01 (Annual Exam-2019)
06-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.C.A. Part-01 (Annual Exam. 2019) B.Com. Part-01 & 03 (Annual Exam. 2019) B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2019) (B.A. Part-02 (Reval 20%) Annual Exam.- 2018)
06-08-2019 Result Notification :- (M.Sc. Computer Science (Ex.) 3rd Sem Dec.-jan.-2018-19) (M.Sc. Physics 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (BBA 6th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem. May-june-2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 2nd Sem. May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec.-2018) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam. 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 (Reval) Annual Exam-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Political Science (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.A. Sociology 1st Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
05-08-2019 सूचना :- शोध रुपरेखा जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि
05-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
03-08-2019 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam - 2019) & B.Sc. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2019)
03-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2018) B.Sc. Part-03 (Revaluation) Annual Exam-2018, M.A. English (4th Sem. May-june 2018) M.A. Sociology (Final) May-june 2018) B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec.-2018, (B.Ed. 2nd Sem. ATKT May-june 2018) B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Com. Final Annual Exam-2018) M.Com. (4th Sem. May-june 2018)
03-08-2019 EC Minutes 24.07.2019
03-08-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.C.A. Part-02 & 03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Lib. (Annual Exam-2019) M.A. Philosophy (Final) Annual Exam-2019, M.Sc. Maths (Previous) Annual Exam-2019)
03-08-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.B.A. (1st Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (3rd Sem. Dec.-jan. 2018-19)
03-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019), B.Com. Part-01 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
03-08-2019 Online Exam Form :- B.Sc. B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 & Part-02 (Session 2018-19)
01-08-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Com. Part-01, 02 & 03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
31-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 4th Sem. ATKT (Old Syllabus) Dec.-jan.2018-19) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan.2018-19) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.A. Part-1 (Supplementary) Dec.-2017) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-03 Supplementaryl Exam Dec.-2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.Sc. Biotech. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.A. Sociology 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (M. Com. 4th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam-2018) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam-2018) (B.Com. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec.-2018)
31-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.C.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
31-07-2019 पी-एच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2019
31-07-2019 ऑनलाइन प्रवेश फॉर्म :- सत्र 2019-20 हेतु प्रवेश आवेदन फॉर्म भरने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
30-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
29-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019) B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
29-07-2019 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-01 (Annual Exam - 2019)
27-07-2019 Result Notification(Witheld): - B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019), B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019), B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019), B.C.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019),
27-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - B.Ed. (4th Sem May-June 2018) (B.A. Part-01 (Supplementary Exam Dec.-2017) (M.Sc. Biotech 4th Sem May-june 2018) (M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (M.Com. (Final) Annual Exam-2018) (BBA 4th & 6th Sem May-june-2018) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam-2018) (B.A. Part-03 (Supplementary) Dec.-2018)
27-07-2019 Result Notification :-B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam 2019)
26-07-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam 2019 - B.C.A. Part-01
25-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Com. Part-03 (Ex.) Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019) (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018) (M.Com. (Final) Annual Exam 2018) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem May-June 2018) (M.Sc. Maths 4th Sem May-June 2018) (M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem May-June 2018) (M.Sc. Home Science (Textile & Clothing) 4th Sem May-June 2018) (B.Com. Part-01 Supplementary Exam-2017) (LL.B. 4th Sem. ATKT May-June 2018) (B.Ed. 4th Sem ATKT (Old) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 1st Sem EX. (Old) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (M.Com. 2nd Sem ATKT Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
24-07-2019 Result Notification :-(Annual Examination 2019) - M.A. Sociology (Final), M.A. Political Science (Final), M.A. Public Administration (Final), M.A. History (Final), M.A. Hindi (Previous & Final), M.Sc. Mathematics (Final),
23-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Sc. Part-03 Annual Exam-2019) & (B.Com. Part-03 Annual Exam 2019)
23-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.Ed. 1st Sem. (EX) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (M.Ed. 1st Sem. (EX) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (B.Com. Part-02 Supplementary Exam. Dec.-2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam-2018) (M.Com. 4th Sem. Exam May-June 2018) (B.A. Part-02 & 03 Annual Exam. 2018) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) ((B.A. Part-02 Supplementary Exam. Dec.-2018)
22-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - (BBA-6th Sem. May-june 2018) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 1st Sem. EX. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem. Ex. (Old Syllabus) Dec.-Jan.-2018-19) (BCA Part-02 Annual Exam 2019) (LLB 1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (M.Ed. 4th Sem. May-June 2018) (B.A. Part-02 Annual Exam.- 2018) (B.A. Part-03 Annual Exam. 2018) (B.Sc. Part-02 Annual Exam. 2018) (M.A. Economics (Final) Annual Exam.- 2018) (M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam. 2018)
20-07-2019 Time Table (ATKT) :- 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester (ATKT) Exam.- july-Aug. 2019
20-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - B.A. Part-03
19-07-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam-2019 - M.A. English (Final), M.Com. (Previous & Final)
18-07-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam-2019 - M.A. English (Previous) & M.A. History (Previous)
18-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2018, M.A. English (Final) Annual Exam-2018, B.A. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2018), B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-june 2018) LLB (1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2018) B.C.A. Part-02 & 03 (Annual Exam 2019) B.Com. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2019)
18-07-2019 शोध केंद्र / शोधार्थियों को सूचना
17-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - M.A. Sociology (Previous), M.A. Economics (Final) & B.Sc. Part-03
16-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :-B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2018), B.Sc. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam. Dec. - 2018) B.Sc. Part-03 (Revaluation) Annual Exam-2018, B.Com. Part-02 (Annual Exam-2018) B.A. Part-02 & 03 (Annual Exam.-2018) B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-june 2018) B.Ed. (1st Sem. Ex. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) M.Ed. 4th Sem (May-June 2018) BBA 6th Sem (May-june 2018) B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (May-june 2018) M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Sem. (May-june 2018)
16-07-2019 Result Notification (Witheld) :-LLB 1st Sem. ATKT (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
15-07-2019 Result Notification :-(Semester Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) ) LLB 1st Sem. ATKT (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) LLB 3rd Sem. Ex. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) & LLB 2nd Sem. ATKT (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
15-07-2019 Result :- Ph.D. Course Work Exam Result 2019
14-07-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :-LLB 1st Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) LLB 3rd Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) LLB 5th Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) BBA 5th Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
13-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - B.C.A. Part-02
13-07-2019 Result Notification :-LLB 5th Sem. EX. (Semester ATKT Exam.- Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
13-07-2019 Result Notification (witheld):- B.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT May-june 2018) M.Com. (4th Sem. May-june 2018) M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam-2018, LLB (1st Sem Dec.-jan. 2018-19) M.Ed. (1st Sem. Dec-jan- 2018-19) B.Ed. (2nd Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-june 2018)
12-07-2019 Result Notification :-Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan- 2018-19) - LLB (1st, 2nd & 3rd Sem. ATKT) LLB (3rd Sem Ex.) BBA (5th Sem ATKT)
11-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - M.A. Philosophy (Final), M.A. Sanskrit (Previous & Final), M.A. Public Administration (Previous)
11-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - B.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT may-june 2018) B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam-2018) B.A. Part-02 & 03 (Revaluation Annual Exam-2018) B.Com. Part-03 (Supplementary Exam. Dec.-2018) B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-june 2018) B.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) BBA (6th Sem. May-june 2018) BBA (1st Sem. Ex. Dec.-jan. 2018-19) M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam 2018, M.Sc. Maths (4th Sem ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) LLb (4th Sem. May-june 2018)
10-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - M.Sc. Mathematics (Previous)
10-07-2019 Result Notification (Revised) :-Annual Exam 2019 - B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Economics (Previous)
10-07-2019 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. शोधार्थियों हेतु आवश्यक सूचना
09-07-2019 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Exam 2019) Session 2017-18
09-07-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :-BBA 6th Sem (Special Exam Dec.-2018)
09-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - M.A. Psychology (Previous & Final), B.Com. Part-03, M.A. Economics (Previous)
08-07-2019 Result Notification (wtiheld) :- DCA (2nd Sem May-june 2018) PGDCA (2nd Sem May-june 2018) M.Com (4th Sem May-june 2018) M.Sc. Chemistry(1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (4th Sem May-june 2018) BBA (6th Sem May-june 2018)
08-07-2019 Result Notification :-Annual Exam 2019 - B.C.A. Part-03
06-07-2019 अधिसूचना :- पी.एचडी. आवश्यक अधिसूचना
06-07-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam-2019 (B.Sc. Home Science Part- 01, 02, 03)
05-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Retotaling) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.A. Hindi (1st & 3rd Sem.) LLb (1st, 3rd & 5th Sem.) M.A. Geography (1st Sem.) M.Sc. Maths (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.A. Sociology (3rd Sem.) M.A. Economics (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Computer Science (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Physics (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Chemistry (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Zoology (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Com. (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Botany (1st & 3rd Sem.) DCA (1st Sem.) PGDCA (1st Sem.) B.Ed. (1st Sem.) BBA (1st & 5th Sem.) M.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.A. English (1st & 3rd Sem.) B.P.Ed. (1st Sem.) M.Sc. Microbiology (1st Sem.) PG Diploma in Yoga Education (1st Sem.) M.Lib. (1st Sem.)
06-07-2019 Time Table :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Session 2017-18) Supplementary Examination 2019
05-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Com. (2nd Sem ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem (Ex.) & 2nd & 3rd Sem ATKT Dec.-jan. 2018-19) BBA (1st Sem (Ex.) Dec.-jan 2018-19) B.A. PArt-02 (Annual Exam-2018) B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2018) M.Ed. 4th Sem (May-June 2018) B.P.Ed. 4th Sem (May-june 2018) BBA 4th Sem. (May-june 2018) M.A. Sociology (Final) Annual Exam_2018, M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam_2018, B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2018)
05-07-2019 B.A. Part-01 From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-01 From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B.Sc. Part-01 From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 BBA From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B. Lib. From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B.Com. Part-03 From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B.Com. Part-02 From Session 2019-20
05-07-2019 B.Com. Part-01 From Session 2019-20
03-07-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam-2019 - (B.Lib. & M.A. Philosophy (Previous))
03-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) BBA (6th Sem Special Exam Dec. 2018) & B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam_2018)
02-07-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Sc. Mathematics (4th sem May-June 2018)
29-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (4th Sem MAy-June 2018) M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.A. Sociology (4th Sem. May-June 2018) B.A. Part-3 (Suppl. Dec.-2018) B.A. Part-2 (Annual Exam_2018) BBA (1st Sem ATKT & Ex. Dec-Jan. 2018-19) LLB (4th Sem ATKT Dec-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (4th Sem. ATKT Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem. Ex. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) PGDCA (1st Sem Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem ATKT Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
28-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) PGDCA (2nd Sem May-june 2018) B.Sc. Part-2 (annual Exam 2018) MA English (4th Sem May-june 2018) MA Economics (4th Sem May-june 2018) B.Ed. (4th Sem May-june 2018) B.Ed. (2nd Sem ATKT) M.A. Hindi (final) Annual Exam-2018, B.Com (final) Supplementary exam-Dec.-2018, B.A. Part-3 (annual Exam-2018) BBA (6th Sem May-june 2018) M.A. English (1st Sem ATKT May-june 2017) B.A. Part-2 (suppl. exam dec2018) M.A. Emglish (2nd Sem ATKT) BBA (5th Sem ATKT) M.Com (2nd Sem ATKT) B.Ed. (1st Sem Ex.)
28-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Ed. (3rd Sem Ex.) M.Lib. (2nd Sem ATKT) M.A. Economics (2nd Sem ATKT)
28-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) LLB (1st Sem. Ex.)
28-06-2019 Result Notification(Witheld) :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - B.Ed. (4th Sem ATKT) BBA (1st & 3rd Sem ATKT) M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem ATKT) B.Sc. Part-2 (Annual Exam-2018) B.Ed. (2nd & 4th Sem. May-June 2018)
27-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed (1st & 3rd Sem ATKT)
27-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Sc. Chemistry (3rd Sem ATKT) B.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem EX.) BBA (1st & 3rd Sem Ex.)
26-06-2019 Result Notification (witheld):- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - M.Sc. Mathematics ( 4th Sem.ATKT) B.P.Ed. (2nd Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Chemistry (2nd Sem. ATKT) M.A. Sociology (3rd Sem.) BBA (3rd Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Zoology (1st Sem Ex.) M.Ed. (1st Sem Ex.)
26-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (2nd & 4th Sem ATKT) M.Ed. (4th Sem ATKT) DCA (1st Sem Ex.)
25-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.A. Sociology (3rd Sem ATKT) M.S.W. (4th Sem ATKT) M.Ed. (1st Sem Ex.) M.Sc. Chemistry (2nd Sem ATKT) LLB 4th Sem (ATKT) PGDCA (1st Sem Ex)
25-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.A. English (2nd Sem ATKT) M.A. Sociology (1st Sem) BBA (1st & 3rd Sem ATKT) M.A. Economics (Final) (Annual Exam 2018) B.Ed. 4th Sem (May-june 2018)
25-06-2019 पीएचडी. कोर्सवर्क प्रस्तुतीकरण परीक्षा हेतु शोध निर्देशकों को सूचना
24-06-2019 कोर्सवर्क प्रस्तुतीकरण परीक्षा हेतु समय सारणी
24-06-2019 प्रवेश पत्र :- सेमेस्टर (द्वितीय, चतुर्थ एवं षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा) मई - जून 2019 के सम्बन्ध में
21-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - B.Ed. (1st Sem Dec.-Jan. 2018-19), M.A. Hindi (final) (Annual Exam 2018), M.Sc. Zoology (1st Sem (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19), M.Sc. Computer Science (2nd Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-Jan. 2018-19), M.Sc. Mathematics (2nd Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19) M.Com. 1st & 2nd Sem (Dec.-jan. 2018-19), BBA (3rd & 5th Sem. (ATKT) Dec.-jan. 2018-19), LL.B. (6th Sem. (ATKT) May-June 2018
21-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Exam (ATKT) Dec.-Jan 2018-19 - M.Com. (3rd Sem. (Ex.)), M.Sc. Zoology (1st Sem. (Ex.)), M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem. (ATKT)), M.Sc. Chemistry (4th Sem. (ATKT)), B.P.Ed. (2nd Sem (ATKT))
19-06-2019 Result Notification (Witheld):- B.Sc. Part-03 (Annual Exam 2018), B.P.Ed. (3rd Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2017-18), B.Ed. (2nd Sem. May-June 2018 ATKT) B.Ed. (4th Sem. May-June 2018) M.Com. (1st Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19 ATKT)
18-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (ATKT) Jan. 2019- M.Com. (2nd, 3rd & 4th Sem ATKT). M.A. Political Science (1st Sem ATKt) M.Sc. Physics (1st & 4th Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Chemistry (1st & 3rd Sem Ex.) M.Sc. Biotech (3rd Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Zoology (4th Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Microbiology (1st Sem ATKT) DCA (1st Sem ATKT) M.Lib. (1st Sem ATKT) M.Sc. Maths (4th Sem ATKT) M.A. Geography (1st SEm ATKT) BBA (1st & 3rd Sem ATKT)
18-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) BBA 6th Semester (Special Exam) Dec.-2018
18-06-2019 Online Exam Form :- 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester (ATKT) Examination July-Aug. 2019
18-06-2019 Center list :- 1st, 3rd and 5th semester (ATKT) Examination July-Aug 2019
13-06-2019 Result Notification (ATKT) :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19 ) M.Sc. (Home Science 4th Sem. ATKT), M.A. Political Science 2nd & 4th Sem ATKT, M.A. History 2nd Sem. ATKT, LL.B. 6th Sem. ATKT, M.Sc. Computer Science 4th Sem. ATKT, M.A. English 2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT, M.A. Hindi 2nd Sem. ATKT, BBA 5th Sem. ATKT, M.A. History 4th Sem. ATKT, M.Ed. 2nd Sem. ATKT
12-06-2019 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Sc. B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 Annual Exam 2018
12-06-2019 सम्बद्धता शुल्क की राशि के भुगतान सम्बन्धी आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश
12-06-2019 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ एवं षष्टम सेमेस्टर (केवल ए.टी.के.टी./भूतपूर्व/विथेल्ड/यू.एफ.एम.) परीक्षार्थियों हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
11-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Exam (ATKT) Jan. 2019 - M.Sc. Computer Science (2nd Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Microbiology (2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Zoology (2nd Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Botany (2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Biotechnology (2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Maths (2nd Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Physics (2nd Sem. ATKT), M.A. Geography (2nd & 4th Sem. ATKT), M.A. Psychology (2nd Sem. ATKT), M.A. Hindi (4th Sem. ATKT), M.A. Economics (4th Sem. ATKT)
11-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - M.A. Hindi (Final) Annual Exam. 2018, M.Com. (Final) Annual Exam. 2018, M.Com. (4th Sem. May-June 2018), M.Ed. (1st Sem. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19), M.Ed. (1st Sem. (ATKT) May-June 2018, B.P.Ed. (1st Sem (ATKT) Dec-jan. 2018-19, B.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem. (ATKT) Dec.Jan. 2018-19, B.Ed. (4th Sem) May-June 2018, B.Sc. Part-2(Annual Exam. 2018), B.A. Part-3 (Annual Exam 2018)
11-06-2019 Time Table :- Semester Examination (2nd, 4th & 6th Semester) May-June 2019
07-06-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Com. (1st Sem.ATKT), PGDCA (1st Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Botany (1st Sem. ATKT), M.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Chemistry (1st Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Biotech.(1st & 3rd Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Zoology (1st Sem. ATKT), M.Sc. Maths (1st Sem. ATKT), M.A. Hindi (1st Sem. ATKT), M.A. English (1st Sem. ATKT), M.A. Geography (1st Sem. ATKT), M.A. Economics (1st & 3rd Sem. ATKT),
06-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem.) & M.Ed. (1st Sem. (ATKT) May-June 2018), B.Ed. (2nd Sem. May-June 2018), BBA (4th Sem. May-June 2018), B.P.Ed. (4th Sem. May-June 2018),
06-06-2019 ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ एवं षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2019 की अंतिम तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि
03-06-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem.), M.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.), LLB (5th Sem.), M.Com. (3rd Sem.), BBA (3rd Sem.), & B.A. Part-03 (Annual Exam- 2018), B.Ed. (4th Sem., May-2018)
03-06-2019 Online Admission Form for Session 2019-20
31-05-2019 Result Notification (witheld) :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem.), BBA (1st Sem.), DCA (1st Sem.), M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem.), M.Sc. Chemistry (3rd Sem.), M.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
30-05-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) LLB (5th Sem.)
30-05-2019 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.A. English (1st Sem.), LLB (3rd Sem.), B.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.Ed. (1st Sem.), B.P.Ed. (3rd Sem.), M.A. English (3rd Sem.), M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem.)
30-05-2019 शोध निर्देशक के रूप में मान्यता हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप
30-05-2019 अकादमिक कैलेंडर सत्र 2019-20
30-05-2019 प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका सिद्धान्त सत्र 2019-20
30-05-2019 माइग्रेशन शुल्क, पात्रता प्रमाण पत्र शुल्क एवं पी.एचडी. से सम्बंधित शुल्क जमा करने हेतु चालान का प्रारूप
29-05-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
29-05-2019 Result Notification :- (witheld) Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem.), M.A. Political Science (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.A. Sociology (1st Sem.), BBA (1st, 3rd & 5th Sem.), M.Sc. Zoology (1st Sem.), L.Lb. (3rd Sem.), M.Com. (3rd Sem.)
27-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (1st Sem.), M.A. Sociology (1st & 3rd Sem.), BBA (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.Sc. Maths (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.Com. (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.A. Political Science (3rd Sem.), M.Sc. Chemistry (1st Sem.)
24-05-2019 मुख्य परीक्षा 2019 की समय सारिणी में पुनः आंशिक परिवर्तन (बी.ए. भाग 01)
23-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Com. (1st & 3rd Sem.), B.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.), M.A. Sociology (3rd Sem.), DCA (1st Sem.)
22-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) M.Sc. (Botany) 1st Semester, BBA 1st Semester, B.Ed. 1st Semester
21-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) B.Ed. (3rd Sem.), BBA (1st, 3rd & 5th Sem.), M.Sc. (Zoology) 1st sem., M.Sc. (Maths) 3rd Sem., M.Sc. (Physics) 1st Sem., M.Sc. (Chemistry) 3rd Sem., M.Com. 3rd sem., M.A. Sociology (1st & 3rd Sem.) & M.A. Geography (1st Sem.)
20-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - B.Ed. (1st Semester)
20-05-2019 T.A. Bill Format
20-05-2019 निर्देश :- शोध निर्देशकों/शोध केन्द्रों हेतु
20-05-2019 अधिसूचना :- शोध निर्देशकों/शोध केन्द्रों हेतु नियम
16-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - B.B.A. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
15-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - B.Ed. 3rd Semester, M.Com. (3rd Sem.), PGDCA (1st Sem.), M.Sc. Chemistry (1st Sem.) & M.A. Sociology (1st Sem.)
10-05-2019 अधिसूचना :- विशेष परीक्षा - क्रीडा प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की पुनः परीक्षा आयोजित करने की तिथि (1st semester Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
13-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - M.Com. (1st & 3rd Semester) M.A. English (1st & 3rd Semester) B.Ed. (3rd Semester) M.Sc. Zoology (3rd Semester) LL.B. (3rd Semester) M.A. Hindi (3rd Semester) M.A. Sociology (3rd Semester) M.A. Political Science (3rd Semester)
10-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - PGDCA (1st Sem.) DCA (1st Sem.), BBA (5th Sem.), M.A. Sociology (1st Sem.) & M.Com. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
10-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - PGDCA (1st Sem.) DCA (1st Sem.), BBA (5th Sem.), M.A. Sociology (1st Sem.) & M.Com. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
09-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - B.Ed. 3rd Semester & M.A. Economics (1st Semester)
09-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - M.Sc. Botany (1st & 3rd Semester), M.Sc. Mathematics (3rd Semester), M.Sc. Chemistry (3rd Semester)
07-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - M.Sc. Chemistry (1st Semester), M.A. Psychology (1st & 3rd Semester)
07-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - B.Ed. 3rd Semester, LL.B. 1st Semester, LL.B. 3rd Semester, M.Sc. (Physics) 1st Semester (Ex.)
04-05-2019 ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ एवं षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2019
04-05-2019 परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची :- द्वितीय, चतुर्थ एवं षष्टम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2019
03-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - M.A. (Economics) 1st Semester, M.A. (Political Science) 1st Semester, B.P.Ed. 1st Semester & B.Ed. 3rd Semester
03-05-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - LL.B. Part-01 (First Semester) & LL.B. Part-02 (First Semester)
30-04-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) (Witheld) - M.Sc. (Microbiology, Computer Science, Biotechnology) 1st Semester & M.A. (Geography) 1st & 3rd Semester
30-04-2019 Online Exam Form :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part 01 (Supplementary Exam_2019)
29-04-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)- B.Ed. 3rd Semester
27-04-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - M.A. Hindi (1st Sem.) & M.Sc. Mathematics (1st Sem.)
26-04-2019 Result Notification :- (semester Examination-Dec-Jan. 2018-19) - M.A. Sociology (3rd Sem.)
25-04-2019 Result Notification :- (Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) - M.Sc. (Physics) 1st & 3rd Semester, M.Sc. (Computer Science) 1st & 3rd Semester, M.A. (Economics) 1st & 3rd Sem., M.A. (Political Science) 1st & 3rd Sem., M.A. (History) 1st & 3rd Sem., M.A. (Geography) 1st & 3rd Sem., & M.A. (Hindi) 3rd Sem.
24-04-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)- M.Sc. Bio-technology (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Zoology (1st & 3rd Sem.) M.Sc. Microbiology (1st & 3rd Sem.) & B.P.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem.)
22-04-2019 Ordinance No 45 for Ph.D.
22-04-2019 Result Notification :- M.Sc. (Home Science) 1st & 3rd Sem (Dec.-Jan 2018-19), M.A. English (1st Sem.) & M.Lib 1st Sem. (Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
11-04-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Exam Dec.-Jan (2018-19)- M.A. (Home Science) 1st and 3rd Semester & PG Diploma in Education and Philosophy (1st Sem)
11-04-2019 Notification:-Ph.D. Course work Exam and exam form
09-04-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) - B.Ed. (ATKT) 1st Sem. Exam (May-June_2017) & M.S.W. 3rd Semester Exam (Dec._2018)
09-04-2019 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) BBA 6th semster Dec. _ 2018 (Special Exam) And B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 Exam_2018
08-04-2019 Result Notification :- BBA 6th Semester (Special Exam) Dec._2018
04-04-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan.- 2018-19) - M.S.W. 1st and 3rd Sem.
25-03-2019 Result Notification :- B.Sc.B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed. Part-01 (Annual Exam-2018)
18-03-2019 सूचना :- कोर्स वर्क परीक्षा से छूट/कोर्स वर्क हेतु पंजीयन राशि जमा करने विषयक
15-03-2019 मुख्य परीक्षा 2019 की संशोधित समय सारणी
15-03-2019 Result Notification :- Revaluation (20%) LLB Part-3 (Second Semester-May-June 2018)
15-03-2019 विश्वविद्यालय की पुरानी उत्तरपुस्तिकायें एवं अन्य रद्दी कागज विक्रय हेतु निविदा सूचना
13-03-2019 शोध निर्देशकों की संशोधित सूची
13-03-2019 सूचना :- पी.एचडी. शोधार्थियों हेतु आवश्यक सूचना
13-03-2019 सूचना:- मुख्य परीक्षा 2019 हेतु उपकेंद्रों में सम्मिलित होने वाले परीक्षार्थियों के अनुक्रमांकों की जानकारी
13-03-2019 सूचना:- मुख्य परीक्षा 2019 हेतु प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने विषयक
08-03-2019 Result Notification :- (Revaluation 20%) - Annual Exam-2018 (B.Sc. Part-2, M.A. Previous (English & History) M.A. Final (English & Political Science) & Semester Exam May-June 2018 (Re-revaluation) (BBA 4th Sem.)
02-03-2019 Result Notification :- (Re-revaluation) - May-June 2018 (BBA 2nd & 4th Sem. & LLB Part-2 (Second Semester)
02-03-2019 शोध निर्देशकों की संशोधित सूची - (विषय-राजनीति विज्ञान)
23-02-2019 Result notification :- (Witheld) B.A. Part-2 (Supplementary Exam_2017)
22-02-2019 Result Notification :- Revaluation (Annual Exam 2018) M.A.- English (Final)
21-02-2019 प्रायोगिक परीक्षा 2019 हेतु उपयोग किये जाने वाले उत्तरपुस्तिका के संबंध में आवश्यक पत्र
21-02-2019 Result Notification :- Revaluation - BBA 2nd semester (May-June 2018) & Re-revaluation - M.Com. Previous (March-april 2018)
20-02-2019 निर्देश :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2019 (रोल-लिस्ट डाउनलोड करने विषयक )
20-02-2019 निर्देश :- ऑनलाइन पद्धति से प्रायोगिक परीक्षा के अंक प्रेषित करने विषयक
20-02-2019 अधिसूचना :- शोध उपाधि समिति द्वारा मान्य शोध निर्देशकों की सूची
15-02-2019 time table annual exam 2019
14-02-2019 अधिसूचना :- संकायाध्यक्षों को कार्यपरिषद में नामांकित करने विषयक
14-02-2019 शुद्धि पत्र (Corrigendum) :- साफ-सफाई हेतु जारी निविदा के अमानत राशि में त्रुटी सुधार विषयक
13-02-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (Revaluation) - M.A. (Previous) - Economics, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, M.A, (Final) - Psychology & M.Com. (Final)
10-02-2019 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) Supplementary Exam Dec. 2018 - B.Com., B.Sc., B.A., B.Sc. (Home Science)
08-02-2019 मुख्य परीक्षा (वार्षिक) 2019 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने एवं जमा करने की तिथि में पुनः वृद्धि करने विषयक
04-02-2019 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (पूरक परीक्षा दिसंबर 2018) - बी.कॉम. भाग 01, 02, 03, बी.एससी. भाग 01, 02, 03, बीसीए भाग 01, 02, 03, बी.एससी.(गृहविज्ञानं) भाग 01, 02, एवं बी.ए. भाग 01, 02, 03
31-01-2019 सूचना :- पीएचडी शोधार्थियों हेतु
25-01-2019 Result Notification :- Supplementary Exam Dec. 2018 (B.Sc. Home Science Part-03)
24-01-2019 B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. (04 Year Course)
24-01-2019 2nd and 4th sem (ATKT) Exam Jan.-Feb 2019 Admit card and attendance
24-01-2019 Result Notification :- Semester Exam (May-June 2018) Witheld (B.P.Ed. 2nd sem) - Jyoti
22-01-2019 Time Table :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy (1st Sem.) Jan. 2019
21-01-2019 Corrigendum :- Tender for supply of pre printed marksheets and degree certificates
19-01-2019 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Semester Exam (Dec.-Jan. 2017-18) B.P.Ed. 1st & 3rd Semester
18-01-2019 Time Table :- 2nd & 4th Semester (ATKT) Exam. January 2019
18-01-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (Revaluation - M.A. (Final) Hindi, M.A./M.Sc. (Final) Mathematics
14-01-2019 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) Annual Exam_2018 (M.A. - English (Previous), Hindi (Previous), Geography (Previous), Pschology (Previous), Public Administration(Previous), MA/M.Sc. Maths (Previous), M.Com. (Previous), B.Lib. & Re-Revaluation (B.Sc. Part-2)
15-01-2019 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ atkt) हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में 02 दिवस की वृद्धि
11-01-2019 Offline Exam Form :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education (1st Sem. 2019)
12-01-2019 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म - मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2019
10-01-2019 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) Annual Exam_2018 (M.A. - Sociology (Final), Public Administration (Final), Economics (Final), Political Science (Final), History (Final)
14-01-2019 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची :- मुख्य (वार्षिक) परीक्षा 2019
05-01-2019 Result Notification :- Annual Exam_ 2018 ( Re-Revaluation - B.Sc. Part-01) & (Revaluation - B.A. Part-1)
05-01-2019 Result Notification :- Revaluation 20% (Semester Examination May-June 2018) - BBA (Second & Fourth Semester) & LLB. (Second Semester)
05-01-2019 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म (द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा (जनवरी 2019))
04-01-2019 अधिसूचना :- संकायाध्यक्षों की नियुक्ति
03-01-2019 Result Notification :- LLB 5th Semester (ATKT) Exam. (May-June 2018)
03-01-2019 Result Notification :- Retotaling (Semester Examination May-June 2018) - LLB (2nd & 4th Sem.) BBA (2nd & 4th Sem.)
02-01-2019 Exam Centres for 2nd & 4th Semester (ATKT) Exam. Jan. 2019
01-01-2019 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) :- LLB 4th Semester Exam (May-June 2018)
01-01-2019 Syllabus :- PG Diploma in Yoga Education And Philosophy (One Year Course)
31-12-2018 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) :- BBA 4th Semester Exam (May-June 2018)
31-12-2018 Time Table :- BBA & LLB (1st, 3rd, 5th Sem. Exam._Jan. 2019) (Main/ATKT/Ex.)
29-12-2018 Result Notification :- Retotalling (Semester Examination May-June 2018) - B.Ed.(Second & Fourth Sem.), M.Sc. (Second & Fourth Sem.), M.Com. (Second & Fourth Sem.), M.A. (Second & IV Sem.), M.S.W. (Second Sem.),M.Ed. (Second & Fourth Sem.), M.Lib, DCA & PGDCA (second Sem.)
28-12-2018 Result Notification :- Revaluation (Semester Examination May-June 2018) - LLB. & BBA (Second Semester)
26-12-2018 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) (Semester Exam. Dec.-Jan. 2018-19) -BBA (6th Sem.)
27-12-2018 Result Notification :- Revaluation (Semester Examination May-June 2018) - LLB. Part-3 (Second Semester)
27-12-2018 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जन. 2018-19) :- प्रवेश पत्र (Admit Card) एवं उपस्थिति पत्रक (Attandance Sheet) का प्रारूप
27-12-2018 माइग्रेशन शुल्क, पात्रता प्रमाण पत्र शुल्क एवं पी.एचडी. से सम्बंधित शुल्क जमा करने हेतु चालान का प्रारूप
27-12-2018 सम्बधता शुल्क, शारीरिक शिक्षण शुल्क, छात्रसंघ शुल्क जमा करने हेतु चालान का प्रारूप
19-12-2018 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (B.C.A. Part-03)
20-12-2018 Time Table (Semester Exam Dec.-Jan. 2018-19)
15-12-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (शेष पुनर्मूल्यांकन 20%) मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम. भाग 01, बी.एससी. भाग-01एवं भाग - 02, बी.ए. भाग-02)
15-12-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (शेष पुनर्मूल्यांकन 20%) मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम. भाग 01)
14-12-2018 Result Notification :- Retotalling (Annual Examination March- April 2018) - B.A. Part-01 & Part-02, B.Sc. Part-01
14-12-2018 प्रवेश पत्र का प्रारूप (पूरक परीक्षा 2018)
14-12-2018 उपथिति पत्रक प्रारूप (पूरक परीक्षा 2018)
14-12-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - (Third Sem. ATKT EXAM) - M.A. Geography, M.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Micro biology, Zoology, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Botany) B.Ed. (3rd Sem. ATKT)
14-12-2018 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Part-1 (20%) Annual Exam 2018
13-12-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (रोके गये पुनर्मूल्यांकन 20%) मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.ए. भाग 01, बी.सी.ए. भाग 01 एवं भाग 03)
13-12-2018 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (B.Com. Part-02 & 03, B.A. Part-03, B.Sc. Part-03)
13-12-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (मुख्य परीक्षा 2018) शेष बचे हुए परिणाम (पुनर्मूल्यांकन) बी.कॉम भाग -01
12-12-2018 Result Notification :- (20%) (Annual Examination March- April 2018) - B.Com. Part-01 & Part-2
12-12-2018 Result Notification :- (20%) (Annual Examination March- April 2018) - B.A. Part-2 & B.Sc. Part-2
12-12-2018 पूरक परीक्षा 2018 :- प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने एवं ऑफलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म (सम्बंधित परीक्षा केन्द्रों से) भरने हेतु आवश्यक निर्देश
11-12-2018 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-3 & B.Sc. Part-3 (20%) Annual Exam (March-April 2018)
11-12-2018 Result Notification :- B.A. Part-3 (20%) Annual Exam (March-April 2018)
11-12-2018 Result Notification :- (Third Sem-ATKT) May-June 2018 - M.A. (Hindi, English, Economics, Sociology, History, Political Science), M.Com (3rd Sem. ATKT) M.Sc. (Mathematics)
10-12-2018 Result Notification :- (First & Third Sem-ATKT) May-June 2018 - M.Ed. (1st & 3rd Sem-ATKT), B.P.Ed. (1st Sem-ATKT),
09-12-2018 Result Notification (Re-Valuation) :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (B.A. Part-01 )
07-12-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - B.Ed. (1st Sem. ATKT) & M.Sc. Computer Science (1st Sem. ATKT)
07-12-2018 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Ed. Second Semester (May-June 2018) -Bhaskar Kumar (St. Thomas College, Bhilai)
07-12-2018 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A. Part-2 (Annual Examination 2018)
06-12-2018 Result Notification :- First Semester (ATKT) Exam (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Micro biology, Maths, Physics, Zoology, Biotechnology, Home Science(Textile & Clothing, Food Science & Nutrition), M.A. (English, Economics, Geography, Hindi, Sociology, Political Science, History)),
05-12-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Com. (1st Sem. ATKT) & LLb Part-1 (1st Sem. ATKT)
03-12-2018 List of Supervisor/Co-supervisor (Hindi, Commerce, Biotechnology
03-12-2018 कार्यवृत्त :- विद्या परिषद् की बैठक दिनांक 02-11-18
03-12-2018 कार्यवृत्त :- कार्य परिषद् की बैठक दिनांक 05-11-18
01-12-2018 Result Notification :- (Second Sem-ATKT) May-June 2018 - M.Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths, Physics, Zoology) M.A. (English, Economics, Geography) M.Com, M.Ed., MSW, B.Ed., LLB Part-2
01-12-2018 Result Notification :(U.F.M.) - Semester Exam May-June 2018- B.Ed. (Second & Fourth Sem.), M.A. (English & Economics), M.Sc. (Botany & Maths), BBA 4th Sem.
01-12-2018 Result Notification (Re-Valuation) :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (B.Sc. Part-01 )
01-12-2018 Result Notification (Retotal) :- Annual Exam_ 2018 (B.Sc. & B.Com. Part-02 )
29-11-2018 Result Notification :(U.F.M.) - Semester Exam May-June 2018- (BBA, B.P.Ed.,DCA, PGDCA, M.A.-Hindi, Psychology) Second Semester, M.Com. & LLB - 4th Semester, LLB 6th Semester
29-11-2018 Time Table :- BBA 6th Sem (Special Exam) Dec.- 2018
29-11-2018 Result Notification (U.F.M.) - Annual Exam 2018 (M.A. Prev.-Hindi, English, M.Com. (Prev.&Final), M.Sc. Maths (Prev.), M.A. final (Economics, Hindi, Political Science, Sociology)
28-11-2018 Admit Card and Attendence Sheet Format for Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan.) 2018-19
28-11-2018 Offline Exam Form Format for Semester Examination Dec.-Jan. 2018-19
28-11-2018 Notification :- Semester (Dec.-Jan.) 2018-19 Examination Form (Offline)
27-11-2018 Result Notification :- Revaluation (Annual Examination March- April 2018) - B.Sc. Part-2
27-11-2018 अधिसूचना:- परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म (ऑफलाइन) बीबीए 4th सेमेस्टर एटीकेटी से उत्तीर्ण परीक्षार्थियों की षष्टम सेम की परीक्षा आयोजित करने विषयक
27-11-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. Computer Science (Fourth Sem.), BBA (Second and Fourth Sem.-ATKT)
24-11-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. Mathematics (Fourth Sem.), M.A. Geography (Fourth Sem.), M.A. English (Fourth Sem.), B.B.A. (Fourth Sem.)
24-11-2018 Notification :- Center List - Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan.) 2018-19
24-11-2018 Time Table :- B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01 (Session 2017-18)
24-11-2018 Download :- Admit Card and Attandence Sheet Format (For B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. Part-01) Session 2017-18
24-11-2018 Download:- Offline Exam Form Format (B.Sc./B.A. B.Ed. part- 01 (Session 2017-18)
24-11-2018 Notification :- Offline Exam Form (B.Sc./B.A. B.Ed. part- 01 (Session 2017-18)
22-11-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development, Food Science and Nutrition & Textile and Clothing-Fourth Sem.), M.A. Political Science, Economics, History, Hindi (Fourth Sem.) & M.S.W. (Fourth Sem.)
17-11-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. Botany (Fourth Sem.)
16-11-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Examination (May-June 2018) - M.Sc. Zoology (Fourth Sem.) & M.Sc. Chemistry (Fourth Sem.)
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Home Science
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Education
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Commerce
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Biotechnology
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Microbiology
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Zoology
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Botany
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Mathematics
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Geology
16-11-2018 Result Notification (UFM) :- Annual Exam 2018 - BCA Part- 01 & 02, B.Sc. Part-01 & 02, B.A. Part- 01, B.Com. Part-01 & 03
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Chemistry
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Physics
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Political Science
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - History
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Sociology
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Economics
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - English
16-11-2018 Phd Course Work Syllabus - Hindi
14-11-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 (एम्.ए. मनोविज्ञान (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. समाजशास्त्र (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर) एवं एम्.एससी. जीव-विज्ञान (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर) )
14-11-2018 अधिसूचना :- शोध केंद्र विषयक
14-11-2018 महाविद्यालय के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक जानकारी प्रेषित करने विषयक
12-11-2018 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु जारी नवीन समय सारणी
12-11-2018 ऑफलाइन नामांकन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
05-11-2018 Result Notification :-( Revaluation ) B.C.A. Part-01 & Part- 02 Annual Exam 2018
03-11-2018 Result Notification :-(Semester Exam May-June 2018) M.Lib. 1st Semester (ATKT) & M.Lib. Second Semester
03-11-2018 Result Notification :-( Revaluation ) B.C.A. Part-03 Annual Exam 2018
01-11-2018 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-01 (Annual Exam March-April 2018)
31-10-2018 Result Notification :- PGDCA (Second Semester) & DCA (Second Semester) Exam May-June 2018
29-10-2018 Result Notification :- M.Com. (Fourth Semester) & LLB Part-02 (Second Semester) May-June 2018
29-10-2018 Result Notification :- M.Ed. (Second Semester) Exam May-June 2018
25-10-2018 ऑफलाइन नामांकन :- सत्र 2018-19
25-10-2018 ऑफलाइन नामांकन :- सत्र 2018-19
25-10-2018 Result Notification:- (Re-totaling) Annual Exam 2018 (B.Com. Part-01, 02, & BCA Part-01)
25-10-2018 Result Notification :- B.Ed., M.S.W., BBA (Second Semester) May-June 2018
24-10-2018 पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु ऑफलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म
17-10-2018 Result Notification :- LLB Part-01 (Second Semester) May-June 2018
17-10-2018 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com. Part-02 & B.Sc. (Home Science Part-01, 02, 03) (Annual Exam 2018)
17-10-2018 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.A. Part-01, 02, 03 (Annual Exam 2018)
17-10-2018 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की तिथि में वृद्धि
16-10-2018 सूचना :- शोध निर्देशक मान्य किये जाने हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित करने विषयक
16-10-2018 अधिसूचना :- मान्यता प्राप्त शोध केन्द्रों एवं शोध निर्देशकों की संशोधित सूची
16-10-2018 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- B.Sc. Part-01, 02, 03 (Annual Exam 2018)
12-10-2018 Result Notification :- M.Sc. Biotechnology (Fourth Semester) May-June 2018
11-10-2018 DRC के लिए कुलपति महोदय द्वारा नामित सदस्य
11-10-2018 सूचना : शोध निर्देशकों हेतु प्रस्तुत आवेदनों पर RDC द्वारा लिए गए निर्णय
10-10-2018 Result Notification :- Second Semester (May-june 2018) M.Sc. (Maths, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science) & M.A. Sociology
10-10-2018 अधिसूचना:- प्रायोगिक पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
09-10-2018 सूचना:- शोध निर्देशक मान्य किये जाने हेतु आवेदन
08-10-2018 Result Notification:- M.A. (Home Science) Second Semester, M.Sc.(Zoology) Second Sem., M.Sc. (Physics) Second Sem., & M.Sc. (Microbiology) Second Sem. Exam May-June 2018
05-10-2018 Result Notification :-(Semester Exam_May-june 2018) M.Sc. (Home Science) - Human Development, Texttile and Clothing, food and Nutrition ( Second Sem.) M.A. Psychology, Geography (second Sem.) & M.Sc. Botany (Second Semester)
05-10-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (पुनर्मूल्यांकन)- बी.ए. (भाग - 03)
05-10-2018 Tender for Pre & Post Examination Works
05-10-2018 अधिसूचना :- DRC के लिए कुलपति महोदय द्वारा नामित सदस्यों की सूची (जिन शोध केन्द्रों में दो से कम शोध निर्देशक पदस्थ हैं)
04-10-2018 EC Minutes (Date 01-10-2018)
01-10-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 (एम्.ए. अंग्रेजी (द्वितीय सेमेस्टर) एवं एम्.ए. अर्थशास्त्र (द्वितीय सेमेस्टर) )
29-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 (बीपीएड. द्वितीय सेमेस्टर एवं द्वितीयसेमेस्टर एटीकेटी)
28-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (पुनःपुनर्मूल्यांकन)- बीबीए (प्रथम, तृतीय एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर) दिस.-जन. 2017-18 एवं एलएलबी (प्रथम सेमेस्टर) दिस.-जन. 2017-18
27-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड) मुख्य परीक्षा 2017, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून 2017), पूरक परीक्षा (2017), एवं सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जन. 2017-18)
27-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (एम्.ए. इतिहास एवं एम.कॉम.) द्वितीय सेमेस्टर, मई-जून 2018
25-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र ऑनलाइन पद्धति से प्रारंभ करने विषयक
23-09-2018 पूरक परीक्षा 2018 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
23-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (बी.एड. एवं एम्.एड.) चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर, मई-जून 2018
22-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (एम्.ए. (हिंदी) एवं एम्.ए. (राजनीति शास्त्र) द्वितीय सेमेस्टर ) मई-जून 2018
20-09-2018 Result Notification :- Annual Exam 2018 (Revaluation) B.Sc. Part-3
20-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (एम्.एससी. भौतिकशास्त्र, चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर ) मई-जून 2018
18-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम निरस्त करने विषयक (बी.एससी. प्रथम वर्ष एवं बी.ए. प्रथम वर्ष) मुख्य परीक्षा 2018
14-09-2018 शोध उपाधि हेतु निर्देशकों के निर्देशन निर्धारण एवम्‌ निर्देश विषयक
11-09-2018 नए शोध निदेशकों की सूची
11-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- पुनर्मूल्यांकन (Revaluation) परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम.भाग -03)
05-09-2018 पीएच.डी./डी.लिट्/डी.एससी. हेतु समेकित शुल्क संरचना
04-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 (एलएलबी. भाग-03 द्वितीय सेमेस्टर)
01-09-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, पुनर्गणना (Retotaling), मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.ए. भाग -03, बी.एससी भाग-03, बी.कॉम. भाग-3, बी.सी.ए. भाग-02 एवं भाग- 03)
31-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.ए. भाग -01)
30-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (अनुचित साधन प्रकरण) U.F.M. मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम. भाग 01, 02 एवं भाग 03)
29-08-2018 पाठ्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक अधिसूचना
28-08-2018 EC Minutes (Date 14-08-2018)
25-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.ए. भाग -02 एवम बी. लिब. )
23-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.एससी. भाग -01)
21-08-2018 M.A. English (Semester Exam) 2018-19
18-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.एससी. भाग-2)
14-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (एम्.ए. पूर्व - हिंदी, एम्.कॉम. पूर्व एवं एम्.ए. पूर्व - अंग्रेजी) )
12-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2018 (बीबीए - षष्टम सेमेस्टर )
11-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (एम्.ए. अंतिम - हिंदी)
09-08-2018 समय सारणी :- बी.पी.एड. (द्वितीय सेमेस्टर) के एक परीक्षार्थी की पुनः परीक्षा आयोजित करने विषयक
07-08-2018 आदेश :- शासी निकाय
07-08-2018 Result Notification :- Pre-Ph.D. Exam.-2018
06-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून 2018) - बी.पी.एड. (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर)
06-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018, (एम.ए. पूर्व - मनोविज्ञान, संस्कृत, लोकप्रशासन, भूगोल एवं एम.एससी. पूर्व व अंतिम - गणित)
04-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (मुख्य परीक्षा 2018) एम्.ए. (अंतिम) अंग्रेजी, एवं एम्.ए. (पूर्व) अर्थशास्त्र
03-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018, बी.कॉम. भाग-01
02-08-2018 केन्द्रीय एंटी रैगिंग समिति के प्राक्टोरियल बोर्ड के सदस्यों का मनोनयन
02-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड) सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18, एवं पूरक परीक्षा 2017
01-08-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018, एम.ए. (अंतिम) मनोविज्ञान एवं एम.कॉम. (अंतिम)
27-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (एम.ए. (पूर्व) दर्शनशास्त्र, राजनीति विज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र, इतिहास)
26-07-2018 पीएच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2018 (परीक्षार्थियों की सूची)
26-07-2018 आदेश :- पीएच.डी. प्रवेश परीक्षा 2018
26-07-2018 आदेश :- जाति आधारित भेदभाव रोकने हेतु समिति का गठन
26-07-2018 आदेश :- विजन कमेटी का गठन
26-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- विद्या सम्बन्धी योजना एवं मूल्याङ्कन बोर्ड का गठन
24-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम. भाग - 02)
24-07-2018 सूचना :- शोध उपाधि प्रवेश परीक्षा 2018
24-07-2018 उपाधि हेतु आवेदन पत्र (अस्थायी) का प्रारूप
20-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 एम्.ए. अंतिम (राजनीतिशास्त्र, इतिहास, समाजशास्त्र )
23-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.सी.ए. भाग - 01 एवं भाग 02 )
19-07-2018 सूचना :- शोध निर्देशक मान्य किये जाने की अंतिम तिथि 31-08-2018
18-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (एम्.ए. अंतिम दर्शनशास्त्र)
17-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.ए. भाग-3)
13-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (एम्.ए. अंतिम - संस्कृत, एम्.ए. अंतिम- लोकप्रशासन, एम्.ए. अंतिम - भूगोल एवं एम्.ए. अंतिम-अर्थशास्त्र)
10-07-2018 शोध निर्देशक के रूप में मान्यता प्रदान करने हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप
09-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- प्रथम, तृतीय एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा (जुलाई 2018) हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
07-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Witheld) मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.एससी. भाग -03) एवं एम्.ए. हिंदी (प्रथम सेमेस्टर) दिस.-जनवरी 2017-18
07-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- मुख्य परीक्षा 2017, एम्.ए. (पूर्व) दर्शनशास्त्र में (किशोर कुमार वर्मा) के रोके गये पुनर्मूल्यांकन (20%) का परीक्षा परिणाम
05-07-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.एससी. भाग - 03)
04-07-2018 पी.एचडी. कोर्स वर्क की परीक्षा हेतु आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप
03-07-2018 Result Notification :- Annual Exam 2018 B.C.A. Part III
02-07-2018 Result Notification :- Annual Result (Witheld) B.Com. Part-3
30-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.कॉम. भाग - 03)
29-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- शोध उपाधि परीक्षा आयोजन की अधिसूचना
29-06-2018 सेमेस्टर प्रायोगिक परीक्षा (मई-जून 2018) में प्रायोगिक परीक्षा नहीं देने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की पुन: प्रायोगिक परीक्षा आयोजित करने विषयक पत्र एवं सूची
28-06-2018 Result Notification (witheld) :- Semester Exam_2017-18 (Dec.-Jan.)
28-06-2018 Result Notification :- Annual Exam_2018 (B.HSc. Part-1 & 2)
19-01-2018 Syllabus :- B.C.A. (Bacholar of Computer Application) Part- 1, 2 & 3
25-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2018 (बी.एससी.-गृह विज्ञान, भाग - 03)
21-06-2018 अधिसूचना:- क्रीडा प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने वाले सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (PGDCA & BBA) के परीक्षार्थियों की पुनः परीक्षा आयोजित करने के सम्बन्ध में समय सारिणी
21-06-2018 Time Table :- 1st & 3rd Semester (ATKT) Exam July 2018
20-06-2018 अधिसूचना:- क्रीडा प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने वाले परीक्षार्थियों की पुनः परीक्षा आयोजित करने के सम्बन्ध में समय सारिणी
19-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- मान्यता प्राप्त शोध केन्द्रों एवं शोध निदेशकों की सूची
11-06-2018 कार्यवृत्त :- कार्य परिषद् की तृतीय बैठक दिनांक 01-06-2018
11-06-2018 कार्यवृत्त :- स्थायी समिति की बैठक दिनांक 28-05-2018
08-06-2018 प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका (सत्र 2018-19)
08-06-2018 Academic Calender (Session 2018-19)
05-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Revaluation 20%) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
05-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Re totaling) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
04-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Revaluation) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
02-06-2018 दुर्ग विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग का नाम परिवर्तन कर "हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग " करने सम्बन्धी अधिसूचना
02-06-2018 दुर्ग विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग का नाम परिवर्तन कर "हेमचंद यादव विश्वविद्यालय, दुर्ग " करने सम्बन्धी अधिसूचना
19-03-2018 Ordinance 185 B. Ed. Semester System
19-03-2018 Ordinance 180 LLB Semester System
19-03-2018 Ordinance 170 for Semester System
01-06-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम ATKT, EX. (Reg.) (Witheld) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
31-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Revaluation) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
29-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Retotaling) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
25-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Retotaling) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
23-05-2018 समय सारिणी (Time-Table) :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (Second, Fourth, Sixth) 2018 हेतु नवीन समय सारिणी
22-05-2018 Bastar University :- Advertisement for Various Teaching/Academic Staff Position of University Teaching Departments on Regular Basis.
22-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 की समय सारिणी (Time-Table) को अपरिहार्य कारणों से निरस्त करने की सूचना
19-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड ) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
19-05-2018 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड ) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
17-05-2018 प्रथम, तृतीय एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा (जून-जुलाई ) 2018 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र
16-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड ) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
10-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (विथेल्ड ) (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी) 2017-18
10-05-2018 Result Notification :- Semester Exam (ATKT) (Dec.-Jan.) 2017-18
09-05-2018 सूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 के परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने हेतु वेबपोर्टल दिनांक 10-05-18 को (केवल 01 दिन के लिए) आरम्भ करने विषयक
08-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Retotal) - सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी. 2017-18
08-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम - सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (ATKT) दिस.-जनवरी. 2017-18
05-05-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम - सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (ATKT) दिस.-जनवरी. 2017-18
04-05-2018 स्नातक/ स्नातकोत्तर स्तर के स्वाध्यायी परीक्षार्थियों की प्रायोगिक परीक्षा आयोजित करने विषयक
27-04-2018 Result Notification (witheld):- Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2017-18)
27-04-2018 Result Notification :- LLB Part-3 (1st Sem.) Dec.-Jan. 2017-18
25-04-2018 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Annual/Supple/Semester Exam 2017
25-04-2018 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) Semester Examination (Dec.-Jan. 2017-18)
25-04-2018 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र
23-04-2018 सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (मई-जून) 2018 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
18-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- पुनर्गणना (Re totaling) परीक्षा परिणाम, (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एम्.ए. भूगोल (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. समाजशास्त्र (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. अर्थशास्त्र (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. इतिहास (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.एस.डब्लू. (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एम्.एससी. कंप्यूटर विज्ञान (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एम्.एससी. प्राणीविज्ञान (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एम्.एससी. गृहविज्ञान (Food Science) (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.एससी. सूक्ष्म जीव विज्ञान (तृतीय सेमेस्टर),
18-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - बी.बी.ए. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर)
17-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - बी.एड. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर),
14-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एम् लिब. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम् एससी. गणित (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), एलएलबी. (तृतीय सेमेस्टर)
13-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एल.एल.बी. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), बी.पी.एड. (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), बी.पी.एड. (तृतीय सेमेस्टर ), एम्.एड. (प्रथम एवं तृतीय सेमेस्टर ), बी.एड. (तृतीय सेमेस्टर), पीजीडीसीए एवं डीसीए (प्रथम सेमेस्टर)
12-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एम्.ए. मनोविज्ञान (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), एम्.एससी. गृह विज्ञान (Textile & Clothing) (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.एससी. गृह विज्ञान (Human Development) (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. राजनीति विज्ञान (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), बीबीए (तृतीय एवं पंचम सेमेस्टर )
11-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एम्.एससी. रसायन शास्त्र (प्रथम एवं तृतीय सेमेस्टर ), एम्.एससी. कंप्यूटर विज्ञान (प्रथम सेमेस्टर), एम्.ए. समाजशास्त्र (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), एवं एम्.ए. हिंदी (प्रथम सेमेस्टर )
10-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) - एम्.एससी. बायोटेक्नोलॉजी (प्रथम सेमेस्टर ), एम्.एससी. भौतिक शास्त्र (प्रथम एवं तृतीय सेमेस्टर) एवं एम्.कॉम. (प्रथम एवं तृतीय सेमेस्टर)
04-04-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18)
23-03-2018 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जन. 2017-18) एम्एससी. गृह विज्ञान, प्राणीशास्त्र, कंप्यूटर विज्ञान, माइक्रोबायोलॉजी
20-03-2018 संशोधित अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (एम्.ए. समाजशास्त्र तृतीय सेमेस्टर परीक्षा) दिस.-जन. 2017-18
16-03-2018 परीक्षा परिणाम :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी 2017-18 (एम्.ए. प्रथम सेमे.- इतिहास, भूगोल, गृह विज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र) एवं एम्.ए. भूगोल तृतीय सेमेस्टर
08-03-2018 Result Notification :- Witheld (Environmental Studies B.A. Part-2) Exam 2017
28-02-2018 परीक्षा परिणाम :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिस.-जनवरी 2017-18 (एम्.ए. - मनोविज्ञान, इतिहास, अर्थशास्त्र) एवं एम्.एस.डब्ल्यू. तृतीय सेमेस्टर
24-02-2018 प्रवेश पत्र (Admit Card) :- मुख्य परीक्षा (वार्षिक) 2018
13-02-2018 Result Notification :- Witheld (B.Com. Part-2, B.Sc. Part-1 & 2, B.A. Part-1 & 2, B.Ed.)
07-02-2018 Application for appointment of The Vice Chancellor (Kulapati)
05-02-2018 मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 के पुनर्मूल्यांकन में उत्तीर्ण होने के पश्चात पूरक परीक्षा में शामिल परीक्षार्थियों के पूरक परिणाम निरस्त आदेश (B.A. Part-1 & 2, B.Sc. Part-2, B.Com. Part-1 & 2)
02-02-2018 Result Notification (Re-totaling) :- B.A. & B.Sc. Part-1, 2 (Supplementary Exam Dec. 2017)
02-02-2018 बी.ए. भाग 01, 02, 03 के समय सारिणी के अनुसार विषय समूह के चयन के सम्बन्ध में
02-02-2018 समय सारिणी :- मुख्य परीक्षा (वार्षिक) 2018 के सम्बन्ध में
01-02-2018 Result Notification (Re totaling) :- B.Sc. Part-2 (Supplementary Exam 2017)
01-02-2018 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Lib and Information Science (Annual Exam 2017)
31-01-2018 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-1, Supplementary Exam.(Dec. 2017) (Re-totalling)
30-01-2018 Result Notification :- B.Com. Part-2, Supplementary Exam. (Re-totalling) (Dec. 2017)
30-01-2018 Result Notification :- B.Sc. Home Science Part-2, Supplementary Exam (Dec. 2017) (Re-totalling)
30-01-2018 Result Notification :- (Revaluation 20%) B.B.A. 2nd & 4th Semester (May-June 2017)
27-01-2018 Result Notification (Re-Revaluation) :- B.Sc. (Part-1&2), B.A. Part-2, BBA (4th Sem.)
27-01-2018 Result Notification (Re totaling) :- B.C.A. Part-1 & Part-2
25-01-2018 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Supplementary/Sem. Exam 2017
24-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- U.F.M.
18-01-2018 Tender Document for Security Services
17-01-2018 Result Notification :- (Witheld)
17-01-2018 M. A./M.Sc. Geography (Annual Exam) 2017-18
17-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- B.A. Part-1
16-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- B.Sc. Part- 1, 2, B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-1, 2 & B.A. Part-2
16-01-2018 M. A. Geography (Semester Exam) 2017-18
15-01-2018 परीक्षा आवेदन (वार्षिक) स्वीकार करने की तिथि में दिनांक 22-01-18 तक वृद्धि
12-01-2018 M. A. Public Administration (Annual Exam) 2018
12-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- B. Com. Part-1
11-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- B. Com. Part-2
10-01-2018 गोस्वारा/नॉमिनलरोल (मुख्य परीक्षा 2018) प्रारूप
06-01-2018 अधिसूचना :- विद्या परिषद् का गठन
05-01-2018 Result Notification (Supplementary Exam 2017) :- B.C.A. Part-1 & Part-2
04-01-2018 B.Sc. (Home Science) Part 3 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 B.Sc. (Home Science) Part 2 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-1 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 B.Com. Part-3 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 B.Com. Part-2 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 B.Com. Part-1 (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 M. A./M.Sc. Mathematics (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 M. A. Philosophy (Annual Exam) 2018
04-01-2018 M. A. Sanskrit (Annual Exam) 2018
03-01-2018 National Workshop on Innovation Digitization Tech. towards mission digital india (12th-13th January 2018)
02-01-2018 M. A. Psychology (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M. A. Political Science (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M. A. History (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M. A. Hindi (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M. Com. (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M.A. Sociology (Annual Exam) 2018
02-01-2018 M.A. Economics (Annual Exam) 2018
27-12-2017 16th Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress on 27th & 28th February 2018
23-12-2017 Notification :- Exam Centers for Annual Examination 2018
23-12-2017 Notification :- Online Exam. Form for Annual Examination 2018
23-12-2017 Offline Exam Form for Second Semester (ATKT) Exam January 2018
20-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- M.A. (Previous) Philoshophy
09-03-2018 Annual Exam (2018) :- Blank Admit Card and Attendance Sheet for Exam Centers
19-12-2017 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Annual Exam 2017 & Semester Exam (May-June 2017)
19-12-2017 Blank Attendence Sheet Formate for (Evs & B.Com. Computer Application Part 1 & 2) Supplementry Exam. 2017
19-12-2017 Blank Admit Card Formate for (Evs & B.Com. Computer Application Part 1 & 2) Supplementry Exam. 2017
19-12-2017 पर्यावरण अध्ययन एवं बी.कॉम. "कंप्यूटर एप्लीकेशन " भाग 01 एवं 02 हेतु पूरक परीक्षा 2017 की समय सारिणी
18-12-2017 द्वितीय सेमेस्टर (ATKT) परीक्षा जनवरी 2018 हेतु समय सारिणी
15-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.Sc. Part- 1 & LLB Part 1 (Second Semester) May-June 2017
14-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%):- M.A. (Previous) Geography, Sociology, Political Science, Hindi
12-12-2017 Result Notification :- (Re-Revaluation) B.Sc./B.A. Part-01 & 02
12-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 2nd and 4th Semester Exam (May-June 2017)
11-12-2017 Result Notification (Retotaling) :- Annual Exam 2017 & Semester Exam (May-June 2017)
07-12-2017 दिव्यांग परीक्षार्थियों हेतु आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश
08-12-2017 Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Hotels
07-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- BBA 2nd and 4th Semester Exam (May-June 2017)
06-12-2017 संशोधित अधिसूचना (समय सारिणी ) :- एम.ए. (इतिहास) तृतीय सेमेस्टर परीक्षा की समय सारिणी में संशोधन
06-12-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- L.L.B. Part-1 & 2, (Second Sem.)
05-12-2017 Result Notification (Witheld) :- M.Com. (1st Sem.ATKT), B.Sc. Part-1, BBA (4th Sem.)
04-12-2017 समय सारिणी :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा (दिसंबर - जनवरी 2017-18)
30-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Re-Revaluation) B.Com. Part-01 & 02
30-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Retotaling) Second Semester (May-June 2017)
29-11-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation & Rev. 20%) :- B.A. Part-2, B.Sc. Part-2
29-11-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- Annual Exam 2017 (PG)
29-11-2017 बी.कॉम. भाग - 01 एवं 02 के कम्प्यूटर एप्लीकेशन के पूरक परीक्षा 2017 के लिए ऑफलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म
29-11-2017 बी.कॉम. भाग - 01 एवं 02 के कम्प्यूटर एप्लीकेशन के पूरक परीक्षा 2017 के लिए ऑफलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म
28-11-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.A. Part-2
28-11-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation 20%) :- B.A. Part-2
27-11-2017 Result Notification (Witheld) :- Annual Exam 2017 & Semester Exam - (May-June 2017)
25-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) B.Sc. Part-2 (शेष परिणाम)
24-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation 20%) B.Sc. Part-2
23-11-2017 Notification :- Online Semester Exam Form for B.Ed./M.Ed. Students
23-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- बी.एड./एम्.एड. हेतु ऑनलाइन नामांकन पोर्टल पुनः प्रारंभ करने विषयक
22-11-2017 Result Notification :- BBA 2nd Semester (ATKT) (May-June2017)
22-11-2017 आवश्यक सूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2017 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन तिथि में दिनांक 26-11-17 तक वृद्धि
22-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- ऑनलाइन नामांकन एवं सेमेस्टर परीक्षा हेतु ऑनलाइन पोर्टल पुनः प्रारंभ करने विषयक
21-11-2017 समय सारिणी :- पूरक परीक्षा 2017
21-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Annual Exam 2017 & Semester Exam (May-June 2017)
21-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation 20%) B.A. Part-1
21-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) B.A. Part-2
20-11-2017 Result Notification (U.F.M.) :- BBA (II sem.), M.A. (Hindi) 1st Sem. (ATKT)
15-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Witheld) B.Sc. Part-1 & 2, BCA part-2, B.A. Part-1 & 2, BBA (2nd sem.) MA Previous (Hindi), B.Ed. (1st Sem)
14-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation) B.A. Part- 1
13-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2017-18 हेतु परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
13-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2017-18 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन
10-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Revaluation 20%) B.Sc. Part 1
08-11-2017 Result Notification :- (U.F.M.) Semester Exam (May-June) 2017
08-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Witheld) Annual Exam 2017 & Semester Exam (May-June) 2017
08-11-2017 Result Notification :- (Re-totaling) B.A. Part-1
02-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2017 हेतु निर्धारित परीक्षा केन्द्रों की सूची
02-11-2017 Result Notification :- Revaluation (B.Sc. Part- 2)
02-11-2017 अधिसूचना :- पूरक परीक्षा 2017 हेतु ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आवेदन फॉर्म भरने विषयक
01-11-2017 Result Notification :- B.A. Part- 2 (Retotalling)
01-11-2017 Result Notification :- B.A. Part- 2 (Retotalling)
01-11-2017 Result Notification :- Revaluation (20%) B. Com. Part-2
31-10-2017 Result Notification :- Retotalling (B.Sc. Part-1 & Part-2), B.C.A. Part-1
31-10-2017 Result Notification :- Revaluation (B.Sc. Part-1)
30-10-2017 Result Notification:- (Witheld) B.A. Part-1 & 2, B.Sc. Part-2, M.A. Previous (Political Science), M.A. 2nd Sem. (Economics, Hindi, Political Sci.) LLB Part-1 & 2 (Second Sem.)
30-10-2017 Result Notification:- 1st Sem. ATKT (M.Com., B.P.Ed.)
27-10-2017 Result Notification:- 1st Sem. ATKT (B.Ed./M.Ed./M.Lib.)
26-10-2017 Result Notification:- 1st Sem. ATKT M.A. (Economics, Sociology, Pol. Science, English, Hindi) & M.Sc. (Comp. Sci.)
26-10-2017 Result Notification:- Witheld (B.Sc. Part-1)
26-10-2017 Result Notification:- (Revaluation 20%) BCA Part-1 & 2, B.Com. Part-1
25-10-2017 Result Notification :- M.A. 1st Sem. ATKT (Geography, History, Psychology) M.Sc. 1st Sem ATKT (Botany)
24-10-2017 Result Notification :- M.Sc. 1st Sem. ATKT (Maths, Physics, Microbiology, Zoology)
17-10-2017 M.A. English (Annual Examination) 2018
16-10-2017 Result Notification (Second Semester) :- LLB part-1 (1st sem ATKT) & Second Sem., ATKT, LLB Part-2 (1st Sem. & 2nd Sem.) M.Sc. Biotech (2nd Sem.)
13-10-2017 M.S.W. (Semester Examination) 2017-19
13-10-2017 Result Notification (Witheld):- Second Semester (B.Ed., B.P.Ed., M.Com., PGDCA, M.A. Geography)
12-10-2017 अंकसूची की द्वितीय प्रति प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदन पत्र
12-10-2017 नाम एवं उपनाम परिवर्तन हेतु आवेदन पत्र
11-10-2017 Result Notification (Witheld) :- (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.A., M.A. Pre. Hindi, M.A. Pre.Political Science, M.A. Pre.Sociology )
09-10-2017 Result Notification(Revaluation) :- B.Sc. (Home Science) Part-1, BCA Part- 1 & 2
09-10-2017 नामांकन हेतु आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि में वृद्धि दिनांक 12-10-2017
07-10-2017 Result Notification (Retotalling) :- B.Com Part 1
07-10-2017 Result Notification (Revaluation) :- B.Com Part 1
07-10-2017 Result Notification :- LLB Part-2 (1st Sem. ATKT)
07-10-2017 Result Notification :- LLB Part-1 (2nd Semester)
06-10-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (बीबीए द्वितीय सेमेस्टर-2017) (संशोधित)
04-10-2017 नामांकन/एनरोलमेंट रिटर्न जमा करने हेतु गोस्वारा फॉर्म का प्रारूप (महाविद्यालयों हेतु)
03-10-2017 Result Notification :- BBA (2nd & 4th Semester), LLB Part-2 (2nd Sem.)
03-10-2017 Result Notification:-LLB Part-1, (1st Sem.-ATKT)
27-09-2017 अधिसूचना :- महाविद्यालयों हेतु आबंटित नवीन महाविद्यालय क्रमांक/ कोड
27-09-2017 अधिसूचना :- बी. एड./एम.एड. के सैधांतिक एवं आतंरिक अंक विषयक
27-09-2017 प्रवेश पात्रता हेतु आवेदन फॉर्म (नियमित विद्यार्थियों के लिए )
26-09-2017 अधिसूचना :- (पुनर्मूल्यांकन) मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.कॉम. द्वितीय वर्ष)
23-09-2017 ऑनलाइन नामांकन फॉर्म 2017-18
22-09-2017 Result Notification :- Witheld (B.A., B.Com, B.Sc., B.C.A.)
13-09-2017 Result Notification :- (Witheld) B.Sc. Part-1 & Part-2, B.Com. Part-2, B.A. Part-2, B.C.A. Part-1, BBA 3rd Sem. (RRV)
11-09-2017 Result Notification :- U.F.M. (B.A. Part-1)
11-09-2017 Result Notification :- (Witheld) B.Com.Part - I, B.Sc. Part-I & II, B.C.A. Part-I
11-09-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, एम.एड. द्वितीय सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2017 (संशोधित)
05-09-2017 Result Notification :- (Second Semester-2017) - M.Lib., DCA & PGDCA
04-09-2017 Result Notification :- (Second Semester-2017) M.S.W., B.P.Ed., M.Ed., M.Sc. (Computer Science)
04-09-2017 Result Notification:- U.F.M. (B.A. Part-2)
01-09-2017 Result Notification (Second Semester May-June 2017):- M.Sc. (Maths, Chemistry, Home Science) MA (Psychology, Sociology, Geography) & M.Com.
31-08-2017 छात्र संघ गठन
31-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.ए. भाग - 01 )
29-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय सेमेस्टर मई-जून 2017 (एम.ए. (अर्थशास्त्र) एम.एससी.- (प्राणीशास्त्र, भौतिकशास्त्र))
28-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय सेमेस्टर मई-जून 2017 (एम.ए. (अंग्रेजी) एम.एससी.- (वनस्पति शास्त्र, बायो-टेक्नोलॉजी, माइक्रो-बायोलोजी))
26-08-2017 Result Notification:- Re-totaling (B.Com. Part-2), MA Previous (Hindi, English)
26-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- द्वितीय सेमेस्टर मई-जून 2017 (बी.एड., एम.ए.- (हिंदी, राजनीतिशास्त्र, इतिहास))
24-08-2017 Result Notification :- Witheld (B.Com. 2nd Year)
22-08-2017 Result Notification :- U.F.M. (Annual Examination-2017)
21-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.ए. भाग - 02 )
18-08-2017 Master of Education (M.Ed.) Session 2017-19
18-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Re-Totaling) मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.सी.ए. भाग 01 एवं 02 )
17-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.एससी. भाग - 01 )
12-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.लिब. भाग - 01 एवं एम.ए. पूर्व (संस्कृत))
11-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- रुके हुए (witheld) परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.काम. भाग - 01 एवं भाग - 02)
10-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.एससी. भाग - 02)
03-08-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (एम्.ए. पूर्व - मनोविज्ञान एवं एम्.ए. पूर्व - दर्शनशास्त्र))
02-08-2017 Student Data
01-08-2017 संबद्धता शुल्क सम्बन्धी विवरण
26-07-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (एम्.ए. पूर्व - राजनीति विज्ञान)
26-07-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.कॉम. प्रथम वर्ष)
25-07-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम, मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (एम् ए. पूर्व हिंदी एवं एम.ए. पूर्व अंग्रेंजी)
24-07-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम (Re-Totaling) (M.Com. Prev., M.A. Prev. (Economics), & M.Sc. Prev.(Mathematics)
20-07-2017 अधिसूचना :- परीक्षा परिणाम मुख्य परीक्षा 2017 (बी.कॉम. द्वितीय वर्ष)
07-12-1999 test